Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 171 You wait and tap (15)

When Chu Huan used the "Unknown Divine Comedy" before, Chu Huan saw a trace of blood mist escape from the coffin when he saw the beasts in the coffin.

When Chu Huan used the "Unknown Divine Comedy" to transform the undead puppet, this special spar had not yet appeared.

In other words, Chu Huan's "suona" soul skill is likely to be able to forcibly remove these special energies from the beast's body.

In this case, letting Fu Wenbo lie down in the coffin might solve Fu Wenbo's problem.

Thinking, Chu Huan continued to ask.

But Zhou Qiang and the others didn't know much, and under Chu Huan's inquiry, they couldn't say much more useful information.

At this point, Chu Huan can only give up the idea of ​​exploring and prepare to ask Fu Wenbo in person later.

Without the occlusion of those blood mists, on the way back, everyone could see the surrounding situation more clearly.

"Look over there!"

However, just when Chu Huan and the others hadn't walked far, Li Yuanzheng suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, looking in the direction indicated by Li Yuanzheng, at a distance of several hundred meters from several people, several figures quickly walked through the woodland and approached them.

As his eyes focused, Chu Huan raised his brows slightly when he looked at the clothes of the picket on the figures on the opposite side.

The special spar before that absorbed all the blood mist in the secret realm of this beast made a lot of noise.

Obviously, the people from the picket office rushed over through this point.

As the thoughts turned, these pickets were already within a few dozen meters of distance from Chu Huan and the others in this fast-moving room.

During the process, the spirit power in Wei Tao and Li Yuanzheng's body has been mobilized.

However, as the distance got closer, the people from the picket office glanced at Chu Huan and the others, and they passed by one by one and continued to rush towards the center point with unabated speed.

"Huh? These guys just left like this?"

Looking at the picket team that was quickly leaving, Wei Tao let out a light sigh.

The other party didn't do anything, so Chu Huan naturally didn't bother to answer.

After his eyes were taken back from the few distant picket officers, his face returned to his usual state of laziness.


However, not long after Chu Huan and the others walked again, an abnormal sound suddenly sounded from the air.

He quickly raised his head to look, and in his sight, a black firework quickly rose in the air and exploded to form a special pattern like a tulip.

"It's a signal flare from the picket office!"

Wang Xinyue said solemnly after seeing the firework in the sky in the distance.

Almost as soon as the voice came out, as if it felt something, the team from the picket office went back and forth.

Once again, from a distance of about 100 meters, he rushed past Chu Huan and the others and ran straight to the area under the flare in the air.

"What are these guys doing?"

Looking at this picket, Wei Tao couldn't help frowning.

Instead, Chu Huan looked at the signal fireworks that gradually began to dissipate in the distance in the distance and the backs of the several picket staff softly.

After pondering for a few seconds, he said quietly: "That direction is the direction of the entrance to the secret passage of the beast."

Hearing this, the four of them quickly found something wrong in Chu Huan's words.

After thinking for a few seconds, Wang Xinyue said with a bit of uncertainty: "The boss means that the people at the picket office want to block us at the entrance to the secret realm?"

Zhou Qiang nodded and said, "It's very possible. After all, the main purpose of the people at the picket office is the same as ours. They are all here for the special spar at this moment! Now the blood mist in this secret realm has disappeared."

"From the picket's point of view, it is natural that someone got the special spar. Instead of looking around in the secret realm of beasts, it is better to gather people and rush to the entrance of the secret realm as soon as possible to prevent the Awakened who got the special spar from leaving the first time. ."

"In this case, the people at the picket office only need to search one by one to naturally know who got the special spar."

Wei Tao next to him scolded: "I said how could the people in the picket office see us leaving so easily, and the co-authors were so careful. How shameless."

The faces of Wang Xinyue and the others were also not very good, and they were obviously very dissatisfied with the actions of the picket office.

After guessing the current plan of the picket office under Chu Huan's prompt, Wei Tao looked at Chu Huan and asked, "Boss, what should we do?"

Chu Huan shrugged and said, "What does the picket's search for other Awakeneds have to do with us?"

Zhou Qiang frowned and said, "But with the relationship between our Awakened Association and the picket office, if those guys really block the entrance of the secret passage, I'm afraid they won't let us out so easily."

Chu Huan said nonchalantly, "Then you wait and do it lightly. After all, you killed the people at the picket in front of the other Awakeneds. It's not good to go out!"

Hearing this, Wei Tao and the others showed a clear look on their faces, and then said with a smile: "Understood!"

If the picket did this in normal times, Wei Tao and the others might be afraid.

If no one is strong in form, maybe they can only suffer a loss.

But this time, with Chu Huan's thigh.

It's good that they don't go to the picket offices.

If the picket office is really looking for trouble and bullying others, a few people don't mind coming here once.

Thinking about it, Wei Tao couldn't help showing a wicked smile when they looked at each other.

Half an hour later, with Chu Huan and the others walking at a leisurely pace, they also saw a lot of Awakened people rushing out from other places in the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm.

It's just that compared to Chu Huan and the others, these Awakeneds look much more miserable.

Basically, everyone is more or less colored.

There were even some Awakeneds who were seriously injured and carried on their backs.

Each one can be said to be haggard.

It's just that when the awakened people looked at Chu Huan and others who were neatly dressed and smiling, after a little surprise, the eyes of these awakened people were full of 3.6 full of fear.

After all, no one is stupid.

Chu Huan and others have stayed in this secret realm of beasts for so long, and they are still neatly dressed.

Therefore, after noticing the mental outlook of Chu Huan and others, these awakened people all distanced themselves from Chu Huan and others.

In this peaceful state, Chu Huan and the others saw the entrance of the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm passageway in the distance again.

However, at this moment, at the entrance of the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm, there are a dozen or so people scattered around.

At the entrance of the Fierce Beast Secret Realm passageway, there are more than a dozen people dressed as pickets serving.

Obviously, just like the guesses of the previous few people, the people at the picket office really gathered at the entrance of the passage to block the door. .

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