Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 168 is really l1ly (35 for subscription, data support)

After chatting with a few people, Chu Huan began to focus on business.

After taking out the map drawn earlier, Chu Huan pointed to the center point on the map where they were.

"According to Wei Tao's suggestion before, wait for the five of us to stand guard at this center point and the surrounding four directions."

"Once the special beast crystal appears next to someone, take the special beast crystal away as soon as possible."

"But considering your strength, I will assign these undead puppets to you to protect you later, but you must pay attention."

"You can't go beyond the 2,000-meter range of my sensing range, otherwise I won't be able to sense these undead puppets."

This necromancer from Chu Huan has a limited range.

From the previous test by Chu Huan himself in the Ferocious Beast Mystery Realm Wave, the sensing range can reach about two kilometers.

Once it exceeds two kilometers, the soul power in the undead puppet will be rapidly depleted at ten times the speed, until the soul power is completely exhausted and becomes a corpse again.

Therefore, if Wei Tao and a few people randomly moved beyond the range for a while, once they were besieged by beasts, Chu Huan could basically collect the corpse with tears in his eyes.

Among the four, the weakest was Wang Xinyue, who was a wet nurse.

So there were twenty-seven undead puppets, and Chu Huan arranged six each for Wei Tao, Li Yuanzheng and Zhou Qiang.

And the other nine were arranged by Chu Huan to Wang Xinyue's side.

As for the situation where Chu Huan distributed all the undead puppets to four people and didn't keep one, neither Wei Tao nor Li Yuanzheng felt that it was strange.

From the point of view of several people, as far as Chu Huan's strength is concerned, dealing with those abyss blood corpses or abyss blood mantis is just a matter of punching.

In such a situation, where do you need any help?

Looking at the undead puppets around him, Wei Tao asked curiously, "Boss, what are the strengths of these beasts' corpses after you have transformed them into puppets?"

Chu Huan said in a low voice: "The overall strength is the same, and there won't be much change, but other characteristics are the same as the undead beasts, and they are not afraid of death."

A few minutes later, when everything was negotiated, after adding a new buff effect to several people, Chu Huan quickly waved his hand, and several people rushed towards their respective positions as quickly as they had planned.

Chu Huan casually walked to the edge of a big tree.

With the moment of muscle tension, the body suddenly jumped up.

The next moment, the body of an abyss blood mantis fell to the ground from the top of the big tree, and the green blood quickly spread along the remaining half of the body.

It gently fell from above, and in the soul of the "suona" device, there was a three-point sadness, three-point yin, three-point pleasant, and one-point strange music sound.

Mixed with the woman's chant that echoed in his ears at the same time, Chu Huan took out a bag of potato chips from the space watch.

Seeing that the welcoming team quickly approached from a distance through the blood mist and then stopped in front of an abyss blood mantis corpse, Chu Huan couldn't help but have a thought.

"Would you like to try this sedan chair yourself?"

Although this "March of the Netherworld", Chu Huan has already made it clear.

But to be honest, Chu Huan himself has never sat in a sedan chair.

Anyway, I was idle. After the abyss blood mantis was transformed into a ghost-type puppet and sneaked into the ground under the control of Chu Huan, Chu Huan again controlled the "suona" to play.

But this time, Chu Huan played with himself as the target.

However, as Chu Huan continued to play the tune with himself as the goal this time.

Until the end of the song, let alone the welcoming team.

Even the soul power in Chu Huan's body has only decreased a little.

And this reduction is still consumed by the singing of the tune during the playing.

Really blowing a lonely.

Seeing this, Chu Huan still doesn't understand, the two soul skills of the "Suona" tool soul are completely useless to Chu Huan himself.

Thinking of this, Chu Huan was also slightly disappointed.

You know, through Fu Wenbo's previous experiment as a guinea pig, Chu Huan learned that the two soul skills of his "suona" should belong to the soul skills of no solution.

The so-called unsolvable type refers to a very special kind of tool soul skill.

Once it is used, unless it is a special tool soul skill, it cannot be interrupted or defended.

Only the awakener's own interrupter soul skill can be interrupted during use.

This can be seen from the last test when Fu Wenbo's Tool Soul skill passed directly through the welcoming team.

Therefore, Chu Huan even thought about it, since his tool soul skills are still inextricable.

If in the future, when he encounters danger, he will take the initiative to lie in the coffin or sit in the sedan chair, wouldn't he be directly in an absolutely safe environment.

But now it seems that it is obviously overthinking.

At the same time, it was also when Chu Huan was slightly disappointed that his tool soul skills could not work.

On the other side, behind Chu Huan, in the dark night, an abyss blood mantis moved quickly towards Chu Huan from the top of the tree like a ghost.

During the process, there was no sound at all.

During this silent movement, the abyss blood mantis had already jumped to a big tree behind Chu Huan.

When standing on the ground with two feet like a monkey, the pair of scarlet blood-like eyes gathered on Chu Huan's body below.

"'. Whoosh!"

However, at this moment, a sharp thorn shrouded in black mist suddenly pierced through the trunk behind the abyss blood mantis until it pierced into the head of the abyss blood mantis.

If someone watches, they will definitely be able to find this spike, which looks almost the same as the spike on the tail of this abyss blood mantis.

The only difference is that it looks somewhat transparent.

At the same time that the head of this abyss blood mantis was pierced, the ghost abyss blood mantis transformed by Chu Huan also slowly floated out from the big tree.

The abyss blood mantis was thrown aside with a flick of the tail.

Glancing at the abyss blood mantis whose body twitched slightly and its blood was quickly emptied on the ground, Chu Huan raised his mouth lightly.

In this way, while Chu Huan was waiting, time passed quickly.


Half an hour later, when there was another corpse of the beast in front of Chu Huan, a shock reverberated.

And this time, the location where the shock came from was less than ten meters away from Chu Huan.

Feeling this turbulent wave, Chu Huan's eyes narrowed and his body instantly flashed to the position where the wave came from.

After a light drink, the muscles of the body tightened, and the soul power was running wildly in Chu Huan's body.

"Wave, wave, wave..."

The moment the sound of bursting bubbles resounded from Chu Huan's body, Chu Huan's fist quickly fell against the constantly fluctuating ground in front of him.


Under the full-strength punch, with Chu Huan's fist as the center, the entire ground sank directly before the powerful punch.

But it was Chu Huan's punch that directly blasted a huge pothole nearly three meters in diameter and one meter deep.

Also under this punch, as if stimulated, a blood-red spar the size of a fist actually drilled out of the ground and suspended in front of Chu Huan. .

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