Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 167 A0gold is easy to obtain, but a bosom friend is hard to find! (25)

As each of the beasts entered the coffin, each of them got into the coffin and was lifted up by the phantoms that carried the coffins and swayed on their shoulders.

Wei Tao and a few people on the side finally recovered.

Looking at the gang carrying the coffins, Zhou Qiang said in shock, "What the hell, aren't those guys dead? How could they move on their own?"

Wang Xinyue took a deep breath and said, "What's the matter with his Tool Soul skill? He can actually control a dead beast! Isn't he a support-type Awakener? How did he do it?"

Looking at the strange scene in front of him, Wei Tao couldn't help but muttered: "I suddenly feel that what you just said seems to be a bit right, the boss summoned that thing, I'm afraid it is really a coffin, otherwise, it will be dead. What are these beasts doing?"

When several people heard the words, the corners of their mouths grinned slightly.

Wang Xinyue, who was next to him, said angrily, "According to what you mean, these beasts don't want to expose their corpses to the wilderness, so do they take the initiative to get into the coffin so that they can go to the ground? What theory?"

After being scolded by Wang Xinyue, Wei Tao said with a bitter face: "Then how do you explain the situation of the big guy's weapon soul skill? It's too weird!"

Hearing this, Wang Xinyue's words were also stagnant, and she didn't know how to answer Wei Tao's words for a while.

One thing to say, watching this beast that had been completely dead stand up again and take the initiative to get into the coffin, this picture is indeed a bit evil.

Rao is Wang Xinyue and Wei Tao, who are members of the Awakened Association. Looking at this scene, he couldn't help but feel a little chill in his heart, and a dense layer of goosebumps appeared on the skin while his body was trembling.

at the same time.

On the other side, Chu Huan's eyes have been on the surrounding coffin-carrying gangs.

His eyes kept moving among the twenty-seven coffin-carrying gangs, and Chu Huan had a feeling that the lottery was about to be drawn.

His eyes were full of anticipation and tension.

"Huh? This is?"

However, at this moment, Chu Huan suddenly discovered that on the coffins on the shoulders of these black phantoms, strands of blood-red energy suddenly emerged from these coffins and disappeared.

"These, is it the blood mist that invaded the bodies of these abyss blood corpses?"

Imprinting this scene into his eyes, Chu Huan quickly focused his attention on his body as if thinking of something.

A few seconds later, Chu Huan was surprised to find that the little blood mist that had been invaded in his body before disappeared.

Discovering this, Chu Huan couldn't help but secretly wondered in his heart: "Could it be that my suona artifact soul can still strip out these blood mists?"

However, without waiting for Chu Huan's attention to focus on it and think carefully, Chu Huan's attention was placed on the other side.

At this point, this "coffin-carrying march" is already coming to an end.

With the coffin carrying gangs, the coffins that were originally carried on their shoulders were placed on the ground.

Almost at the moment when the coffins were opened, from the twenty-seven coffins, a necromantic puppet that was successfully transformed quickly rushed out.

A few seconds later, while the surrounding coffin-carrying gangs turned into wisps of black smoke, the twenty-seven beasts that had been successfully transformed into undead puppets stood silently in place.

Every eye that was originally either blood red or faint green has turned into a gray patch.

Empty and without the slightest anger.

"Hey~ This, this is, a necromantic beast?"

He looked at the twenty or seven motionless undead puppets around Chu Huan at the moment.

Feeling the corrupt aura and lifeless eyes from these undead puppets, Wei Tao and the four trembled again and again.

My heart was like thunder, and it couldn't calm down for a long time.

Not to mention Wei Tao and the others, even Chu Huan, watching this scene, couldn't help but hold his breath.

A touch of ecstasy quickly grew in Chu Huan's heart.

"It's really possible!"

Previously, in the secret realm of the giant pincer scorpion beast, Chu Huan was already overjoyed when the people at the picket tested out that he could use his soul power to separate more ghosts from his artifact soul.

But I didn't expect that the separated tool soul, when using the tool soul skill, the effect is completely independent.

This means that in the future, as long as Chu Huan's own soul power is sufficient, he will be able to separate out more artifact soul skills.

At that time, with one song, Chu Huan was able to summon a coffin-carrying army.

That picture, just thinking about it, Chu Huan felt his blood boil.

"This f*ck is against the sky!"

After a few minutes, Chu Huan recovered from the joy brought by this result.

When the thought came to mind, these twenty-seven had just come out of the closet. No, the necromantic puppets that were fresh out of the coffin moved under the control of Chu Huan and approached Wei Tao and the others.

"Huh? Mom!"

Looking at the twenty-seven undead puppets approaching them, Wei Tao exclaimed and took a step back.

The situation of the others was not much better than Wei Tao.

Almost subconsciously, he raised the weapon in his hand.

Seeing this, Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, these beasts have now been transformed into puppets by me, and they won't attack you!"


Hearing Chu Huan's words, Wei Tao and the others looked sluggish for a while.

After being stunned for a while, Wei Tao said incoherently: "Brother, no, boss, are you really an auxiliary awakener?"

Chu Huan looked at Wei Tao strangely and said, "Didn't I use the BUFF-type Soul Skill for you? Why isn't it a support-type Awakener?"

Hearing this, Wei Tao smiled bitterly and said, "It's possible to transform the corpse of a beast into a controllable necromancer puppet. It looks like a necromancer soul skill can only do it, right?"

Chu Huan said nonchalantly, "Oh! The main effect of my tool soul skill is control. Converting the target into a undead puppet is just a side effect, so it's still an auxiliary tool soul skill."

"By the way"

Hearing the two words Chu Huan said, Wei Tao and Wang Xinyue on the side had question marks on their faces.

The incidental effect is already so terrifying, so what does the control effect have to be terrifying?

In such doubts, Zhou Qiang asked in a low voice: "Well, boss, can I take the liberty to ask, what is the control effect of your Soul Tool skill?"

Chu Huan said frankly: "It's nothing, it's just that the target or the beast can take the initiative to lie down in the coffin I summoned."

"Take the initiative to lie down in the coffin!"

Having said that, Chu Huan suggested in a turn: "Would you like to lie in and try it? I have asked other people how they feel, and it is said that it feels great. Lying in it is like lying in the arms of a boyfriend, very solid."

The gesture of speaking is like the kind of friends who find something good and want to share.

But in the face of Chu Huan's proposal and invitation, thinking about the previous scene of Chu Huan's soul skill, Wei Tao and the others, who had already started to feel a little numb, shook their heads crazily and refused.

"How ill does he want to try to lie down in the coffin to experience the feeling?"

Is it bad to live?

After a while, Zhou Qiang couldn't help looking at Chu Huan with complicated eyes and said, "Boss, if there is something wrong with me after 840, please feel free to bring it up. If there is any offense, it must be unintentional. Don't take it to heart."

The voice just came out, and the remaining three Li Yuanzheng also expressed their positions quickly.

Anyway, the meaning is the same, if you are dissatisfied with them, even if you say it, you can beat them up.

But don't hold back no matter what.

Otherwise, they will feel terrified.

While speaking, several people raised their heads and looked at Chu Huan, their eyes full of doubts.

In the opinion of several people, Chu Huan, a tool soul skill, can summon a coffin to force people to lie in it, and it can also transform the target into a necromantic puppet.

It can be described as horror.

But it is such a terrifying tool soul skill, but what he meows is an auxiliary tool soul skill.

What are you kidding? "

Seeing how a few people were being struck by lightning, they were all dumbfounded and doubting their lives, Chu Huan sighed in his heart.

This is the case for anyone who sees Chu Huan's "suona" soul skill for the first time.

Every time he looked at himself like a ghost, this made Chu Huan feel a little melancholy.

In this regard, Chu Huan couldn't help but sigh.

"Thousands of gold are easy to get, but bosom friends are hard to find!"

Hearing this, Wei Tao and the others looked at each other with wry smiles on their faces.

Can't take this topic!

It's not that they don't like listening to music being played.

But it's okay to listen to other people's music, the problem is that Chu Huan's side is different!

The other songs are relaxing and soothing.

But Chu Huan's song is a desperate song!

But for those who have a little nostalgia for the world, no one dares to listen to this tune that Chu Huan just played. .

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