Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 157 This fighting style is indeed a bit aggressive! (25)

Taking the surrounding situation into his eyes, Chu Huan spoke quickly to remind Wei Tao and the others.

"Something is approaching, be careful."

As the voice fell, Wei Tao and the others quickly raised their weapons one after another and gathered around Chu Huan, and their expressions became solemn.


Just as the expressions of the four of them gathered together, a black shadow had already been imprinted into the eyes of Li Yuanzheng, who was standing at the forefront at the moment.

But before Li Yuanzheng could react, in the next second, several low-pitched voices came from the surroundings at the same time.

After a quick glance around, Li Yuanzheng drank the "old method" lightly.

When Li Yuanzheng's soul power surged, the shield that was almost two meters high in his hand quickly smashed to the ground.

During the process, Li Yuanzheng's soul power poured into the six sides of the shield spirit in his hand.

The moment it touched the ground, these strands of soul power spread out quickly through the shield.

It was also during the diffusion of these spirit powers, with Li Yuanzheng's light drink, the rapid surge of these spirit powers that had previously covered the surrounding ground burst into obvious fluctuations.

Under the influence of Li Yuanzheng's soul power, the soil on the ground began to surge in three positions about three meters apart beside Chu Huan and the others, and then there were huge mud walls nearly four meters high on three sides. rise.

Three huge mud plates instantly covered Chu Huan and the others, forming a rectangular safe area.

Only the side directly in front of Wei Tao remained as usual.

It was also the first time that Chu Huan and the others were wrapped up in the instant that the three mud walls rose to the ground. Wei Tao was already the first to rush.

When the long knife in his hand cut through the sky, a dark, water-like sword light quickly swung out of the long knife in Wei Tao's hand and rushed to the abyss bloody corpse in front of him.

At the moment when the sword-like energy touched this abyss bloody corpse, it exploded.

This abyss blood corpse let out an angry howl, and at the same time, its body was knocked off a giant tree in the distance.

After successfully flying the abyss blood corpse, Wei Tao continued to charge towards the abyss blood corpse without reducing his speed.

It's just that the blow just now injured this abyss blood corpse, but it wasn't particularly serious.

When he fell from the hit tree, he roared and continued to charge towards Wei Tao.

But before the abyss blood corpse could move further, several arrows condensed by soul power shot out in the air and turned into streamers like shooting stars, and landed on the abyss blood corpse.

Several soul power arrows shot at the limbs of this abyss bloody corpse with incomparable precision and nailed its body to the tree trunk behind it.

at the same time.

Wei Tao himself rushed to this abyss bloody corpse.

While waving the long knife in his hand, the entire blade vibrated gently, and a light blue halo covered the blade.

When this layer of light blades appeared, there was a slight vibration, causing a faint "humming" sound in the surroundings.

With the increase of the tool soul skills.

At this moment, Wei Tao's long knife was pulled down again in the air and slammed into the wound from the abyss blood corpse that had just been cut out, and he actually cut the abyss blood corpse into two halves.

Seeing this scene in his eyes, Chu Huan couldn't help but nodded slightly.

In just a split second, Wei Tao, Li Yuanzheng and Zhou Qiang all responded, and their cooperation was indeed very strong.

Compared with Wang Qiang and others, the cooperation is obviously more tacit, and the purpose is also very clear.

Create an environment through weapon skills to reduce the number of enemies they face at the same time and then defeat them one by one.

Moreover, with the cooperation of several people, the speed of killing an abyss blood corpse is obviously faster.

Compared with the previous time when Wei Tao was alone, the speed was shortened by five or six times.

On the other side, when Wei Tao slashed the body of the abyssal blood corpse into two pieces, the abyss blood corpse suddenly opened its mouth while howling in pain.

Seeing this, Wei Tao sneered and prepared to draw a knife and cut off the head of this bloody abyss corpse.

It's just that Wei Tao's idea just burst out.

At this moment, in the hideous mouth of this abyss blood corpse, another mouthpart like a smaller mouth popped out instantly.

He aimed straight at Wei Tao's head in front of him at the moment.

Looking at the rapidly enlarged mouthparts in his eyes, at this moment, the blood on Wei Tao's body seemed to freeze.

As the chills converged, there was only one thought echoing in Wei Tao's mind at this moment.

"It's over!"

Not to mention Wei Tao, Li Yuanzheng and Zhou Qiang, who had been paying attention to the battlefield, also noticed this scene.

Fright and surprise were also covering the faces of the three at this moment.


However, when the mouthpiece that popped out of the bloody abyss was about to pierce directly into Wei Tao's head, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded in the ears of Zhou Qiang and Wang Xinyue.


The next moment, in Wei Tao's eyes, a snow-white cold light suddenly flashed.

Immediately afterwards, the abyss blood corpse in front of him, which was only two or three centimeters away from Wei Tao, was directly cut into two pieces.

At the same time, a strong pulling force suddenly came from behind Wei Tao.

This caused Wei Tao to be pulled backwards involuntarily.

It wasn't until Wei Tao's body was vacated that Li Yuanzheng and the others found out.

Just now, Chu Huan, who was 40 to 50 meters away, moved to the front of the abyss bloody corpse and rescued Wei Tao.

His body vacated, and after a brief period of stunned, Wei Tao, who had regained his senses, quickly flipped and landed steadily.

The moment his body landed, Wei Tao immediately raised his hand and rubbed his head everywhere.

After confirming that there was no hole or pain in his head, Wei Taocai let out a long sigh of relief.

At the same time as his heart relaxed slightly, Wei Tao realized that his back was wet with cold sweat at that moment.

After eliminating the danger to his life, Wei Tao quickly raised his head and looked at Chu Huan, who had just rescued him.

His eyes were filled with gratitude.

Here, after successfully rescuing Wei Tao, Chu Huan's eyes were on the abyss blood corpse in front of him.


But at this moment, the several dirt shield walls built by Li Yuanzheng's tool soul skills collapsed and picked up the dust all over the sky.

And in this dusty sky, a few black shadows quickly passed through the dusty sky, and then rushed straight to Chu Huan who was standing by the tree and looked like a study.


"Boss, be careful!"

"Be careful!"


Seeing the bloody corpses in the abyss rushing towards Chu Huan in unison, Wei Tao and the others hurriedly reminded Chu Huan when they opened their mouths.

During the conversation, whether it was Wei Tao or Li Yuanzheng, they were the first to leave thinking of Chu Huan approaching.

Even Zhou Qiang was the first to lift the longbow-like device soul in his hand.

But in the daze before, the three people's reactions were a beat slower.

When the three of them reacted, the blood corpses in the abyss had already rushed in front of Chu Huan, and they would all rush towards Chu Huan in the next moment.

However, in the panic in the hearts of several people, Chu Huan, who was standing in front of the tree, suddenly moved.

When an abyss blood corpse was about to pounce on him, Chu Huan's body teleported one meter one after another out of thin air like a teleportation.

When successfully dodging the abyss blood corpse that rushed towards him from the left, Chu Huan raised his hand with one hand and directly clasped the abyss blood corpse's wrist.

Under the strength of the muscles, the abyss blood corpse was directly forcibly swung in the air in a circle and smashed on the bodies of several other abyss blood corpses.


As the body of this companion fell on them, under the strong impact, the sound of several bone cracks instantly echoed from the body of these few and the abyss blood corpse in the hands of Chu Huan. out.

Next, in the sight of Wei Tao and the others, Chu Huan at this moment was like a wild beast, using the abyss blood corpse in his hand as a weapon to smash the other abyss blood corpses crazily.

Every time he smashed it, a howl of pain would emanate from the mouth of the abyss blood corpse that Chu Huan was holding at the moment.

While being swept away by Chu Huan, this abyss blood corpse with its lowered head stared at Chu Huan and roared at Chu Huan one after another.

“Don’t suffer Laozi!”

It's just that Chu Huan ignored the anger and panic of this abyss blood corpse, and continued to smash the abyss blood corpse to other targets.

A moment ago, the bloody corpses in the abyss, which were originally vicious, were now like a few moving sandbags.

But in just a few seconds, it was completely killed.

Moreover, the bodies of these abyss blood corpses lie on the ground in a strange arc.

Obviously, the bones all over his body were shattered by Chu Huan's smashing.

Seeing Chu Huan's fierce performance at the moment, Wei Tao and the others on the side were all dumbfounded.

Wang Xinyue touched Zhou Qiang, who was beside him with a sluggish expression: "Why do I feel that he is more like a beast?"

Hearing this, looking at Chu Huan's fighting style at the moment, Zhou Qiang couldn't help nodding his head and said in surprise, "This fighting style is indeed a bit aggressive!".

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