Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 158 If you want me to die, just say it! (35)

Under the circumstances of Chu Huan's own hands, these abyss blood corpses died quickly and peacefully.

When the battle was over, Wei Tao and the others also stepped forward and wanted to walk to Chu Huan's side.

But just a few steps away, Chu Huan's voice rang out.

"Don't come here yet, there is still something here that is not dead!"

Hearing Chu Huan's words, the four Wei Tao's footsteps froze.

After successfully stopping the advance of several people, Chu Huan turned his attention to the body in front of the abyss blood corpse.

In the previous battle, Chu Huan smashed all the other abyss blood corpse heads, but this abyss blood corpse was left intact.

In Chu Huan's first, the surrounding blood mist was constantly blending into the head of this abyss blood corpse.

And the blood volume of this abyss blood corpse is also rapidly recovering at a speed of almost 100 points per second.

Soon, while Chu Huan was waiting, as the blood volume of the abyssal blood corpse reached 5,000 points, the surrounding blood mist also rolled quickly and wrapped the body of the abyss blood corpse to form A blood cocoon.

At the same time, from the blood cocoon, a gloomy and cold aura continued to permeate.

Seeing this, Chu Huan squinted his eyes, and while retreating nearly ten meters, his soul power was also quietly running in his body.

After waiting for another minute, in Chu Huan's observation, at the moment when the blood volume of the abyss blood corpse recovered to half a point, the information panel on the head of the abyss blood corpse was also a little different.

"Abyss Blood Mantis (Demonization)"

"Level: Black Iron Nine Stars"

"HP: 16000/16000"

"Hate Value: 50"

Almost at the moment when the data on the information panel changed, the blood cocoon in front of him suddenly spread.

Without the blood cocoon wrapping, the abyss blood corpse that has been resurrected from the dead is also revealed in the sight of Chu Huan and others.

After the original humanoid abyss blood corpse was resurrected from the dead at this moment, the appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes.

With its limbs falling on the ground, it looks a bit like a mantis at first glance, but it has a tail with a hook like a scorpion.

On the oval head, the two eyes were scarlet as blood, and the teeth were as ferocious as serrated teeth.

"What's this?"

Seeing the changes in this abyss alien that had come back to life at the moment, Wei Tao's expressions changed drastically.

Even if it can be resurrected from the dead, it can even evolve into another kind of beast.

Such a situation is absolutely unheard of.

And when the eyes fell on this abyss alien, a strong sense of vigilance and a little sense of oppression also echoed in the hearts of several people.

Compared with several people, Chu Huan's expression is the most astonished at this moment.

"I f*ck, isn't this alien? After co-authoring this thing and coming back to life, it became this thing?"

However, just when Chu Huan was surprised by the appearance of this abyss blood corpse after being resurrected at the moment.

The originally lowered head of the abyss blood mantis in the distance slowly lifted up, and then his eyes swept over Chu Huan and the others, and then fell on Chu Huan who was closest to him.

As the blood-red eyes flashed with murderous intent and madness, the abyss blood mantis burst into a sudden burst like a spring and rushed towards Chu Huan.

Compared with the previous abyss blood corpse, the speed is at least 30% faster.

But in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Chu Huan with his two front paws raised and pounced towards Chu Huan.

"After returning from the dead, is the "Agility" attribute even higher?"

Seeing the speed at which the abyss blood mantis burst out at this moment, Chu Huan raised his brows lightly.

If the "Agility" attribute of the previous abyss blood corpse is about 160.

Then at this moment, the "Agility" attribute of this Abyss Blood Mantis has increased by at least 30 points.

It can be said that it is not much worse than Chu Huan's "agility" attribute under normal circumstances.

As the thoughts reverberated in his heart, the soul power in Chu Huan's body surged rapidly.

"Wave, wave, wave..."

With the sound of bursting bubbles, Chu Huan had no sign, but his body instantly crossed three meters and appeared in front of this abyss blood mantis, and his fist quickly swung out and landed directly on this abyss blood mantis on the head.


It seemed like a simple punch, but when the fist landed on the head of this abyss blood mantis, a powerful wave suddenly spread around Chu Huan.

At the same time, in the sight of Wei Tao and Zhou Qiang, this abyss blood mantis from the head to the upper half of the body exploded like a bursting watermelon.

Powerful fluctuations sent the blasted flesh and blood of this abyss blood mantis flying upside down into the air, setting off a green blood mist.

And the blood volume of this abyss blood mantis also dropped from the original 16000 points to 0 points in an instant.


Seeing this extremely impactful scene in their eyes, Wei Tao and several people on the side all burst into foul language in their hearts.

Not to mention other things, just looking at the appearance of this fierce beast and the sense of threat it brings to people can make Wei Tao and the others affirm that this abyss blood mantis is definitely more terrifying and terrifying than the previous abyss blood corpse. powerful.

This can be seen from the speed at which the abyss blood mantis moved so fast that several people were overwhelmed.

But now, such a fierce beast that obviously made Wei Tao and the others' expressions change greatly, was just beaten by Chu Huan?

What are you kidding?

How much "`.Strength" attribute does it take to have such a powerful explosive force that it can directly destroy the beast?

For a time, when several people looked at Chu Huan, their eyes were as if they had seen a ghost, and their faces were incredible.


Between the astonishment of several people, Chu Huan was also stunned when he looked at the abyss blood mantis who was suddenly stunned by him.

A few seconds later, Chu Huan coughed lightly and said to several people, "That, I was so surprised just now that I forgot to keep my hand!"

Wei Tao and the others: "..."

Looking at Chu Huan with a bit of embarrassment on his face, Wei Tao and the others fell into silence for a long time.

After pondering for a while, Wei Tao looked at Li Yuanzheng with a dazed expression on his face and said, "Do you think you can handle that punch just now?"

Hearing this, Li Yuanzheng recalled the effect of Chu Huan's punch just now, then looked at the shield in front of him, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

Putting the shield behind him, he glared at Wei Tao and said, "If you want me to die, just say so!"

For the first time, Li Yuanzheng felt that his shield soul might not be so hard.

Hearing Li Yuanzheng's response, Wei Tao grinned fiercely, and his eyes were full of doubts when he looked at Chu Huan.

"This is still a person? Don't be a beast in human skin, right?"

ps; If a reader asks, I will explain it here. Wei Tao and others are agile enough, but their attack power is not enough! Secondly, as I said before, the other attributes of the Awakened cannot exceed twice the "Physical" attribute. Now teammates are all of the black iron nine stars, and the physique attribute has broken 100, so they can still bear it! Although I don't say that the whole book is free of bugs, I will try to consider the rationality! Don't worry everyone! .

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