Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 156 is really incomparable! (15)

After the words fell, Chu Huan touched his chin and said, "It looks like this, it seems that there is not much danger in the secret realm of beasts!"

According to Fu Wenbo, this special type of beast secret realm is divided into Shura-level, Nightmare-level, and Hell-level.

From the information obtained now, although the strength of this abyss blood corpse is strong, it is equivalent to the level of bronze two stars and three stars.

And it still belongs to this kind of single-handedly fighting type.

The difficulty should be at the Shura level.

After confirming this, Chu Huan was certain.

After thinking about it, Chu Huan said, "Okay, that's all the information we can get from the preliminary research. Next, let's find a living beast to verify whether our guess is accurate or not, and then we can almost decide what to do next. way of action!"

It is better to sharpen a knife than a woodcutter. After clarifying the situation first, Chu Huan can determine the standard of what he can do in this mysterious realm of beasts.

It depends on whether it is a more restrained wave, a reassuring wave, or an unbridled wave.

Three standards, different thinking directions and operational positioning, there is always a wave method that can suit the current self.

Hearing this, Wei Tao and the four all nodded and said nothing.

At this moment, although he has only entered the secret realm of beasts, it only takes ten minutes.

But whether it is Chu Huan's active mind before or the stability he has shown now and the wisdom he has revealed now, all of them show the excellence of Chu Huan.

It was also at this time that few people understood why Fu Wenbo let Chu Huan lead the team.

Although it is unclear whether Chu Huan is really as strong as Fu Wenbo said.

But in terms of brain circuits, Chu Huan can really throw them a few streets away.

Really can't compare!

Afterwards, the five people started to move Chu Huan guards in the middle of the beast secret realm according to the defensive formation.

Soon, as several people moved in the forest for nearly three minutes, in Chu Huan's line of sight, on a ground about 170 meters away, an information panel was suspended in the air. ten centimeters.

And when Chu Huan and the others approached a little again, and when they were still about 100 meters away from the abyss blood corpse, Chu Huan had clearly seen the "hatred value" of the abyss blood corpse directly from 0 points. It soared to 50 points.

Almost at the moment when the hatred value changed, two bruised hands with some rotten bandages stretched out from the soil like this.

Then, with the support of his two arms, the abyssal blood corpse jumped out of the ground and roared at Chu Huan.

"Don't start! It's convenient for research!"

Looking at the bloody abyss corpse that emerged from the ground, Chu Huan said.

The voice fell, and Wei Tao, who had been walking behind Chu Huan before, raised his sword and immediately set off and rushed towards the abyss bloody corpse.

After experiencing Chu Huan's buff bonus, even if it is a nine-star black iron, Wei Tao's current "Agility" attribute has reached more than 200 points.

The distance of 100 meters is only a momentary thing when moving at full speed.

Almost when the bloody abyss corpse was still in front of Chu Huan and the others, Wei Tao appeared in front of the bloody abyss.

The sword of the soul in his hand glowed with a color like ink and wash, with a layer of afterimages that were as dark as water, and slashed down at this abyss bloody corpse.

However, when Wei Tao's knife fell on the chest of the abyss blood corpse, he did not break the abyss blood corpse as easily as he had cut it on the corpse before and cut it in half.

On the contrary, it gave Wei Tao a feeling as if he was chopped on fine iron.

But this sturdy blow still caused the abyssal blood corpse to howl in pain, and left a half-arm-length wound on its chest.

Trickles of green blood kept coming out of these wounds.

However, even the physique of this abyss blood corpse is much higher than Wei Tao and others, but it is due to the huge gap in speed.

This abyss blood corpse is just a sandbag that can move.

In just thirty seconds, under Wei Tao's high-density attack, this abyss blood corpse was successfully knocked to the ground and could not get up.

And according to Chu Huan, Wei Tao attacked the body of this abyss blood corpse from beginning to end, and did not touch his head.

"Boss, I feel the fluctuation of the beast crystal!"

When the abyss blood corpse fell to the ground, a wave of energy also came from the abdomen of the abyss blood corpse.

You must know that only after the beast dies, the beast crystal in its body will emit fluctuations in its soul power.

Therefore, normally, this abyss blood corpse should be dead.

However, in Chu Huan's eyes, after the abyss blood corpse fell to the ground, the blood volume did not return to zero, but a little bit left.

After thinking for a while, Chu Huan said, "Dug out the beast crystal and observe it on the side! Be careful, stay away from that guy's head!"

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Wei Tao walked quickly to the abyss bloody corpse.

While maintaining vigilance, the long knife in his hand easily broke through the corpse of this abyss blood corpse, picked out the beast crystal in its abdomen, and quickly dodged to the side.

During the whole process, this abyss blood corpse did not react at all, as if it was really killed.

However, in the observation, Chu Huan clearly saw the blood mist around the abyss blood corpse, and actually began to actively integrate into the body of the abyss blood corpse.

Just as the few people waited for about two minutes, in the sight of Chu Huan and the others, the surrounding blood mist turned out to quickly converge towards the head of this abyss blood corpse.

At the same time, under the observation of Chu Huan, the blood volume of this abyss blood corpse was 1 point a second ago, and it started to jump up by 1 point to the current volume of 2 points.

It was also when Chu Huan observed this scene that Wei Tao and the others also noticed the change in the blood mist around the abyss blood corpse.

After confirming that the blood volume of the abyss blood corpse recovered at a speed of about two seconds, Chu Huan said: "Cut off its head!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wei Tao on the side immediately raised the long knife in his hand and slashed it on the neck of this abyss bloody corpse.

It was also at the moment when the head of this abyss blood corpse was chopped off, just like what several people had seen before.

The three eyes of this abyss blood corpse are all open, and a smaller mouth pops out from the mouth that is as fierce as a thorn.

After this action, this abyss blood corpse is completely dead.

Seeing this scene in their eyes, several people took a deep breath.

"This thing really needs to be killed twice, it's a bit evil!"

Listening to Wang Xinyue's words, Li Yuanzheng shook his head and said, "It's not just that, the attack method of this thing before its second death is unexpected. If it was a little closer, I'm afraid it would be too late to react."

Looking back from the corpse of an abyss bloody corpse in the distance, Chu Huan said in a low voice: "Okay! Everyone knows the situation of the beast, and the danger is basically not big. Next, we will find a way to find that special beast. The location of the spar!"

The other four nodded their heads when they heard the words.

However, just when Chu Huan was about to lead a few people into the main topic to search for that special spar, a light wind suddenly blew.

A few seconds later, the gust of wind became stronger and stronger.

Until the back has changed from the previous light wind to the current strong wind.

The sudden change in this short period of time caused Chu Huan and the others to sigh inwardly, and they all stopped to observe the figure that was about to move.

Soon, the surrounding environment suddenly began to change rapidly amid the gust of wind.

If it is said that in this special beast secret realm before, because of these blood mists, the entire beast secret realm is full of blood.

So now, just like the sunset and the moon rising, the surrounding environment is rapidly darkening.

In just ten seconds, the surrounding environment instantly turned pitch black.

And the blood mist that filled the surrounding before also seemed to disappear under the changes of the surrounding environment.

But when Chu Huan took out his mobile phone and took a photo, he found that the surrounding blood mist still existed.

It's just that people can't see clearly because of the changes in the surrounding light.

With the change of light in 3.6, the visible distance of Wei Tao and others was compressed again.

Even Chu Huan can only see the environment of about 100 meters at most.


It was also during the changes in the surrounding environment that roaring voices came from all directions one after another.

At first glance, the sound is the same as the cry of the abyss blood corpse that was solved by several people before.

But in fact, in these roars, the aura of violence is even stronger.

"Is this place still divided into day and night?"

Taking the changes around him into his eyes, Chu Huan couldn't help but whimper and was a little surprised.


However, before Chu Huan could think about it, several roars suddenly sounded from the side.

Soon, in Chu Huan's first, an information panel appeared in Chu Huan's field of vision.

Almost at the moment when Chu Huan discovered this information panel, Chu Huan quickly turned his eyes and found that there were four information panels approaching him quickly from different directions.


Aware of this scene, Chu Huan's expression became slightly suspicious, and his expression became slightly solemn. .

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