Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 155 We are this, has our IQ been crushed? (55)

After explaining his thoughts to a few people, Chu Huan's soul power inspired him to directly manifest the soul of the erhu.

After a short while, as the song ended, five consecutive golden notes merged into the bodies of Chu Huan and Wei Tao.

And when the four Wei Tao, who came into contact with Chu HuanBUFF for the first time, realized the moment when the note turned into a warm current and melted into their own bodies, they realized what it means to be as light as a feather.

That's what it feels like to fly.

"I'm going! Boss, your soul skill is really strong-ah!"

Feeling the obvious changes in his body, Zhou Qiang couldn't help expressing his admiration from the bottom of his heart.

In response, Chu Huan just smiled lightly and then gestured, "Let's go!"

The voice fell, and in the place indicated by Chu Huan, several people chose a place with a relatively small number of people to move quickly.

Soon, it was almost not even a thousand meters away, and in the sight of several people, they already saw a figure lying on the ground.

Only when a few people approached, they found that this figure looked like a human being.

But his body was wrapped in worn-out bandages.

Beneath those aged bandages was some purplish-black skin.

On the face, it looks very weird. Except for the eyes on both sides of the forehead and temple, most of the face is covered by a hideous mouth.

A hole was cut open in the belly of the beast. Apparently, the Awakener who killed the beast had dug out the beast crystal inside its body.

"Huh? Is this the beast in this beast secret realm? It turned out to be a humanoid beast!"

Taking the appearance of this fierce beast into his eyes, Wang Xinyue among the nine people couldn't help but speak out of curiosity.

Wei Tao, who was next to him, was also preparing to step forward to take a look at this fierce beast.

"Don't go there!"

However, before Wei Tao came forward, Chu Huan suddenly spoke.

Hearing Chu Huan's voice, Wei Tao's footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan narrowed his eyes and said, "This is the secret realm of special beasts. Don't rush forward before you are sure if this thing is dead."

While speaking, Chu Huan's eyes were also on the beast.

"Abyss Blood Corpse (Demonization)"

"Level: Black Iron Nine Stars"

"HP: 12/16000"

"Hate Value: 50"

Almost when Chu Huan's words just fell, in Chu Huan's sight, the blood volume of this abyss blood corpse actually increased by 1 point again.

From the original 12 o'clock to the current 13 o'clock.

Thinking about it, Chu Huan took out his alloy short sword from the space watch, and then quickly threw it out at the abyss bloody corpse a few meters away.

With Chu Huan's short sword thrown out, wrapped in soul power, it landed on the eye position between the brows of this abyss blood corpse.


Almost at the moment when the dagger just stabbed into the eyes of the abyss blood corpse between the eyebrows, the eyes on both sides of the temple of the abyss blood corpse were instantly opened to reveal the dark green eyes.


At the same time, from the face of the abyss blood corpse, the big mouth is also open, and in the big mouth, a small mouth still pops up.

It looks like a creature called xenomorph from the movie in the last life.


Seeing this scene, Wei Tao and Zhou Qiang were shocked and couldn't help but take a step back.

Among the four, Li Yuanzheng, whose weapon was a shield, flashed and rushed to the front with a rapid surge of soul power.

From the looks of it, it's unclear where several people are, and this thing really isn't dead.

And Wei Tao, who wanted to go up to check before, was even more afraid in his heart.

If you put it in front of you to check, and you are not mentally prepared at all, it is that the small mouth that pops out can directly reach his head.

From the speed at which the little mouth of this thing popped out, Wei Tao could estimate that he couldn't dodge at all.

However, under this roar, as the blood volume successfully returned to zero, the open mouth of the abyss blood corpse and the eyes of the temples on both sides slowly closed.

"Di, the matching energy is detected, is it absorbed and converted into system points?"

It was also at the same time that the system prompt sounded, Chu Huan took a few steps forward and pulled out the dagger.

At the same time, Chu Huan turned his eyes lightly to look at Wei Tao and the others, and asked with some doubts in his eyes: "By the way, have you always been so brave before?"

From the very beginning, Chu Huan felt that several people did not take the word "special" of this special beast secret realm to heart at all.

The mentality is completely the same as in the secret realm of ordinary beasts.

There is no steadiness in the way of doing things.

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Wei Tao's face also showed a dignified expression.

Obviously, at this moment, Wei Tao also felt that he was too casual before.

Seeing this, Chu Huan couldn't help shaking his head and said: "I advise you to be careful, after all, this secret realm of beasts has two special characters, and we don't know anything about the situation of this secret realm of beasts. It cannot be overstated.”

Wei Tao hurriedly nodded and said, "I see! I will pay attention later!"

When the other three heard the words, they nodded quickly to show their attitude.

After mentioning a few people, Chu Huan's eyes were on the abyss blood corpse in front of him.

Judging from the system prompt message just now, there is obviously a beast crystal in the body of this abyss blood corpse.

But judging from the wound on the belly of this abyss blood corpse that still had blood left, it was obvious that the beast crystals in the body of this abyss blood corpse had been searched away before.

After thinking about it, Chu Huan took out a piece of meat from his space watch that he bought at the vegetable store at the gate of the community this morning and threw it on the wound of the bloody abyss.

Then he turned his head and said to Wei Tao: "You dissect this guy's head to see if there are any beast crystals. I'll check around, remember, don't get the blood of this thing, we still don't know if it's poisonous."

Wei Tao nodded and quickly stepped forward and started doing as Chu Huan said.

Chu Huan's eyes were looking around.

Through the footprints and drag traces left between these battles on the ground, I quickly pieced together the process of fighting when I encountered this abyss blood corpse.

"Boss, I found it, there is a beast crystal! But unlike normal black iron-level beast crystals, this beast crystal is red."

Hearing what Wei Tao said, Chu Huan turned and walked in front of Wei Tao and looked at the beast crystal that Wei Tao jumped out with the tip of his big knife.

After taking his eyes back from the beast crystal, Chu Huan asked, "The meat I just threw out, do you see any changes?"

Wei Tao glanced at the flesh on the corpse and shook his head: "No, it's still a normal piece of meat, and it shouldn't be poisonous."

Seeing this, Chu Huan took the beast crystal on Wei Tao's knife holder in his hand and looked at it.

After pondering for a while, Chu Huan said: "Now it seems that the beast in this beast secret realm is very likely to be this thing."

0 ·For flowers

"Judging from the body of the beast, the wound on the beast just now should have been dug up by the awakened people when they searched for the beast crystal. After all, after the beast dies, the energy fluctuation of the beast crystal will be very obvious."

"That is to say, this beast was beheaded by those awakened ones."

Li Yuanzheng wondered: "Since the beast crystal has been killed and collected, why is there still one beast crystal? I have never heard of a vicious beast that can have two beast crystals in its body."

Wang Xinyue next to him shook his head and said, "No, ordinary beasts may not, but this is the secret realm of special beasts, and this beast crystal is not the appearance of ordinary black iron, so this possibility cannot be ruled out!"

Chu Huan nodded and said, "Yes, this is very likely!"

After speaking, after a pause, Chu Huan continued: "It seems that to kill this kind of beast, it may be necessary to remove both the blood-colored beast crystal in the head and the beast crystal in the body at the same time. Guarantee the death of this thing."

"Besides that, I just saw the traces of the surrounding battle, and I also found a few drops of blood belonging to human beings. Obviously, someone in the Awakened was injured when someone fought this fierce beast."

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"Five hits can be injured, which is enough to show that the strength of this beast is very high, far exceeding the ordinary black iron nine-star beasts, at least they are all awakeners that can compare to bronze two-star or bronze three-star."

"So high? No way!" Wei Tao looked at Chu Huan in surprise.

Hearing this, Chu Huan shook his head and said, "It's very possible."

After all, in Chu Huan's observation, the blood volume of this abyss blood corpse reached 16,000, indicating that the "physique" attribute of this blood corpse reached 160 points.

In this case, at least one of the three items of "strength", "agility" and "spiritual power" of this blood corpse is similar to the value of the "physique" attribute.

Mental strength is not a consideration.

Ferocious beasts with high mental strength are the most troublesome.

If it can reach one hundred and sixteen, it is impossible for this abyss blood corpse to be at the black iron level.

At least they are all Bronze eight-star beasts.

Moreover, the beasts who are good at mental power attack, look at the awakened people who have entered the secret realm of the beasts this time.

Except for Chu Huan, the others are considered one, and if they meet them, they will be completely cold, let alone kill them.

Therefore, the attributes of this abyss blood corpse can only focus on strength and agility.

Having said that, after a slight pause, Chu Huan continued, "And we didn't move very far just now. With such a short distance, it stands to reason that if a battle broke out, we wouldn't be able to hear it."

"But we didn't feel it at all before, so the blood mist around here is likely to block the sound and not let the sound travel too far."

After stopping Chu Huan's analysis, the four Wei Tao looked at each other, and they all saw the doubts in each other's eyes.

"Can you analyze so much information from this corpse and the surrounding environment?"

Li Yuanzheng on one side touched Zhou Qiang next to him and said, "This is what we are, has our IQ been crushed?"

Hearing this, Zhou Qiang, who recovered, pondered for a few seconds and then said faintly, "It should be like this."

Wei Tao and Wang Xinyue next to them couldn't help twitching when they heard what they said.

Poor strength, in fact, nothing, after all, there is a strong middle hand, and a mountain is still a mountain high.

But if the brain can't compare, it will hurt a little self-esteem.

Obviously, facing Chu Huan's performance at this moment, they all felt a sense of being hurt. Ten thousand.

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