Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 154 Are all the old yin's circuits so beautiful? (45 ask for monthly ticket for subscri

After confirming that the passage to the secret realm was stable, Sun Changde from the picket office suddenly said, "Let's go!"

However, just as the teams behind Sun Changde were walking towards the secret passage, Fu Wenbo snorted coldly.

"Sun Changde, have you been stupid for so many years? You forgot the rules. This time, the secret passage was discovered by the Awakened Association first. Why did your picket rush to enter the secret in front of us?"

The voice came out, and Sun Changde, who was in the distance, took a step, and his face darkened. Although he looked at Fu Wenbo with a sullen look, it stopped the people at the picket behind him.

Seeing this, Fu Wenbo snorted and said to Chu Huan and Wei Tao, "Let's go!"

With that said, Fu Wenbo lifted his foot and walked towards the secret passage.

As he approached, Fu Wenbo's soul power surged, and he said in a voice that only he and Chu Huan could hear: "Boy, remember, after entering, your safety is the most important thing."

Chu Huan chuckled, "Don't worry! I'm a professional!"

Seeing this, Fu Wenbo 827 nodded and said no more, watching Chu Huan and the other awakened people step into the secret passage one after another.

It was also after the people from the Awakened Association and even the pickets entered the secret realm, and the rest of the Awakened team rushed into the beast secret realm impatiently.

On the other hand, Sun Changde glanced at Fu Wenbo and sneered: "Fu Wenbo, seeing that you are not in a good relationship with the young boy just now, you should pray that the boy can come out alive!"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo snorted coldly: "If you have the heart to say these words, why don't you worry about the people you brought!"

The voice fell, and Fu Wenbo sneered and walked slowly to the side.

Sun Changde's face couldn't help but sank a little again.


On the other side, with Chu Huan stepping into the passage entrance of the secret realm.

It feels different from before.

This time, at the moment of stepping into the entrance of the secret passage, in addition to the familiar sense of weightlessness, there is also an obvious sense of coldness.

It's like walking out of an old house in disrepair on a hot summer day.

Fortunately, this strange feeling is very short-lived.

But in a short period of time, Chu Huan stepped into the entrance of the passage and entered another place as his feet touched the ground.

An environment filled with blood mist everywhere, and it looks like a vast environment.

It was also at the moment when Chu Huan entered the secret realm of this beast, Chu Huan felt a trace of blood mist begin to penetrate into his body.

Bring a little touch like ice water.

However, when the blood mist had just entered Chu Huan's body, Chu Huan, who had regained consciousness, immediately ran his soul power to squeeze out the blood mist.

At the same time, his eyes quickly swept around in a circle with a bit of alertness.

You know, this new beast secret realm is not like other beast secret realms that have been dealt with.

Although the level is only black iron, there is no safety barrier around the entrance of this secret passage.

When you are not sure, there will be a little cute and happy to greet you when you fall.

With the rapid movement of his sight, after confirming that there are no other beasts around, Chu Huan took a few steps forward.

Instead, he looked at his surroundings.

In this secret realm of beasts, there is a thick fog of blood everywhere.

Because of these blood mists, even Chu Huan's visible range was greatly shortened, and he could only see a distance of about 200 meters at most.

Looking through these blood mists, it can be seen that the environment of this beast secret realm belongs to a woodland.

After taking a general look at the surroundings, Chu Huan murmured softly.

"I don't know what type of beasts are in here!"

It was also when Chu Huan took a good look at the surrounding environment, Wei Tao and Zhou Qiang also stepped into the secret passage one after another.

Like Chu Huan, the four of them looked alert the first time they entered the secret passage.

However, when they saw Chu Huan standing on the side safe and sound, the few people relaxed.

The first time a few people saw Chu Huan, Chu Huan was already gesturing to them.

In this way, before the four of them even had time to look at their surroundings, they followed Chu Huan and rushed directly to a big tree 100 meters away.

For nearly ten minutes after that, Chu Huan, Zhou Qiang and others also saw a group of Awakened people stepping out of the secret passage and then rushing in different directions.

It was only after no new awakeners entered the secret passage that Chu Huan landed with a few people.

"Well, boss, can you ask us why we didn't leave immediately after entering the secret realm of beasts, but stayed here?"

Seeing that Chu Huan still had no tendency to leave, Wei Tao couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this, Chu Huan said in a low voice, "What's the hurry? Now everyone doesn't know the terrain, environment or even the situation of the beasts."

"What if those beasts are gregarious? It's too dangerous to jump right in and jump right in! It's better to let them go first, and try the situation of those beasts by the way."

"With those people as guinea pigs, we can pick a random direction and look at the battle traces to tell whether the general strength of those beasts is gregarious or solo."

Hearing Chu Huan explain the reason slowly, the four of them looked at each other in dismay.

A few seconds later, Wei Tao coughed lightly and said, "That, the boss will listen to you!"

While speaking, Wei Tao also showed a bit of a wry smile on his face.

Who are these people!

Obviously he doesn't look very old, how come there are so many flowers and intestines?

Under normal circumstances, don't you leave the first time you enter the secret realm of beasts?

What does it mean when you start thinking about hiding on the side and using people as a tool of temptation?

Before, they basically followed suit.

That is to say, it is at most one or two seconds later than Chu Huan to enter this secret realm.

But in these two or two seconds, Chu Huan first experienced the exploration of the surrounding environment and thought of the idea of ​​taking them to the side to hide.

This kind of situation made Wei Tao feel at a loss.

"Are all the old yin's circuits so beautiful?"

Ps: The next plot should be more interesting! I will add some interesting content to it, and continue to ask for subscription support! .

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