Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 145 From now on, be a violent assistant (55 ask for a monthly ticket)

The reason why students want to take the college entrance examination and successfully enter the university instead of entering the society as soon as possible and fighting beasts every day is ultimately because of two reasons.

resources and the environment.

The growth of the Awakened is ~ there is a peak period.

You must know that the most powerful part of human beings, in addition to the infinite possibilities, is the adaptability of human beings.

But it is precisely because of this powerful adaptability that determines the upper limit of the level of the Awakened.

According to research, the soul power in the body of the awakened person has an active cycle.

And this active cycle is a process in which the soul power in the awakened body and the body are completely integrated.

Once the awakened person's body has completely adapted to the soul power, the soul power in the awakened person's body will completely stagnate and increase, becoming like a pool of stagnant water.

No matter how many beast crystals are spent, it is difficult to continue to improve.

And this active cycle also determines whether the Awakened can continue to break through to a higher level.

If you can break through within the active cycle, then this active cycle will continue to be extended, and then continue to work hard to improve your level as much as possible.

There were also people who had awakened who wanted to use tricks to raise the level first, and then focus on improving the other four basic attributes through training.

And the result of this is that the body can't bear the soul power after the upgrade and directly dies.

During the period of entering the university, because of the resources in the school and the systematic teaching method, the students can practice more quickly and enter a blowout stage of strength.

The past few years will largely determine the future prospects of an awakened person.

In addition, the environment in the university is also very important.

Just like in the past, many parents wanted to send their children to those aristocratic schools.

In addition to the strength of the teachers inside, the purpose is more because of the atmosphere in the aristocratic school and even the contacts that can be accumulated over the years.

Especially top universities like Wanlin University and Loulan University.

Anyone who can enter it can become a genius.

Even if these people have graduated, when they encounter problems in the future, is it not a great help?

Therefore, the Nine Colleges can be said to be a place that any student can only dream of being able to enter.

To say that Chu Huan has no interest in entering Wanlin Academy would be completely nonsense.

It is inevitable that people go high and water flows low.

After chatting with Fu Wenbo for a while, Chu Huan came out of Fu Wenbo's office.

When he walked to one side of the corridor, Chu Huan also saw Zhou Hao and the three who had obviously been waiting for a while.

After approaching, Chu Huan asked, "Have you signed the confidentiality agreement?"

Zhou Hao said with a crying face: "I signed it, and I can't tell others about the time related to you in the future. Otherwise, it will be triggered directly as a first-class crime."

In the Yan Kingdom, there are five levels of guilt.

The lowest fifth class is simply some monetary punishment or detention.

But if it reaches the second level, it is already the level of life imprisonment.

There is no need to say much about what a first-class crime is.

Chu Huan sighed, "There's no way! That's why I couldn't tell you a lot of things before, and it's the same now!"

Zhu Tao on the side shook his head and said: "I didn't expect you to be a third year in high school, but you have already been specially recruited into the Awakened Association. No wonder you didn't behave like a peer at all before."

Chu Huan smiled and followed the words of the two.

On the other side, Liu Luoyan looked at Chu Huan curiously.

From the first time I saw Chu Huan, even now, Chu Huan gave Liu Luoyan the feeling that he was enveloped in a layer of mist.

Not only is he strong in his own strength, but also in his artifact soul skills, he is even more careful and cautious in his work.

Now he is still a member of the Awakened Association.

Excellent simply makes people feel a little unreal.

Strictly speaking, Zhou Hao and the three of them were also implicated by Chu Huan in today's incident.

Therefore, after leaving the Awakened Association, Chu Huan took the initiative to invite a few people to eat outside tonight, and normally taught the three of them to learn "Basic Fighting Techniques".

During the process, watching the three of them cultivate according to the soul power imprint they had left behind, thinking about what they talked about with Fu Wenbo today, and thinking that they would be leaving Linhai City soon, Chu Huan couldn't help shaking his head.

In the end, I stayed a little longer, and suddenly I had to leave, and I was still a little reluctant.

In the evening, after returning home, Chu Huan after taking a bath took a drink and sat on the sofa to sort out what happened today.

After almost everything was straightened out, Chu Huan sat up from the sofa and took out the beast crystal from the space watch.

More than 200 beast crystals looked particularly dazzling under the light.

A large part of the beast crystals in front of him belonged to today's Chu Huan hunting those giant pincer scorpions in the secret realm of beasts, as well as those from Wang Zheng.

Most of them are black iron three-star grades.

Secondly, during this period of time, Zhou Hao and the three of them were the Bronze One-Star Beast Crystal and Chu Huan's two bets.

Putting his eyes on these beast crystals, Chu Huan couldn't help sighing softly.

Originally, I was thinking of relying on these beast crystals to continuously bet and then use it to obtain a large number of system points.

But where did he think that he had only made two bets, and Chu Huan could not continue to participate in the subsequent bet.

This made Chu Huan's original idea fail.

"Forget it, it's not a loss to earn so many beast crystals in a short period of time!"

If the normal situation were changed, if Chu Huan wanted to collect so many beast crystals, he would not even think about it for a month.

But now, I have obtained so many beast crystals in more than a week, and there are even four platinum-level ones.

It's not a loss after all.

Since Chu Huan couldn't participate in the next bet, Chu Huan naturally wouldn't keep these beast crystals to watch.

In a few minutes, during the rapid transformation, all the beast crystals on the table have been transformed into system points.

Combined with the original Chu Huan's system points.

Now, the number of system points that Chu Huan has at the moment is as high as "560.8500" points.

Looking at his more than six million system points, Chu Huan smiled lightly.

Then, with a thought, he exhaled his system panel.

After Chu Huan was promoted to the first black iron star, Chu Huan's four physical attributes are: Constitution: 118.6, Strength: 115.6, Agility: 118.8, Mental Power: 109.8.

After the promotion, Chu Huan was also busy with gambling problems during this period of time. All the beast crystals he earned were kept, and none of them were used.

0 ·For flowers

Therefore, during this period of time, Chu Huan's physical attributes naturally did not change.

Then, after glancing at his system points, Chu Huan first spent 330,000 system points to raise all four attributes to 120.

After a slight pause, Chu Huan tried to add a little more to the "Physical" attribute.

When the "Physical" attribute" changed from 120 to the current 12.1, Chu Huan's system points suddenly decreased by 3000 points.

Seeing this, Chu Huan couldn't help grinning.

"Hey, it's still incremental!"

According to the current situation, when the value of the body attribute is 120 points, each attribute improvement will cost 300,000 system points.

The four physical attributes add up to 1.2 million system points.

At 130 points, the system points consumed with each increase of 0.1 attribute becomes 4000 points.

Raising the four physical attributes to 140 requires 1.6 million system points.

After a quick calculation in his heart, Chu Huan found that he now has a lot of system points.

........ 0

But in fact, it means that he can raise all his physical attributes to about 150 points, and there are not many system points left.

At this moment, Chu Huan deeply realized what is easy to make money with money.

Thinking about it, Chu Huan shook his head and continued to assign system points to their respective attributes.

No way, although it is expensive.

But it's expensive too!

Not long after, with a total consumption of 5.13 million, Chu Huan's four physical attributes instantly reached 150 points.

With 150 physical attributes, it can be said that it is already a level that can only be achieved by ordinary awakened bronze nine-stars!

Even with a talent like the previous Yan Mingjie, if you want a single attribute to reach 150 points, you must at least have a bronze star or above.

But what about Chu Huan?

One star of black iron!

Thinking of this, Chu Huan's heartache due to the sharp drop in system points dissipated a lot.

Great value for money!

However, looking at his remaining "47.8500" system points, Chu Huan still gave a wry smile.

It took more than a week of hard work, and it took only a few minutes.

"Looks like, the next step is to change to a more advanced beast secret realm! Try to increase the overall attribute to 200 before heading to the capital, and then leave a few million system points for emergencies. !"

In the Awakened Association today, Chu Huan clearly saw Zhao Wenbin, who is the Golden Nine Star, being powerless when facing the two Golden Nine Star Awakeners of the Awakened Association.

This undoubtedly confirmed what Chu Huan thought before.

The Awakened's Soul Skills are all kinds of strange and hard to guard against.

No one knows whether their own soul power and even the tool soul will be imprisoned by the seal of other people's tool soul skills.

At this time, if the physical attributes and other hard powers are insufficient, they can only wait to die like Zhao Wenbin.

Therefore, the current Chu Huan's idea is very simple, with both physical attributes and tool soul skills blossoming.

Once the soul power or tool soul skills are sealed by the enemy in the future, Chu Huan can recklessly kill the opponent with his fists.

From now on, when a violent support, can kill with one punch without needing two punches. Ten thousand.

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