Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 146: The joy of jumping and dying quickly (15 ask for a monthly pass, ask for a subscription

The next day, sitting in the classroom, the focus was different from the previous class.

Sitting in the classroom today, Chu Huan's attention was on his mobile phone.

Strictly speaking, the high school curriculum Chu Huan has basically mastered!

It's just that it was for the cultural assessment of the college entrance examination, so I continued to consolidate the knowledge of these cultural courses every day.

Now, knowing that he can enter Wanlin Academy without taking the college entrance examination, Chu Huan naturally does not have to continue to force himself to enter the learning state every day as before.

His eyes were constantly flipping on the phone, and his eyes drifted over the names of the secret realms of beasts around Linhai City, comparing the official attributes of the beasts in the secret realms of these beasts and the dangerous factors in the secret realms of beasts.

If someone is staring at Chu Huan's mobile phone at the moment, they can find that what Chu Huan is looking up at the moment is all the secret realms of several black iron nine-star beasts in Linhai City.

Since it said that there is no need to collect beast crystals, Chu Huan naturally does not need to pull the three of Zhou Hao every day like before.

After all, the process of collecting beast crystals took too much time.

Without this process of collecting beast crystals, Chu Huan's efficiency has increased by nearly 50%.

After half a day, it shouldn't be a big problem to earn 500,000 to 600,000 system points in a day.

In this way, it takes twenty days to raise all physical attributes to 200.

Plus the system points for raising the weapon soul skill level to the full level and for breaking the genetic lock for the second time.

About a month.

"Hey! After all, it is hard work caused by poverty!"



In the car, I went directly to the base where the rock puppet secret realm of Hei Tie Jiu Xing is located.

Around Linhai City, there are not many ferocious beasts in the Black Iron Nine Stars, and there are only two in total.

One is the rock puppet secret realm where Chu Huan is now.

The other is the jungle troll beast secret realm.

However, compared to the secret realm of jungle troll beasts, the number of beasts such as Brute Force Tudou is more dense.

Relatively speaking, it is naturally a more suitable method for Chu Huan to spawn monsters.

As for strength.

In the official data, the strongest "strength" attribute of the jungle troll beast is 113 points.

The "strength" attribute of the brute force puppet has reached 128.

For other awakened people, it may be necessary to think clearly, but for Chu Huan,

There is not much difference between more than ten points and less than ten points.

It goes without saying that Chu Huan entered the rock puppet puppet realm with such an immature face.

The awakened ones in the base almost subconsciously made a subconscious "Huh" when they saw Chu Huan, and when they looked at Chu Huan, their eyes were full of surprise.

Soon, as Chu Huan took out the alloy short sword from the space watch, and entered the secret realm of the beast through the entrance of the secret realm, the moment he entered the secret realm of beasts, his eyes darkened.

The next second, when the light entered Chu Huan's eyes again, Chu Huan was already in a place like a canyon.

It was also the first time when his sight was restored that Chu Huan's muscles tightened.

Almost as soon as the focus of his eyes recovered, Chu Huan quickly swept his gaze around.

It was also when Chu Huan looked at some other awakened people in the security barrier, the eyes of the surrounding awakened people were also on Chu Huan.

When they saw Chu Huan, who was only eighteen or nineteen years old, entered alone and with a tender face, all the awakened people around the security barrier were very surprised.

After a quick glance around the heads of these awakened people, Chu Huan withdrew his gaze with a calm expression and then randomly chose a direction to charge without saying a word.

With the current physical attributes of Chu Huan, strictly speaking, even going to the Bronze One-star Beast Secret Realm is enough.

The reason why the target is still placed in the mysterious realm of the beasts of Hei Tie Jiu Xing is exactly the complete problem.

If these awakened ones don't make any bad ideas at all, it's fine.

If there is still such a crooked mind, Chu Huan's current strength is completely able to deal with it.

Seeing Chu Huan's figure gradually drifting away, it was the awakened people around him who came back to their senses.

"Good guy, that kid just looked like he was eighteen or nineteen! Student?"

"Don't make trouble! Which student do you see dares to enter this rock puppet secret realm? Even a repeater is impossible! It may just appear to be younger."

"To dare to act alone in this rock puppet secret realm, that guy is very courageous!"


While the surrounding whispers sounded, another awakened person in the security barrier who seemed to be waiting for his companion said, "Old Zhou, that kid looks like a fat sheep, do you have any ideas?"

Hearing the sound, leaned against an understaffed Awakened squad in the corner of the security barrier.

An Awakened who looked a bit like a monkey with a pointed mouth turned to Zhou Xiangui, who was wearing a tight black suit with his back showing some scars on his neck and chest next to him.

"Brother Zhou! How is it?"

Hearing this, Zhou Xiangui first glanced at the talking companion, and then casually lit a cigarette.

Zhou Xiangui sneered when he exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Fat sheep? Oh! Lao Yang, if you think it's really a fat sheep, you can chase after the rest of your teammates when you arrive! If you're alive then, don't forget to tell me the harvest and make me regret it!"

That is to say, but the old fritters in the audience can't hear another meaning in these words.

If you can live to talk about the harvest, I am afraid that if you really do this, your life may not be able to be saved.

After calmly glancing at the Awakened who spoke before, Zhou Xiangui turned his gaze back in disdain and looked at the Awakened next to him with a somewhat sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks.

"Six sons, do you think if that guy is really a fat sheep, don't any of the guys around have changed? Be smart and don't make trouble for Laozi's stupidity!"

Being scolded by Zhou Xiangui like this, the Awakened who was called the Sixth Son also smiled brightly.


On the other side, after he left, considering the movement he caused when he spawned monsters, Chu Huan stopped after moving for nearly a dozen kilometers in this mysterious realm of beasts.

Almost at the moment when Chu Huan stopped, he was less than two meters away from Chu Huan.

The ground, which had originally looked ordinary and had no difference at all, suddenly trembled.

The next moment, a man who looked one meter tall and as strong as a weightlifter, quickly got up from the ground like a puppet raised from a stone, and then the stone arm the size of a washbasin swung towards Chu Huan. .

In this regard, Chu Huan, who was not at all surprised, raised his hand casually.

The moment when the muscles were tense, the soul power quickly revolved in his body, causing Chu Huan to burst into a sudden burst and slash directly to the rock puppet.

And when Chu Huan appeared in front of the rock puppet, the slightly tilted body suddenly turned over.

During this rotation, Chu Huan's right hand was also quickly swung towards the rock puppet.

The fingers that seem to be weak and slender are like steel, and they are directly pressed against the chest of this rock puppet.

The powerful force and the burst of soul power made Chu Huan's finger touch this rock puppet, and the rock puppet flew backwards, as if it was knocked down by a monster several times stronger than him.

In the process, the blood volume of this rock puppet also dropped by nearly one tenth.

When the rock puppet's body flew upside down, Chu Huan quickly pressed one hand on the rock puppet's arm while resting his right hand on the ground to restore his balance.

At the same time, the fingers pressed hard like iron claws between the five fingers.

The apparently weak and weak fingers seemed to be directly pressing on the fluffy foam, and the five fingers actually fell directly into the arm of the rock puppet.

While drinking lightly in the mouth, the powerful force directly lifted the sturdy body of this rock puppet on the ground and smashed it hard, causing the ground to vibrate out of thin air.

With the rebound force of the rock puppet hitting the ground, Chu Huan's knees instantly pressed against the rock puppet's head like a spring.


In this way, under Chu Huan's silky and smooth but brutal beating, the rock puppet that just jumped up from Chu Huan fell down forever.

What is full of power called "jump joy and die fast".

After some operations and counting the time, Chu Huan couldn't help frowning slightly.

The rock puppet, as the fierce beast of the black iron nine stars, has reached 108 physical attributes.

In other words, the blood volume of this rock puppet is more than 10,000.

Compared with the giant pincer scorpion Chu Huan of Black Iron Samsung, who could still achieve instant kills, these rock puppets were able to support Chu Huan for about ten seconds.

"Hey! The beasts of Hei Tie Jiu Xing are not that weak after all!"

If Chu Huan is heard by others at this moment, I'm afraid he can't help but scold.

Hei Tie Jiu Xing is itself a rock puppet with thick skin and strong defense. For other Awakened squads, even if it is only one, it cannot be solved within a few minutes.

But what about Chu Huan?

He was beaten to death by Chu Huan in less than ten seconds.

Even so, Chu Huan felt a little too slow.

Thinking about it, Chu Huan couldn't help sighing in his heart, and then silently took out his "erhu" soul.

Waiting for the soul power in Chu Huan's body to stir up quickly.

At the moment when the soul of the "Erhu" tool emerged from Chu Huan's body, a slightly muffled and sad song quickly reverberated with Chu Huan as the center.

It was also at the same time that Chu Huan was surfing in this mysterious realm of beasts.

In the office building of the Awakened Association.

After Zhao Wenbin's affair was over, Fu Wenbo successfully stepped into a busy state, whether it was accepting the Jintang Club or some other matters.

Even during last night, Fu Wenbo did not rest all night and has been dealing with things until now.

However, at this moment, the door of the original office suddenly opened.

A figure also quickly entered the office.

If Chu Huan was here at the moment, he would definitely be able to recognize that the person entering Fu Wenbo's office at this moment was Xu Hongwen, who was also the teacher of the actual combat class in Tianlin Middle School.

After entering the office, without waiting for Fu Wenbo to speak, Xu Hongwen said in a hurried and solemn voice: "Something happened, the space detector in the association just detected abnormal fluctuations!"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo's expression suddenly changed.

"Space detector? New beast secret realm?"

Xu Hongwen nodded, his expression also slightly solemn.

After experiencing the initial turmoil of beasts, after the beasts were successfully sealed in the murderer's secret realm, the space detector also came out.

Through this space detector, space fluctuations within a certain range of 3.6 can be detected along with it! .

Once a new beast secret realm appears, it can also be monitored at the first time.

Therefore, the first thing Fu Wenbo thought of when he learned that there was a space detector was the new secret realm of beasts.

After getting confirmation from Xu Hongwen, Fu Wenbo quickly asked, "Where is the detected result?"

“In the east of Linhai City........”

However, before Xu Hongwen could answer Fu Wenbo's question, the phone that Fu Wenbo had placed on the table suddenly vibrated.

His eyes quickly moved to the phone. When he saw the caller ID, Fu Wenbo quickly put down his pen and connected the call.

"Hey, teacher!"

The voice fell, and Li Tianyang's voice immediately rang from the phone.

There is no separation from the water, and the topic is up to the point.

"Wenbo, did a new secret realm of beasts just appear in your Linhai City?"

Hearing Li Tianyang's question, Fu Wenbo said in surprise, "Teacher, how did you know? I just learned about it, and I haven't reported it yet."

However, when the voice and content from the phone came into Fu Wenbo's ears, Fu Wenbo, who was sitting on the boss' chair a second ago, suddenly stood up.

While his expression was excited, the soul power in his body could not help but fluctuate significantly.

ps: I beg to subscribe! In the past few days, there have been fewer and fewer follow-up subscriptions, and I don’t want to be self-determined, but friends who are fattening can take a look every few days. Now it is guaranteed that the updates of 15,000 or 20,000 words are not interrupted every day, and they can be updated every few days. Kill it! .

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