Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 144 Do you have the ability to pick those older bullies? (Ask for a monthly pass on 45)

Almost at the moment when Zhao Wenbin completely lost his vitality, the Awakened with a mustache first took off Zhao Wenbin's space watch and put it on Fu Wenbo's table, and then put Zhao Wenbin's body in the space watch and left. .

The whole process does not have the slightest detachment from the water.

At a glance, I knew it was an old corpse collector.

When only Chu Huan and Fu Wenbo were left in the room, Chu Huan asked, "It's done so easily?"

Fu Wenbo looked at Chu Huan strangely and said, "Otherwise, what else do you want to do? Let the Linhai City Awakened Association and the picket fight fight?"

Chu Huan scratched his head and said, "That's not true, I just think the speed of resolution is too fast!"

Fu Wenbo said in a low voice: "Under normal circumstances, if Zhao Wenbin wanted to solve it, it would have taken some effort, but because of your reasons, the teacher made preparations half a month ago."

"If something goes wrong, just kill Zhao Wenbin!"

Chu Huan wondered: "The people at the picket office are so obedient? After all, he is the person in charge of a branch office. If he says he gives up, he gives up?"

Fu Wenbo shook his head and said: "I don't know exactly how to talk about it, but we can't touch on the teacher's way of doing things for the time being! Anyway, you just need to know that the teacher attaches great importance to you and cares about you."

"All right!"

In response, Chu Huan could only sigh in his heart.

However, although things are handled quickly, many things can be performed proudly.

For example, the authority of the Awakened Association was not suppressed by the pickets as the outside world had said.

"By the way, since Zhao Wenbin has solved it! Then there will be no problem with the next gambling problem, right?"

After confirming that Zhao Wenbin's matter was resolved, Chu Huan asked about the matter that he was most concerned about.

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo waved his hand and said, "Don't think about it, even if there is a gambling game next, neither you nor I will participate."

Chu Huan asked in amazement, "Why? Isn't Zhao Wenbin's matter resolved?"

Fu Wenbo explained: "The Jintang Club was originally an industry under the Awakened Association, but it was robbed by the picket for some special reasons a few years ago."

"The fact that the package is set up to set up gambling games at regular intervals is also ready-made by the picket. Taking advantage of Zhao Wenbin's death this time, the Jintang Club will naturally return to the name of our Awakened Association."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Huan was stunned.

"What? The Jintang Club has become the Awakened Association?"

Fu Wenbo said as a matter of course: "Why not? After this incident, at least the people at the Linhai City and the picket side will naturally understand that in this three-acre field in Linhai City, my Awakened Association is the boss."

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, isn't it a logical thing for us to take back the Jintang Club?"

Chu Huan said, "No, even if it is like this, why can't I participate in the game?"

Seeing that Chu Huan was still obsessed, Fu Wenbo looked at Chu Huan faintly and said, "Have you ever seen someone who gambled money from their own casino and then made the casino lose money?"

Chu Huan: "..."

After pondering for a while, Chu Huan finally said, "So, now, it's because you bet too hard, and then attracted Zhao Wenbin's attention, and while solving the trouble, you also cut off my fortune?"

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Fu Wenbo's face became a little more embarrassed.

As Chu Huan said, if it wasn't for the fact that he bet too hard before, maybe he and Chu Huan could continue to make another profit.

Seeing Chu Huan's blank face, Fu Wenbo sighed and said, "Boy, you are only one star of black iron, why do you want so many beast crystals?"

Chu Huan said abruptly, "It's bright and beautiful!"

Fu Wenbo: "........."

Facing Chu Huan's answer, Fu Wenbo said angrily, "How about I send you a cart of rhinestones? That thing is also shiny."

"whispering sound!"

Chu Huan curled his lips in disgust.

Taking Chu Huan's expression into his eyes, Fu Wenbo suddenly felt that the anger in his heart was not at all.

"This kid, it's really the first time I've seen him!"

Rubbing his eyebrows, and then resisting the thought of blasting Chu Huan out, Fu Wenbo said, "Don't think about it, even if there is no such thing as today, you will have to go to the capital in a few days, and you can bet if you want to. no chance."

Hearing this, Chu Huan was stunned for a moment.

"To the capital? So fast?"

Fu Wenbo said: "The interior of the headquarters is almost cleaned up! You can go there earlier to be more secure, and if you are arranged for admission as soon as possible, it will be easier for you to keep up with the courses in the school."

Chu Huan said blankly, "Didn't you say you joined the Awakened Association in the past? Why do you have to go to school?"

Fu Wenbo said angrily: "That's an ordinary person. You're only 18 years old now. How far do you think the things you teach in high school are enough for you to go?"

"If you don't even know the corresponding knowledge about the secret realm of beasts, when you enter the secret realm of high-level beasts, you may die without knowing how you died."

Chu Huan thought about it and found that he was right.

The Ferocious Beast Secret Realm does not mean that the danger is only those beasts.

But in many beast secret realms, some other creatures that seem to be not very strong, or even a plant may also contain some special effects.

It was like a low-level eight-star Yeyoulang Fierce Beast Secret Realm. In addition to the Yeyoulang, there was also a nine-ringed poisonous spider that looked like an ordinary spider in reality.

Although very fragile and weak, only the size of a fingernail, but if accidentally bitten.

Without an antidote, an ordinary black iron level Awakener could be killed in thirty seconds.

The more advanced the beast secret realm, the more creatures such as this nine-ring poisonous spider.

If he died in the secret realm of beasts because of ignorance and lack of knowledge, then he would be a bit too embarrassed to die.

At the same time, Fu Wenbo said again: "Besides that, the capital city is different from the Linhai city."

"You're welcome, the Awakened team that can stay in the capital and survive, just pull out an Awakened team and pick three Awakened teams of the same level in Linhai City."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Huan couldn't help but wonder: "Huh? Is there such a big difference?"

Fu Wenbo snorted softly: "What do you think? After all, it is the capital, the top city in the Yan Kingdom."

"The Awakeners over there, just any Awakener of the black iron level, even if the level is not up, but there are many "Elementary Fighting Techniques" who have reached the fifth or sixth level."

"Not to mention that the skills and cooperation in the team have been carefully studied! Do you think that the cooperation between the awakened people in Linhai City is all about feeling?"

After learning the difference between the awakened people in the capital city and those in Linhai City, Chu Huan said, "Then after I go to the capital city, which middle school will I go to? I'll check the Internet first to prepare myself!"

However, these words have just been spoken, and Fu Wenbo is a look of "you are very wrong".

After pondering for a while, Fu Wenbo wondered: "I said, do you still want to show your face? All day long, all you think about is bullying your peers. If you have the ability, do you pick those older ones to bully?"

In one month, Chu Huan's growth rate has refreshed Fu Wenbo's three views.

After experiencing successive shocks, Fu Wenbo felt that even if Chu Huan entered the Bronze 1-star after a few months, it would not be unacceptable.

Although the capital city is said to be crowded with Awakeneds, at best they are more talented, and the number of Awakeneds of B-rank or A-rank is more.

As for the one-star bronze star, for ordinary awakened people, even those with A-level or even S-level talent levels in the capital may already be the limit of the third-year high school.

For Chu Huan, it is indeed no longer the same starting line.

Chu Huan rolled his eyes and said, "I was only in the third year of high school. Could it be that you asked me to play in Wanlin Academy?"

But when the words came out, Chu Huan was stunned for a moment and then said: "Isn't I going to go to university directly after I go there?"

Fu Wenbo shrugged and said, "What's the surprise? Your talent level is SSS level, and throwing you to those middle schools is a complete waste of your time. It's better to throw you directly into Wanlin Academy."

"Anyway, the first principal of Wanlin Academy is also the founder of our Awakened Association. Every year, our Awakened Association has three free admissions places, which are reserved for those talented seeds in the association."

Knowing from Fu Wenbo's mouth that he actually entered the Wanlin Academy directly after going to the capital, Rao Chu Huan couldn't help being a little surprised.

Among the nine top universities in the Yan Kingdom, there are two in the capital.

One is Wanlin University and the other is Loulan University.

Looking at the entire Yan Kingdom, the two universities are among the top nine universities.

For example, in previous years, the rigid admission criteria for these nine top universities were to reach the black iron eight-star level, the "Basic Fighting Technique" level 9, and the A-level talent level. In addition, there were also related requirements for cultural courses.

Every year, there are tens of millions of students in the Yan Kingdom, but only a few thousand people can enter the nine universities.

It can be said to be truly one in a million.

Therefore, Chu Huan was so surprised when he learned that he could enter Wanlin Academy now.

But when he reacted, Chu Huan's interest also increased greatly. .

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