Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 139 Can you feel your conscience when you say this? (Ask for a monthly pass on 45)

The picket office and the Awakened Association are the two important departments of the Yan Kingdom.

It's just that the picket office was originally a subordinate department of the Awakened Association, but it suddenly rose a few years ago, and now it is faintly suppressing the Awakened Association.

Especially in the real world, from the decision-making plan to deal with foreign Awakeners to the arrest of illegal Awakeners, the picket has the authority to deal with them.

Even ordinary departments in action need full cooperation.

The power is so great.

Originally, Chu Huan thought that this time he was targeting some ordinary little characters.

But I didn't expect that the other party turned out to be a picket.

After thinking for a while, Chu Huan asked, "For no reason, why are your pickets looking for me?"

The identity has already taken the initiative to confess, and Wang Zheng obviously has no plans to continue to conceal it.

He immediately said, "You have won twice in a row in the bets set up by the Linhai City Challenge, so we want to bring you back."

Chu Huan raised his brows lightly: "Heh! You should think carefully about lying. It is legal to bet to win prizes in the Jintang Club. What are you kidding me when you say that your pickets are targeting me because of this?"

Wang Zheng hurriedly said, "What I said is true. Our picket office is responsible for the challenges between colleges and universities in Linhai every year. The Jintang Club is the property of our picket office."

Hearing Wang Zheng's words, Chu Huan's face also showed a bit of surprise.

Obviously, Chu Huan really did not expect that the Jintang Club was the property of the picket office.

At this time, Wang Zheng continued: "In this challenge, you won two consecutive bets twice, and each time it was a heavy bet."

"That's why we want to take you back and ask to see if there is any problem here."

During the speech, Wang Zheng always showed that he just wanted to bring Chu Huan and others back to inquire.

However, looking at Wang Zheng's current performance, Chu Huan sneered.

As far as Wang Zheng's words are concerned, it is almost the same as deceiving children.

You must know that Chu Huan is only an auxiliary awakener in the external data.

It is also a student's identity.

If things are really as simple as Wang Zheng said, the picket office can directly find itself in the real world.

There is absolutely no need to follow all the way to the beast secret realm like now.

And ten people were dispatched at one time.

Need so much trouble?

Meng who?

What's more, if the picket itself was in contact with Chu Huan in the real world this time, Chu Huan would also cooperate as much as possible considering the fact that the people do not fight with the officials.

The problem is that now Chu Huan has already started.

And after the battle just now, Chu Huan doesn't think how friendly these people will be to him when they go back.

The best situation is that Chu Huan admits his talent level of sss.

But in this case, what is your situation is not necessarily.

After all, it is not the same as Li Tianyang.

After the experience with the Awakened Association, Chu Huan's sense of Li Tianyang is not bad.

Not to mention the bond of Fu Wenbo.

Compared with the picket office, Chu Huan naturally trusts the Awakened Association a little more.

Once the other party knows his SSS talent level, he must also know his relationship with Li Tianyang.

At that time, the picket may use itself as a pawn in the game with the Awakened Association.

Therefore, when various thoughts flashed in my mind quickly, they finally converged into one result.

"People like Wang Zheng can't be kept!"

If Wang Zheng and the others died in this secret realm of beasts, even if the picket office refused to forgive them afterwards, Chu Huan could still refuse to admit it, and it was assumed that the other party died in the secret realm of beasts.

After all, Chu Huan's level and auxiliary attributes are the best cover.

But if Wang Zheng was allowed to go out, once he told what he had just experienced, Chu Huan would fall into a passive state.

Thinking of this, when he looked at Wang Zheng and the others, the murderous intention in Chu Huan's heart not only did not decrease, but instead became more and more intense.

As if feeling Chu Huan's increasingly stern eyes, Wang Zheng's body jerked and hurriedly opened his mouth when he realized that something was wrong.

"In addition to us this time, there are some people outside of us who are guarding the gate of this giant pincer scorpion beast secret realm. If we all die, even if you go out, you will be subdued as soon as possible."

Speaking, as if worried that Chu Huan would still kill, Wang Zheng continued: "The matter just now can be regarded as a misunderstanding. After all, we didn't take the initiative to reveal our identity before, so you can be regarded as a legitimate defense."

"As long as you let us go, things can't be counted on your head, how?"

While speaking, Wang Zheng gestured to the other companions.

Noticing the information given by Wang Zheng, others also nodded their positions.

"Yes, it was a misunderstanding before, misunderstanding, we have no bad intentions for you."

"Yes! Little brother, don't make mistakes again and again! Killing people in the picket office is a big crime!"

"You are only in the third year of high school, and you are about to take the college entrance examination. With your strength and talent, you have a bright future. Don't ruin your future by thinking about it for a while!"


Looking at the people in the picket who were persuading Qi Qi at the moment, Chu Huan chuckled and said, "Oh, you guys are so considerate! Think about me like that."

Hearing Chu Huan's words, the people at the picket hurriedly squeezed a far-fetched smile from their faces.

Humble, weak and pitiful.

Putting his eyes on the people in front of him, Chu Huan's thoughts turned quickly.

If according to what Wang Zheng said now, there are other people from the picket guard outside the secret realm of the beasts, then Chu Huan will have to think about how to deal with it.

After all, Chu Huan is not alone now.

If Chu Huan is the only one today, then Chu Huan can still kill Wang Zheng and others before strutting out.

Anyway, I just don't know!

But today, in addition to Chu Huan and the people from the picket office, there are three others, Zhou Hao.

Heart is under the kyte.

Although the contact time with Zhou Hao and the three of them during this period is not small.

The senses of the three on Chu Huan's side are not bad.

But the three of Zhou Hao are students, and in Chu Huan's view, they belong to the kind of relatively simple students.

Once taken away by the people at the picket, whether intentionally or not, the possibility of exposing today's situation is 9.90%.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Chu Huan asked, "Although what you said is quite similar, I am not sure whether your identities are true or false."

Hearing this, Wang Zheng said stunned: "Didn't we all give you the documents?"

Chu Huan rolled his eyes and pointed to himself: "I, an ordinary three-good student, do you think I can tell the authenticity of your documents? I haven't seen them before, in case you are professional liars, What about kicking this fake certificate on the body at any time to prevent it from happening?"

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Wang Zheng couldn't hold back a roar.

"Just you? Are you still a three-good student? Can you feel your conscience when you say this? Which three-good student can kill someone like you without blinking an eye! What are your three good ones?"

Although he complained in his heart, what Chu Huan said now was well-founded and coherent, and he really couldn't find a reason to refute it.

"What do you want?"

Chu Huan shrugged and said, "It's very simple! You first follow me to the edge of the secret passage, and then I will temporarily interrupt your legs and feet, and then I will go out to have a look."

"If there really are people from the other pickets you mentioned outside, then your identities can also be confirmed."

"If I went out and didn't find the other people you mentioned, then I'll play with you slowly after I come back."

Knowing that Chu Huan wanted to break their legs and feet, Wang Zheng and the other people at the picket office changed their expressions.

Wang Zheng gritted his teeth and said, "We are already injured now. If you interrupt our hands and feet again, even if we go to the hospital, it will take a long time to recover. This method is too much. Bar!"

Chu Huan waved his hands and said, "No way, after all, your level is three-star black iron. Even if you are injured, my three companions can't handle you. It is safer to interrupt your hands and feet."

Then, after a pause, Chu Huan continued: "Also, if you revealed your identities at the beginning, things wouldn't have gotten to this point, and even the two uncles just now wouldn't have died."

"So, strictly speaking, you can only blame yourself for these things!"

Wang Zheng: "..."

Listening to Chu Huan's remarks, Wang Zheng and the others all felt that there was a fire running around in their hearts.

But they haven't been able to refute it yet.

In all honesty, if they were put in Chu Huan's situation today, they would definitely not be any better than Chu Huan.

After all, where they are now, it is the secret realm of beasts.

Wang Zheng and others knew in their hearts that with Chu Huan's performance, if they continued to refuse now, they might have to die in the future.

In this kind of situation where I am the fish and the meat is the knife and the knife, it is not up to them to choose.

Therefore, even if they were unwilling in their hearts, Wang Zheng and others could only grit their teeth and admit it.

Afterwards, under Chu Huan's instruction, Wang Zheng and others could only forcibly endure the physical injuries and the strong pain all over their bodies and stood up, and then walked step by step towards the entrance of the secret passage under the supervision of Chu Huan. .

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