Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 140 The world is dangerous and must be guarded against! (55 ask for a monthly pass)

In the black desert, a team of more than ten people moved quickly on this black sand layer.

If there are other awakened people coming towards you at this moment, watching the blood of these people in front of them, their faces are pale, and Bao Buqi will be shocked and think they have hit a ghost.

The environment in the secret realm of this giant pincer scorpion beast is inherently harsh.

If it is the heyday of normal times, with Wang Zheng and others' black iron three-star level and "physique" attribute, they would not feel that there is much problem.

But now it's different.

They themselves were seriously injured.

Now dragging a severely injured body to walk in the secret realm of this giant pincer scorpion beast, it is naturally uncomfortable to take a step.

After more than ten minutes, Wang Zheng and the others were able to continue running, entirely because the desire to survive was supporting them.

Finally, after moving for nearly three minutes again, Wang Zheng and the others finally saw the entrance to the passage of this giant pincer scorpion-.

It was also when everyone saw that they were about to step into the entrance of the passage, Wang Zheng and his party suddenly felt a flower in front of them.

The next second, Chu Huan, who was supposed to be behind them, had already rushed into the security barrier around the entrance and directly blocked the entrance of the passage.

"This guy is simply too cautious."

While complaining in their hearts, everyone thought that their hands and feet would be interrupted next, and the joy when they saw the entrance of the passage suddenly turned into anguish.

After everyone entered the security barrier, Chu Huan didn't talk too much nonsense with others.

Directly controlling Du Peng, who was transformed into a undead puppet, quickly rushed to the side of these awakened people and quickly interrupted their hands and feet.

In an instant, one after another screams of pain echoed around the safe passage.

After the last Awakened at the picket was interrupted by Du Peng, Chu Huan looked to the side of Zhou Hao.

"I'll go out and have a look first. You guys are watching here. Before I come back, once they have changed, it will prove that their identity as a picket is fake, and they will be killed directly."

The three of Zhou Hai nodded and said, "Don't worry, boss!"

After exhorting, Chu Huan once again glanced at Wang Zheng and the others who stepped into the secret passage.

With the familiar sense of weightlessness wrapping Chu Huan, the next second, Chu Huan had already returned to the alloy house in the base from the secret realm of the giant pincer scorpion beast.

His eyes quickly glanced around and at the door.

What made Chu Huan slightly relieved was that there were no other awakeners at the door of the alloy house.

After taking a few deep breaths, Chu Huan didn't step out of the alloy house for the first time to check whether Wang Zheng said that there were really other pickets outside.

Instead, he took out his phone and called Fu Wenbo.

A few seconds later, while Chu Huan was waiting a little nervously, it was Fu Wenbo, who was on the opposite side, who answered the phone.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Wenbo's tone of voice with a bit of helplessness rang out.

"Boy, why are you calling again?"

This time, Chu Huan did not continue with Fu Wenbo, but quickly said, "Mr. Fu, something happened, and I was targeted by the picket office!"

As soon as these words came out, Fu Wenbo, who was on the other side of the phone, immediately opened his mouth and said, "What's the situation?"

While speaking, Fu Wenbo's voice was no longer as casual as before, but full of solemnity.

Immediately, Chu Huan quickly explained the previous situation in the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm.

After hearing what Chu Huan said, Fu Wenbo on the other side of the phone asked, "It seems to be true, the Jintang Club is indeed the property of the picket office."

Chu Huan said succinctly: "What do you say now?"

As soon as the words fell, Fu Wenbo, who was on the other side of the phone, said, "Have you confirmed that those people in the picket office have seen you do it with your own eyes and have your artifact soul skills?"

Chu Huan rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't it because I am so passive now?"

"Where are those people?" Fu Wenbo asked.

Chu Huan said honestly: "I killed two, and the rest were seriously injured. Then I cut off all of my hands and feet and asked three friends from Linhai No. 2 Middle School to help me watch, so that I could call you and discuss it as soon as I came out."

After saying this, Chu Huan could clearly hear Fu Wenbo's voice spit out as if he was relaxing.

"Fortunately! Your kid is smart, you know that you can find me as soon as possible!"

After saying this, without waiting for Chu Huan to continue speaking, Fu Wenbo said: "You go in now and kill all the people in the picket office, I will bring people to your side now, and you will come out after an hour. ."

Chu Huan said: "The people at the picket said that there are other people guarding outside. Teacher Fu, are you sure you can handle it?"

Fu Wenbo snorted coldly: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, listen to me now, hurry in and deal with those guys! Otherwise, once the people at the picket office know about your situation, it will be troublesome!"

The words fell, and Fu Wenbo had already hung up the phone.

Seeing this, Chu Huan couldn't help but pouted and put the phone back in his pocket.

The thoughts in his mind quickly turned a little, Chu Huan glanced at the door of the alloy house a few meters away, then turned around resolutely and stepped into the secret realm of the beast again.

A few seconds later, as the feeling of his feet touching the bottom surfaced, Chu Huan immediately activated his soul power.

When the figures of Wang Zheng and the others who were still lying on the ground in front of him and Zhou Hao were printed in Chu Huan's eyes, it was confirmed that there was no danger of Chu Huan.

And when they saw Chu Huan who had gone and returned, Wang Zheng and the others, who had been staring at the entrance of the passage, all looked overjoyed.

Wang Zheng's face relaxed and his voice was a little weak: "How is it? You know we didn't lie to you! I said that we are from the picket office, why should we lie to you about this matter."

Hearing this, Chu Huan snorted softly: "I don't know what you guys are talking about, there are no other pickets outside."

"how is this possible?"

Hearing this, the joy on Wang Zheng and the others' faces suddenly froze and they looked at Chu Huan in shock.

Taking the reactions of Wang Zheng and others into his eyes, Chu Huan shrugged and said, "Do you think that if there are people in the picket office, will it be me who will return to the secret realm of beasts now?"

The voice came out, but it made Wang Zheng and others stiff, and their expressions suddenly became tense.

Even when they looked at Chu Huan, they hurriedly indicated that they were really the identity of the picket staff.

Wang Zheng even opened his mouth and said, "If there is no one outside, you can call the Linhai City Picket Branch! You can check the number of the picket branch with your mobile phone, and we can prove our identity as long as we report the number. "

0 ·For flowers

The others also spoke one after another when they heard the words.

"Yes! We have all the documents. You can let the people from the Linhai City Picket Branch check it out!"

"We are really the people of the picket office. Whoever pretends to be a person from the picket office will lie to you!"


Everyone in the group exited in a hurry, as if Chu Huan would directly attack them if they spoke slowly.

Amid the excitement and apprehension of Wang Zheng and others, Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "Forget it, seeing you like this, I don't have a clue in my heart. The people at the picket office, a student of mine, is indeed a little worried."

"So, I decided to wait an hour before going out to have a look. If the people from your picket office haven't confirmed your identity outside, I will call the Linhai City Picket Office later and I won't be able to confirm your identity."

"Then you can't blame me."

After speaking, Chu Huan waved his hands to the three of Zhou Hao, and then stood there and waited quietly.

Seeing that Chu Huan didn't hit them hard the first time, Wang Zheng and the other people at the picket office were slightly relieved.


In their opinion, as long as Chu Huan waits to go out, even if there is no picket outside.

But Chu Huan's identities can also be confirmed by calling the picket division.

Just thinking that they would have to endure for another hour, everyone couldn't help but curse a few words in their hearts.

Apparently dissatisfied with the sudden departure of his colleagues at the picket office outside.

Glancing at Wang Zheng and other people at the picket office, Chu Huan moved his fingers lightly when he dropped his fingers on his legs.

The saying that the heart is separated from the belly is not just talk.

Whether it is the previous life or this life, there are many cases of being betrayed by the people who are closest and trusted.

Therefore, Chu Huan's precaution has always been heavier.

It's not that it's born like this, but that I've seen it a lot and understand the dangers of the world, so I have to guard against it!

Although Chu Huan believes in Fu Wenbo more, his trust in Fu Wenbo may be a little higher than that of ordinary people.

most of the time.

Trust this kind of thing, it takes time and some big and small things to accumulate little by little.

If according to what Fu Wenbo said, he directly kills these people in the picket office, then if something happens, Chu Huan can only bear all the consequences.

So this time, it is also a temptation for Chu Huan to deal with Wenbo.

If after an hour, Chu Huan returned from the secret realm to the alloy house, at that time Fu Wenbo appeared and dealt with the people at the picket outside.

In the future, as far as Fu Wenbo is concerned, Chu Huan can basically put his trust in Fu Wenbo with confidence.

Many things can also be discussed with Fu Wenbo with more confidence.

On the other hand, if Fu Wenbo gave Chu Huan only a verbal check, then Chu Huan has not killed Wang Zheng and others now, and no matter what problems arise in the future, there is still room for easing.

Only children can do everything with passion.

A mature person will always consider any situation clearly before doing something.

When things are not certain, do things absolutely, that is what a fool would do. Ten thousand.

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