Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 138: Tell me that you are this auxiliary awakener (35 ask for a monthly ticket)

For a few minutes in a row, in the perspective of Liu Luoyan and the others, they once again saw the horror of Chu Huan's tool soul skills.

and weird.

Just like now.

Obviously, the eight people on Wang Zheng's side are already bleeding from seven holes, but they all have a happy expression on their faces.

No matter how you look at it, there is a gloomy feeling.

As for Ge Tao.....

The picture of sitting in a sedan chair until he vomited blood was also a successful refresh of the three views of Zhou Hao and the three.

Even for a time, the three of them believed that if they got married in the future, they would not get this sedan chair out if they were killed.

Soon, under Chu Huan's gameplay, the blood volume of Wang Zheng and others dropped sharply by half.

Seeing this, Chu Huan was the controller soul who interrupted the tool soul skill.

It was also at the moment when the tool soul skill was interrupted that the other two suona phantoms that were separated from the "suona" tool soul by Chu Huan also disappeared without a trace.

"Does it automatically dissipate after each interrupter soul skill?"

Taking into account the disappearance of the two suona phantoms separated by soul power before, Chu Huan also secretly remembered the one-time feature of his suona phantom.

As Chu Huan successfully interrupted his Soul Tool skill, Wang Zheng and the others were fine, but they just fell from the air and fell to the ground.

But Ge Tao, who was under special care by Chu Huan, was different.

With Chu Huan interrupting the soul skill, half of his body is stuck in the soil.

If this Ge Tao sits in the sedan a few more times, I am afraid that now only one head will be exposed!

Looking at the situation of Wang Zheng and others, Zhou Hao on one side couldn't help but "tsk tsk" in his heart.

Obviously this time the number of opponents has reached ten people.

And they are all at the level of black iron three-star.

But except that at the beginning, the one who sneaked around with the stealth device-like soul skill was eliminated by Chu Huan resolutely.

For the remaining nine people, Chu Huan didn't even rely on his artifact soul skills to get Wang Zheng and others out of this remnant.

This shows the importance of a powerful tool soul and tool soul skills for an awakened being.

"I'm jealous!"

Thinking about it, Zhou Hao couldn't help but cast an envious look at Chu Huan.

A few seconds later, as Chu Huan took the initiative to interrupt the tool soul skill, Wang Zheng and others woke up one after another from the ecstasy state in "March of Carrying the Coffin".

As soon as the eyes regained clarity, they felt the intense pain that surged up from all around the body like a tide, and the faces of Wang Zheng and the other awakened people suddenly distorted.

Resisting the pain in his body, he raised his head.

When looking at Chu Huan's line of sight, Wang Zheng's eyes still had the previous anger and sternness.

The eyes were round as if they had seen something extremely terrifying, and the panic could not be restrained from spreading out from their eyes.

At this moment, Wang Zheng couldn't help but think of the description of Chu Huan in this intelligence information.

"Auxiliary Awakened, Auxiliary Device Soul 々ˇ."

Afterwards, looking at the companions around who were all seriously injured and bleeding from their seven orifices, Wang Zheng couldn't help but curse in his heart.

"Knocked you? With such a terrifying tool soul skill, is he still an auxiliary awakener?"

"If Laozi can go out alive today, he must kill the beast who collected the information."

At the same time, Chu Huan continued to control the amount of soul power injected so that the "suona" device soul kept performing the "coffin-carrying march".

After confirming that Wang Zheng and the others were all awake now, Chu Huan's eyes were placed on the awakened person named Du Peng next to him.

Just now, Chu Huan remembered clearly that it was this Du Peng who was clamoring to kill Chu Huan before.

That way, it looks super fierce.

Chu Huan, who has always been small-minded, will naturally not forget this face of Du Peng who spoke ill of him.

But when Chu Huan looked at him like this, Du Peng, who was in the distance, shuddered violently.

Soon, in the sight of others, a new coffin-carrying gang appeared five meters away from Du Peng in front of everyone.

Looking at the coffin-carrying gang that appeared again, everyone who had tried these coffin-carrying gangs several times was surprised.

As the service object of this coffin-carrying gang, he looked at the coffin-carrying gang that was closest to him.

Du Peng still didn't understand, Chu Huan clearly wanted to attack himself first.

Under the threat of life, Du Peng even ignored the severe pain that came from all over his body, and crawled back two steps with both hands and feet, then turned around and fled into the distance.

In response, Chu Huan chuckled: "It's quite energetic! Not bad!"

However, it didn't take long for Chu Huan's voice to fall, and in the eyes of Wang Zheng and others, Du Peng, who had just run away, just left and returned.

It's just that compared to before, Du Peng's face is dull at this moment.

Afterwards, Wang Zheng and others successfully changed from the previous experiencers to the current bystanders.

And watched Du Peng go in and out of different coffins with his own eyes.

In particular, Du Peng's strange expression of joy and gratification on the side of the seven orifices bleeding made Wang Zheng and others feel a creepy feeling in their hearts.

Not long after, when everyone looked at Du Peng, who had been successfully transformed into a undead, and his eyes were grey and white without the slightest bit of anger, an awakened person could no longer bear the panic in his heart.

"This, this, this in the end, what kind of ghost artifact skills?"

However, no one at the scene responded to the question of this awakened person.

Even the former comrades looked at Du Peng, who had turned into a undead, with horrified and dull expressions.

After successfully killing the chicken to warn the monkeys, several people saw Du Peng's end at the moment, Chu Huan's eyes returned to Wang Zheng and others.

During the process, everyone who touched Chu Huan's line of sight, including Wang Zheng, felt that Chu Huan was still like a sharp ice blade.

I couldn't help but tilted my head and didn't dare to look at Chu Huan.

Seeing this, Chu Huan just said lightly: "I'm done killing chickens to warn the monkeys, and you all see it clearly. I don't like too much nonsense, and I'm not interested in wasting time with you."

"So, the question is only asked once. Your identity, your boss's identity, find my purpose."

Listening to what Chu Huan said, an awakened person on Wang Zheng's side said: "If we all said it, can you promise to let us go?"

However, Chu Huan didn't have the slightest idea of ​​responding to this person's question.

Soul power was slowly injected into the suona, and when the tune that made everyone terrified sounded again, Chu Huan said again: "From now on, every thirty seconds, I will randomly choose one of you to solve it."

After speaking, Chu Huan leisurely began to count: "1, 2, 3, 4..."

There is absolutely no feeling of caring about Wang Zheng and others.

Looking at Chu Huan who was counting on himself, Wang Zheng and the others looked at each other without saying a word.

In the silence of the crowd, the numbers that kept popping out of Chu Huan's mouth were also getting bigger and bigger.

"' .30"

And when this number was spat out of Chu Huan's mouth, Du Peng, who had been transformed into a undead puppet by Chu Huan, moved.

The body shrouded in black mist flickered and instantly appeared behind an Awakened with a scar on his cheek.


Almost at the moment when his body stood still, Du Peng's sharp nails pierced directly into the back chest of his former companion after he was successfully transformed into a necromancer.

As the heart was pierced, the Awakened's body froze, and then, his eyes began to lose their luster quickly.

After getting rid of one person again as promised, Chu Huan's casual voice rang again.

"1, 2, 3..."

Seeing that Chu Huan actually killed someone when he counted to 30, Wang Zheng and his party couldn't help but jump.

"Damn, is this really just a high school student? The means are so cruel, killing people is a bit of a drag."

While scolding the intelligence collectors this time, Wang Zheng hurriedly spoke up while watching Chu Huan who was constantly counting.

"Wait, we are from the picket office. If you kill us all, you will definitely be wanted by the picket office, and there will be no place for you anywhere in the world."

"The picket office?"

Hearing what Wang Zheng said, Chu Huan narrowed his eyes slightly.

The three Liu Luoyan behind Chu Huan also changed their expressions slightly.

Zhu Tao stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Big brother, the picket, if you kill him, it may be a little troublesome."

Hearing Zhu Tao's voice in his ears, Chu Huan's expression remained unchanged.

His eyes fell on Wang Zheng and he pondered for a few seconds before slowly opening his mouth and said, "Take out your documents!"

Hearing this, Wang Zheng endured the pain in his body and took out a certificate from his space watch.

Seeing Wang Zheng's actions, the remaining people quickly took out their documents from their bodies.

Du Peng, who was controlling the undead puppet, collected all the documents and sent them to him.

Opened the certificates one by one and compared them with each other. The official seal and format on each certificate were surprisingly consistent.

And the color of the official seal has a special watermark, which does not look like a fake top.

The chances of being fake should be small.

After confirming this, Chu Huan's expression also became solemn.

If it were an ordinary Awakened, Chu Huan would kill him if he killed him.

But now that the other party is from the picket office, it seems a bit difficult to handle. .

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