Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 130 Thank you for your trust! (45)

In front of everyone's eyes, he successfully got an enhanced buff for Zhou Ziqi and Sun Jun.

After giving the two a secret look.

Under the clear eyes of Zhou Ziqi and Sun Jun, Chu Huan consciously walked to the edge of the playground to prepare to be a spectator.

After everyone backed away to get out of the way, Xu Hongwen on one side entered the arena slowly.

Soon, as the battle began, Sun Jun, who was the first to play, immediately kicked out a student from Linhai High School with a thunderous momentum.

The whole process added up to a vaguely shorter time than the battle with Linhai No. 3 Middle School.

That's about two seconds.

In the eyes of other students around, it was almost Xu Hongwen's voice that fell. After two "bang bang" sounds came from the playground, the battle was over.

"Hahaha! This student of Linhai High School is too weak! He lost so soon!"

"Look at the student from the High School Affiliated to Linhai, his face is dazed now, and he still hasn't reacted to the co-authorship!"

"Don't be too happy, the most troublesome student at Linhai High School is the student named Yan Mingjie. With the talent level of S rank, it is not impossible to pick two!"

"That's right! It's too early to be happy now, it's a shame to be slapped in the face in a while!"


Although the surrounding students were surprised by Sun Jun's resolution of the thunderous situation, they did not react as much as they did when they faced Linhai No. 3 Middle School last time. 810

After all, everyone knew that the real tough guy in the school this time was Yan Mingjie from Linhai High School.

The layman watches the fun, and the layman watches the doorway.

On the edge of the playground, the scene of the battle between Sun Jun and his own school students was brought into his eyes, but Li Wenshan's complexion suddenly changed drastically.

"Something's wrong, how could the students at Tianlin Middle School be so fast?"

From Li Wenshan's point of view, the speed of Sun Jun's explosion at that moment was almost as fast as if his "Agility" attribute had reached about 80.

And this is what makes Li Wenshan strange.

You know, even Yan Mingjie's current "Agility" attribute is only 80 points.

And Yan Mingjie is a genius whose talent level has reached the S level.

But what about this student from Tianlin Middle School?

Li Wanshan didn't believe that this student from Tianlin Middle School was also an S-level talent.

But even if it is an A-level talent level, it is impossible to be higher than Yan Mingjie in the "Agility" attribute!

This is not scientific at all.

Not to mention that the souls of the students of Tianlin Middle School are shields, obviously they should be awakeners of strength type or physique type.

How can the "agility" attribute be so exaggerated?

"Could it be the BUFF Soul Skill of that kid just now?"

For a while, Li Wenshan couldn't help but blame Chu Huan.

But on second thought, Li Wenshan shook his head again to suppress the idea.

After all, Chu Huan's tool soul skills were only buffs in scope, so the difference wouldn't be that big.

And in Li Wenshan's view, Tianlin Middle School couldn't do such a shameless thing.

"So what's the problem?"

Li Wenshan's brows, who couldn't figure it out, were already tightly wrinkled.

In the process of frowning and contemplating Li Wenshan, the second student from Linhai High School came on stage.

Under the huge "agility" attribute gap, the results are not as good as the first place.

Soon, it was finally Yan Mingjie's turn to play.

Just like last time, when it was Yan Mingjie's turn to play this time, Sun Jun stepped back decisively and switched to Zhou Ziqi.

"It's really not giving me a chance!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Huan couldn't help but murmured.

Zhou Ziqi's "agility" attribute is better than Sun Jun's.

It has already reached "63 points".

And Chu Huan previously gave Zhou Ziqi and Sun Jun the buff effect controlled at 60%.

In other words, Sun Jun's "Agility" attribute is now almost the same as Yan Mingjie's.

And Zhou Ziqi's "Agility" attribute is just over 100.

Compared with Yan Mingjie, it was more than ten points higher.

Such a gap in "agility" attributes, coupled with Zhou Ziqi's own space-type tool soul skills.

For Yan Mingjie, there is almost no suspense at all.

Therefore, under the attention of all the people, Yan Mingjie was basically beaten by Zhou Ziqi from the start.

Even in the midst of constant evasion, he couldn't even do the quick mobilization skills of condensing soul power.

In this way, it lasted for nearly two minutes.

As Zhou Ziqi's dagger-like soul rested on Yan Mingjie's chest, Tianlin Middle School also officially declared victory.

"Oh, a big wave of bonuses!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Huan's mouth twitched slightly.

Compared to Chu Huan, who had planned all this in his heart, the students from Tianlin Middle School around him were instantly blown away.

"That's it? Didn't you say that Yan Mingjie is an S-level talent? Why can't even Zhou Ziqi be defeated?"

"It is estimated that it was said casually by the Linhai High School, and the purpose was just to make everyone nervous."

"In my opinion, it's not as interesting as the battle of the students from Linhai No. 3 Middle School last time."


In the midst of all the low talk, the three students from Linhai High School all bowed their heads, with a bit of sadness on their faces.

And Li Wenshan's complexion also changed from the light cloudy at the beginning to the gloomy and doubtful look now.

Until now, Li Wenshan still couldn't figure out how Zhou Ziqi and Sun Jun's "Agility" attributes could be so high.

And this time, Chu Huan didn't need to speak.

With Xu Hongwen successfully declaring the winner or loser, Fu Wenbo approached Li Wenshan with a smile on his face.

Later, in the eyes of Tianlin Middle School and Linhai High School, Li Wenshan was like a Sichuan opera that changed his face.

In just a few minutes, expressions of shock, anger, surprise, doubt, and joy appeared on Li Wenshan's face.

Until he finally left, Li Wenshan and even other classrooms at the Linhai High School were full of smiles.

There was no sign of losing the challenge match just now.

After personally sending Li Wenshan and others out of the school, Xu Hongwen looked at the backs of the seniors at Linhai Affiliated High School and couldn't help but looked at Fu Wenbo suspiciously and said, "By the way, every time you come to challenge schools in the future, you have to set them up like this. A bad check?"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo sighed: "Otherwise? Now that things have started, I can't stop it!"

To be honest, Fu Wenbo also has a headache for this issue.

If it really follows Chu Huan's method, then every school will write a blank check, which is definitely not an option.

After all, there are rules in the challenge competition. If an institution fails to challenge other schools, it cannot continue to challenge.

Therefore, when the challenge is over, Tianlin Middle School can only choose one school to challenge and deliberately lose to the opponent.

At that time, which school to challenge will naturally become a problem.

Seeing Fu Wenbo's headache, Xu Hongwen said stunned, "You dare to play like this without knowing the consequences?"

Fu Wenbo looked at Xu Hongwen with a bitter face and said, "Would you believe me if I said that I was put on the shelves by a duck?"

Xu Hongwen took a serious look at Fu Wenbo and said, "Xin, to be honest, your brain can't think of such a damaging method."

Fu Wenbo: "........."

"Thank you for your trust!"

After slandering Xu Hongwen in his heart, Fu Wenbo could only sigh.

"Okay, I can only ask that kid!"

Thinking about it, Fu Wenbo, who was a little helpless, first dispersed the other teachers, and then took out his phone while walking to the office building with Xu Hongwen.

ps: These two chapters are over chapters, so it will be a little dull! The rest will start to get interesting! .

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