Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 129 This thigh, I'm stuck! (35)

After a while, Zhou Hao murmured, "I seem to have seen the boss!"

Hearing this, Zhu Tao next to him also responded: "I saw it too, wearing the school uniform of Tianlin Middle School."

Under the simple conversation, the expressions of both of them became a little strange.

"The co-author is actually a student of Tianlin Middle School? No wonder the boss was so determined to let us buy Tianlin Middle School a few days ago."

When they learned that Chu Huan was actually a student of Tianlin Middle School, the three of them were surprised and at the same time relaxed slightly.

After all, Chu Huan's strength is clear to the three of them.

With Chu Huan around, there is no such thing as losing in Tianlin Middle School.

However, Zhu Tao on the side seemed to be thinking of something and said: "No low, the boss said before that he won't participate in this challenge between schools in Linhai City?"

Hearing this, Zhou Hao and Liu Luoyan next to him also reacted.

"Yes! If the boss doesn't play, it's impossible for Zhou Ziqi and Sun Jun from Tianlin Middle School to win the chat with Linhai High School."

Thinking of this, Zhou Hao's heart was lifted again.

Liu Luoyan thought for a while and said, "Look at it first. Although the contact time is not particularly long, I don't think he is a person who is aimless."

Hearing Liu Luoyan's voice, the two turned their eyes and continued to watch.

However, after watching for a few seconds, Zhou Hao among the three couldn't help but wonder: "Strange, I feel that today's boss looks a little different from the past!"

Zhu Tao also muttered: "Indeed! The boss looks a little more approachable than usual now! He looks a bit like the honest students in our class!"

Under Liu Luoyan's observation, Chu Huan was already at Fu Wenbo's side.

After Chu Huan approached, Fu Wenbo said to Li Wenshan, "This is the student I mentioned."

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Huan immediately nodded and said, "Hello, teacher!"

While saying that, Chu Huan still had a shy smile on his face.

No matter at any time, the teacher favors this kind of good-looking and well-behaved students.

The same goes for Li Wenshan and the others.

After a friendly nod to Chu Huan and a few words of encouragement to Chu Huan, several people's goodwill towards Chu Huan greatly increased.

When Chu Huan walked to the side, Li Wenshan nodded and smiled: "To the polite and sensible students! If the students can be like this, we will have peace of mind, don't you think, Director Fu 々ˇ?"


Facing what Li Wenshan said at the moment, Fu Wenbo couldn't help but his eyelids jumped and joked. Students like Chu Huan made Fu Wenbo feel 34 percent jump every day. If there were more students like Chu Huan , Fu Wenbo felt that he might not live to live until next year, and he was so angry that he thought about Fu Wenbo and said sincerely, "Director Li, this kid looks like a teacher, but he is actually full of bad water."

But Li Wenshan obviously didn't listen to what Fu Wenbo said at the moment.

In this regard, Fu Wenbo couldn't help sighing inwardly. No one believes the truth these days.

"You deserve to lose!"

In his heart, Fu Wenbo looked at Chu Huan with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

Obviously, because of Chu Huan, he has been pushed to the bright side.

It stands to reason that other people should not suspect that such a student as Chu Huan, Chu Huan is completely in a state of peace of mind.

But Chu Huan is still pretending to be such a good student, a look that completely eliminates disgust.

Although teachers are definitely willing to see students outstanding.

But it can't be good enough to make the teacher feel a little autistic, right?

In the same way, the more stable Chu Huan is now, the more Fu Wenbo has a feeling of being crushed in terms of IQ, and naturally the more uncomfortable it is.

Even if Fu Wenbo is also able to earn a lot of benefits because of this matter.

Therefore, Fu Wenbo felt a bit of a fuss about Chu Huan's performance now, and he didn't know where to start.


After successfully showing his innocent, sunny and shy side in front of Li Wenshan and other people from the high school near the sea, Chu Huan also walked slowly to the middle of the playground.

At the same time, while moving slowly, Chu Huan's eyes were also on the few people in the middle of the playground.

It was also when Chu Huan raised his gaze that he noticed Chu Huan's shifted gaze. Zhou Ziqi and Sun Jun also nodded slightly to Chu Huan, with a friendly attitude.

After all, Zhou Ziqi and even Sun Jun knew that among the students of this year's senior year in Linhai City, their talents and strengths were not the most outstanding.

Therefore, in the following challenges, the two of them mainly rely on Chu Huan's buff skills to win.

Naturally, it was impossible to pose in front of Chu Huan.

After responding to the two of them in the same way, Chu Huan glanced at the head of the student named Yan Mingjie among the three.

With 76.6 points of "Physical" attribute, the blood volume of up to 7660 is obviously higher than that of the other people.

At this time, you can also see the gap between S-rank and ordinary talent-rank awakeners.

It's really not that big.

After getting a little closer, in front of the five people, Chu Huan showed a shy and sincere smile on his face.

"Hello, students from Linhai High School, just now the leaders of your school also agreed. Next, I will help you add a buff to improve your "Agility" attribute."

As the saying goes, stretch out your hand and don't hit the smiling face. Looking at Chu Huan's friendly appearance, both Yan Mingjie and the other two students from Linhai High School have improved their goodwill towards Chu Huan.

The three nodded lightly and returned a friendly smile to Chu Huan.

After successfully garnering a batch of good impressions, Chu Huan gently stirred up his soul power to manifest the erhu from his body.

As soon as the unique erhu spirit appeared, Yan Mingjie, who saw it for the first time, couldn't help but take a few more glances.

As the soul power was slowly injected into the erhu, not long after that, a bit of sad music spread quickly with Chu Huan as the center.

the other side.

Hearing these familiar tunes in his ears, Zhou Hao couldn't help staring at Chu Huan who was in the playground at the moment.

"' . Strange, the boss didn't personally take the place of Tianlin Middle School to participate in the challenge, but instead, why do you want to add buffs to both sides in a picture? Five people add buffs at the same time, and the improvement effect is similar, what's the point?"

Zhu Tao heard the words and sighed: "How can I know? You haven't been clear these days. We can't guess what the boss is thinking at all. Who knows what the boss is doing now?"

Although several people only got along with Chu Huan for a few days.

But when people get along with each other, as long as they pay attention, they can generally feel a lot of things.

From Chu Huan's usual speech and details, several people can clearly feel that although Chu Huan seems to be sloppy and casual, he is actually extremely careful.

Moreover, some decisions can only be thought of after repeated deliberation after the fact.

Now suddenly let them guess Chu Huan's thoughts, how can they guess?

"Don't say it, just watch it quietly and you'll know!"

In response, Liu Luoyan slowly interrupted the conversation between the two.

Seeing Liu Luoyan speak, Zhou Hao and Zhu Tao just shut up and continued to watch the situation on the field.

After two or three minutes, the song ended with Chu Huan's side.

Just like the last time he faced Linhai No. 3 Middle School, six golden notes began to float out of the erhu in front of Chu Huan, and then merged into the bodies of Chu Huan and the other five people in the field.

In an instant, whether it was Zhou Ziqi, Sun Jun or Yan Mingjie and other students from Linhai High School, they could clearly feel the obvious changes in their bodies.

Especially Zhou Ziqi and Sun Jun.

Feeling the obvious sense of lightness in their bodies, their comfortable eyes narrowed slightly.

And couldn't help but sneak a peek at Chu Huan. drag.

If Zhu Tao was here at this moment, he would definitely be able to find that Zhou Ziqi and Sun Jun looked at Chu Huan in exactly the same way as Zhou Hao usually looked at Chu Huan.

The content in the eyes is obvious from other places.

"This thigh, I'm holding onto it!".

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