Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 131 After all, I carried it all al1 (55)

Fifteen minutes later, Chu Huan entered the office.

"Mr. Fu, uh...Mr. Xu, you are here too!"

When looking at Chu Huan who entered the office, Xu Hongwen's expression suddenly became stunned.

After a while, Xu Hongwen turned his head to look at Fu Wenbo and said, "Don't tell me this method was invented by this kid."

Looking at Xu Hongwen, who was surprised and quickly became suspicious of life, Fu Wenbo sighed: "It's him, it's him, it's him! I've said it several times, I lied to you to get an extra beast crystal?"

Listening to Fu Wenbo's words, Xu Hongwen twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "How can he blame me? Who would have thought that your method of including all schools in Linhai City would have been conceived by a third-year high school student."

Facing Xu Hongwen's response, Fu Wenbo rolled his eyes and said, "Stay there while you're talking, and do business first."

Then, after rubbing his temples, Fu Wenbo looked at Chu Huan and asked, "Boy, there is something wrong with your method yesterday."

Chu Huan said strangely, "Problem? What's the problem?-"

Seeing this, Fu Wenbo told Chu Huan what he had discussed with Xu Hongwen before.

After learning about the problem mentioned by Fu Wenbo, Chu Huan's dignified expression disappeared instantly.

"That's it? Isn't that a good thing?"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo and Xu Hongwen on the side made a light "huh" in their hearts.

"Boy, make it clear, how do you say this is a good thing?"

Chu Huan scratched his head and said, "It's really a good thing!"

Then, Chu Huan said, "If we follow the current method, in the next half month, after two or three schools fail the challenge, other schools will react and will not continue to challenge our school.

At that time, our school will be able to take the initiative to challenge other schools, when those schools that have not been matched with us have been selected one by one. "

Fu Wenbo interrupted: "I'm not asking you about the process of the next challenge, but how to solve the empty check we made to these schools before? After all, if our school takes the initiative to challenge, we can only lose once."

"If you find a random target and lose, then whether it is Linhai No. 3 Middle School or today's Linhai High School will definitely not give up!"

In response, Chu Huan spread his hands and said, "Why should we decide? Can't we let them make money?"

"Let them pay?"

Fu Wenbo and Xu Hongwen listened to what Chu Huan said, why did they feel a little incomprehensible the more they listened?

"Boy, make it clearer! What do you mean by asking them to make money?"

Seeing that the two of them hadn't reacted, Chu Huan explained, "You guys think, when this challenge is coming to an end, Teacher Fu will contact those school leaders who promised blank checks during this time."

"Then explain that there are other schools that are willing to pay for our school's challenge and admit defeat, and see whoever bids the most will give it to them. Isn't this a matter of free money?"



After hearing what Chu Huan said, both Fu Wenbo and Xu Hongwen burst out a foul language in their hearts.

For a time, both of them were shocked by Chu Huan's brain circuits.

"This thing can still be done like this?"

According to what Chu Huan said now, it is not only necessary to pit the surrounding schools that come to challenge.

At that time, the schools that had been jumped into the pit had to take the initiative to pay for it, and to decide who Tianlin Middle School would be eligible for this time through a bidding process.

This is simply more excessive than asking the other party to count the money for you when you sell it.

This is a complete pit to death!

This heart is too dark!


But it didn't take long for Fu Wenbo, who had come to his senses, to quickly react and look at Chu Huan suspiciously.

"No! If you do this, isn't it a conflict with our previous promise to other schools? What if they don't admit the account and just blow it up? Then, won't our school's reputation be bad?"

Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "It's not going to turn around. After all, we have negotiated with them. They are still accomplices. If it comes out, they will also be affected."

"So they were dissatisfied afterwards, and they could only admit it, and even take the initiative to bid in consideration of face and fame."

Then, after a pause, Chu Huan continued: "As for the reputation issue, it's not that our school has a bad reputation, it's just that your reputation, Teacher Fu, is bad. It's different!"

Fu Wenbo: "??????"

Hearing what Chu Huan said, Fu Wenbo became anxious.

"No, how come you made a lot of money in the end, and I have to bear all the problems by myself?"

Chu Huan shrugged and said, "What's so strange! Everything has a price? Mr. Fu, you want to make money by betting without paying any price? How can there be such a beautiful thing?"

At this time, Xu Hongwen on the side said: "What is the big profit? You won't be betting on the challenge!"

Chu Huan looked at Fu Wenbo in amazement and said, "Mr. Xu doesn't know?"

Fu Wenbo rolled his eyes and said, "Don't worry about him, I'll tell him later!"

Seeing Fu Wenbo's response, Xu Hongwen suddenly felt a little hurt.

And Fu Wenbo didn't care about Xu Hongwen at the moment, but slapped the table and said: "Boy, the way is what you think, the thing is also done by you, you take the benefit, but I have to bear a name? Don't you think it's too much? point?"

In response, Chu Huan said nonchalantly, "Then you say that this is my attention! I don't mind."

"Am I him!"

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Fu Wenbo's foul language burst out on the spot.

"I said? If I tell others that all this is your attention, will others believe that all this is something you, a student, can come up with?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan spread his hands and said, "Then you can't blame me!"

Fu Wenbo: "........"

Looking at the picture of Chu Huan in the picture of "I can't help you", Fu Wenbo was really shivering with anger.

Even this little bastard is cheap.

But the key is cheap, and there is no distinction between the enemy and me.

Even his own people are also going to die.

If he really wants to do this according to Chu Huan, after this challenge, Fu Wenbo will inevitably be the target of scolding from other school leaders.

And if I encounter things in the future, I am afraid that people from other schools will guard against them.

But the key is that things have come to this stage, unless everything is revealed by breaking the jar, otherwise Fu Wenbo can only continue to be pushed away.

0 ·For flowers

Then he was forced to bring the other schools that challenged him into the pit one by one, and finally went to the step that Chu Huan said.

Thinking of this, Fu Wenbo couldn't help thinking of Chu Huan's well-behaved appearance in front of the two directors of Linhai No. 3 Middle School and Linhai High School.

Previously, Fu Wenbo thought that Chu Huan pretended to be well-behaved in front of outsiders just to clarify himself afterwards.

Where the co-authoring is an afterthought, it is clear that he has separated himself from the beginning.

The purpose is to push yourself out.

Good guy, Fu Wenbo never thought about it.

One day he will be forced to cheat people.

And he was forced to go by his own students.

After thinking about all this, Fu Wenbo suddenly felt that his chest was blocked.

After staring at Chu Huan for a few seconds, Fu Wenbo said quietly, "Go away! I want to be quiet!"

Seeing Fu Wenbo's sad expression, Chu Huan said, "Then I'm leaving!"

Fu Wenbo said with a sullen face: "Hurry up! I don't want to see you for a second now!"

Seeing this, Chu Huan shrugged and said hello to Xu Hongwen before walking away.

........ 0

The footsteps are brisk and sloppy.

It feels good to look at it lightly.

After Chu Huan left, Fu Wenbo fell silent.

After a while, Fu Wenbo turned his head and looked at Xu Hongwen blankly and said, "No, how does this kid's head grow? How can it be calculated so well?"

After listening to the conversation between Chu Huan and Fu Wenbo, Xu Hongwen roughly guessed the situation.

Therefore, facing Fu Wenbo's current doubts, Xu Hongwen sighed and said, "Do you want to hear the truth or the truth?"

Fu Wenbo said, "Tell me the truth!"

Xu Hongwen nodded tiredly and said, "That kid is smarter than you! And a lot smarter?"

Hearing this, Xu Hongwen's eyelids jumped and he said, "Can't you be more euphemistic?"

Facing Fu Wenbo's request, Xu Hongwen nodded and said, "Well, I'll be polite."

After a slight pause, Xu Hongwen said again, "You are much more stupid than that kid!"

Fu Wenbo: "........."

"This goddamn name is euphemism?"

Xu Hongwen sighed, "There's no way. Now that I've figured out the matter, I'm scared by that kid. He's as savvy as a fox."

Seeing that this picture of Xu Hongwen was also a little bit beaten, Fu Wenbo shook his head.

Thinking of what Chu Huan had just said, Fu Wenbo felt that compared to Chu Huan, he seemed to be a simple senior in high school.

The naive and ignorant know nothing.

However, thinking of the situation he will face next, Fu Wenbo slowly raised his head and sighed in Wei Ran.

"In the end, I was the one who carried it all alone."

Thinking about it, Fu Wenbo couldn't help but think of the betting voucher for his space watch, and he felt a little comfort in his heart.

ps: Let me tell you here, this book will not be written by a substitute, and if the results are not good in the follow-up, I will speed up the pace and try to finish the book earlier! The stickers are here as proof, so you can rest assured that the style and quality of the book will not be degraded or changed! Continue to beg for subscription support! Friends who are fattening should not keep it for too long, otherwise the data is too poor, and it will be cold if you don’t recommend slow books! Ten thousand.

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