Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 126 See the coffin and make a fortune, great luck (44 for subscription and data support)

This state of being pulled back like a marionette every time he ran away was repeated ten times.

At this moment, whether it was Yuan Hai or the other two, after realizing that it was impossible for them to escape, the faces of the three of them were already filled with despair.

But after playing the game for a long time, it will be boring.

After all, Chu Huan is still thinking about hunting the giant pincer scorpion to increase his gambling capital.

Therefore, this time, Chu Huan did not directly lift the ecstasy of the three people.

Instead, it simply lifted Yuan Hai's ecstasy state.

As for Zhang Wei and another Awakened who took the initiative to send the Awakened to him as a shield before, they each lay in a coffin under the control of Chu Huan.

At the moment when the two talents just lay in the coffin, the two surrounding coffin-carrying gangs have already pushed the coffin to their shoulders.

"Fuck! That coffin can actually lie in it!"

Zhou Hao on the side looked at Zhang Wei and the two who were eagerly lying in the coffin, his eyes were about to pop out at this moment.

Although the three of them were also devastated by Chu Huan's tool soul skill before.

But at that time, Chu Huan just clicked and stopped, at most, it was to scare three people, and it was not real.

So although the three of them still remembered the urge to lie down in the coffin when they were in a confused state, they thought it was just an illusion.

After all, although this coffin was summoned, how could it possibly accommodate people to lie in it.

But now it seems that the illusion of fart is clearly because of Chu Huan's mercy.

But they didn't wait for the three to recover from their fear and surprise.

The next second, the three of them saw Zhang Wei, who was lying in the coffin a few seconds ago, and slowly stood up from the coffin.

It's just that compared to a few seconds ago, at this moment, whether it's Zhang Wei or the other person, blood begins to flow out of the nose and corners of the mouth.

But for the blood on their faces, it was as if the two of them didn't see it at all.

Immediately afterwards, in the sight of several people, like a zombie, he got up from the spot without moving, and his feet jumped up suddenly.

In this way, the two jumped into the other coffin and lay down with a feeling of peace and enjoyment.

Let the coffin-carrying gang in charge of the two people carry the two coffins on their shoulders again and swing with the rhythm in the music.

"This this....."

Watching this scene, Zhou Hao was so shocked that he couldn't even speak.

And Zhu Tao and Liu Luoyan next to them were also startled, and the cold air kept blowing from their backs.

Zhou Hao and the three who had seen them were so surprised to see Zhang Wei lying in the coffin at the moment, let alone Yuan Hai.

With his own eyes, he watched his two companions lay down in the coffin with a peaceful look, and then were carried by a few shadows on their shoulders and jumped around for a while. This strange scene made Yuan Hai like watching a horror movie all the way. , with horror on his face.

On the contrary, Chu Huan was a little surprised when he saw the situation of Zhang Wei and the two at the moment.

When Chu Huan experimented with this full-scale "coffin-carrying march", he mainly used that colorful python.

The colorful python has no legs, so even under these nine coffins, it can only crawl in and out.

The effect will naturally not be like the two Zhang Wei now.

When switching coffins, there was even a zombie jumping.

Coupled with the bloody faces between the two people's injuries, the strange effect is naturally a bit more intense.

But Chu Huan's "Coffin Carrying March" is already at its full level.

But the damage effect brought by each coffin is only 1000 points.

Zhang Wei and the other Awakened are all three-star black iron.

The blood volume reached about 6,000 points.

If the target is only one person, there is naturally no problem. Nine coffins will naturally cool down after lying down one by one.

But for two people, even if the damage is evenly divided, they will be injured, but they will not die.

Naturally, after the nine coffins were comfortably laid down with the efforts of the two of them, Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei still had a small amount of blood left.

But there is an old saying that goes well.

The quality is not enough, the quantity is to make up.

Other things Chu Huan can't guarantee.

But the coffin is good enough!

Therefore, when the nine coffins just dissipated, Chu Huan put the suona to his mouth.

More than ten seconds later, the brand-new nine coffins arranged in a row appeared in the sight of several people again.

This time, looking at the neat nine coffins in sight, Zhou Hao couldn't help grinning, then moved towards Zhu Tao next to him and pulled Zhu Tao's clothes.

"Brother, come to my house at night and sleep with me for one night? I'll pack you breakfast!"

In the past, in the face of Zhou Hao's words, Zhu Tao just rolled his eyes and opened his eyes to ridicule.

But today, Zhou Hao's words fell, but Zhu Tao next to him did not respond for a long time.

It was also when Zhou Hao felt a little strange that a murmur came into his ears from the side.

"Good luck, see the coffin and make a fortune, good luck, see the coffin and make a fortune..."

Zhou Hao: "??????"

Hearing this whisper, Zhou Hao turned his head curiously.

However, Zhu Tao, who was next to him, saw his eyes lightly closed, his hands folded, and his mouth was constantly muttering to himself.

Not only Zhu Tao, but even Liu Luoyan on one side put the soul of the tool aside at this moment, and clasped his hands together in a dazzling manner like Zhu Tao.

Faced with the actions of the two at the moment, Zhou Hao said angrily: "Hey! I said you, at least you have experienced higher education, so you are superstitious about this thing?"

It's just that these words have just been spoken, when they glanced at Zhang Wei and the two who jumped out of the coffin again, with blood from their seven orifices and a feeling of "this life is worth it" on their faces.

After pondering for a second or two, Zhou Hao silently put down the weapon in his hand, then fused his two hands together and raised them above his head.

"Seeing the coffin to make a fortune, great auspiciousness, no taboos..."

Originally, Chu Huan was still observing this skill through Zhang Wei and the two acting as guinea pigs.

But Liu Luoyan's muttered voices were too conspicuous.

As a result, Chu Huan couldn't help but glance at the three of them.

Looking at the three people who were begging for God's blessing, Chu Huan's eyes became strange.

"These three, I'm afraid they're not fools, are they?"

What about gambling? When I saw the coffin, I said "see the coffin and make a fortune", snake essence disease!

0 ·For flowers

After glancing at the three of them angrily, Chu Huan also withdrew his gaze and put his eyes on the coffin again.

Soon, as Zhang Wei and the two changed new coffins one after another, in the swing of the two coffin-carrying gangs, wisps of black smoke also came out of the coffin containing the two of them.

This scene also made Zhou Hao and the three of them, who had been chattering, all turned their eyes and looked at them curiously again.

Not long after, when the last note of Chu Huan's song fell, the two coffin-carrying gangs in the field also put the coffin on the shoulders on the ground again and opened the lid of the coffin.

Immediately afterwards, two shadows rushed out of the coffin.

It was Zhang Wei who had repeatedly experienced feelings in different coffins before.

It's just that compared to before, the two Zhang Wei at this moment are covered in black mist.

And on the wooden face, the two eyes are gray, where are the black and white and angry eyes of normal people?

Looking at Zhang Wei, who had become three-pointed like a human and seven-pointed like a ghost, Liu Luoyan and the three of them all changed their expressions greatly.

........ 0

Even Liu Luoyan, looking at the two voices in the distance, couldn't help but scream in shock.

"Dead, undead? This tool soul skill of the boss can turn a living person into a undead?"

Zhu Tao felt a chill on his back and said, "Okay, what a terrifying artifact soul skill. It can actually transform a living person into a undead like a beast. Is this really an artifact soul skill that the world should have?"

In the shock of the two, Zhou Hao on the side suddenly said: "You guys said, if the boss didn't soften his heart at that time, let us lay down those coffins again..."

After that, the following words were not spoken, but how could Liu Luoyan and Zhu Tao not understand what Zhou Hao meant.

For a time, the three of them couldn't help but feel a sense of fear after they looked at each other.

At the same time, an idea popped up in the hearts of the three of them.

"Hold the big guy's thigh tightly, be a good friend for a lifetime, and let the boat of friendship go on forever!"

Just kidding, even after knowing Chu Huan's strength before, the three of them had the idea of ​​holding their thighs tightly.

Not to mention now seeing the effect of Chu Huan, a tool soul skill.

Able to transform the living into the undead.

Who dares to mess with this f*ck?

Under such circumstances, whoever wants to be Chu Huan's enemy is a brain-dead.

This soul skill is simply outrageous.

It doesn't look like a thing in the world at all, and it reveals a strange and eerie feeling from beginning to end.

Zhou Hao and the others were frightened when they looked at it from a distance.

And the feeling of Yuan Hai, who is only a few steps away from Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei, can be imagined.

Looking at the two Zhang Wei who were surrounded by black mist, with no anger in their eyes, Yuan Hai had a feeling like falling into an ice cellar.

The chill in his heart made Yuan Hai hold his breath involuntarily at this moment.

He stared at Zhang Wei, who had completely changed at the moment, with his eyes still, their bodies shaking like crazy.

ps: Too sleepy, the state is a bit poor! That's it for today! Continue the 20,000-word update tomorrow! I beg for subscription and data support here! The author is very hardworking! Ten thousand.

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