Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 125 Thinking back to the beginning, I was also played like this (35)

The sun is burning.

The temperature is constantly coming from the top of the head and the feet.

In such an environment, it was said that even the Awakened would feel an uncomfortable burning sensation.

But at this moment, in such an environment, looking at Chu Huan with a smile on the corner of his mouth, Yuan Hai and the others seemed to be on top of a snow-capped mountain.

There is a feeling of cold heart.

Before coming in, both Yuan Hai and others had guessed that since Chu Huan dared to take the giant pincer scorpion fierce beast that ranks among the black iron three-stars as prey, their strength was naturally not much worse.

But that kind of guess, at most, is to put the strength of Chu Huan and others at the same level as himself.

But now?

Where is this same level?

Clearly a few rivers away.

Strong enough to even kill them in seconds.

In just an instant, a companion on his side was killed by Chu Huan.

The speed was so fast that they couldn't see Chu Huan's trajectory from the original position to behind them.

How to fight this?

After realizing the huge gap in strength between Chu Huan and them, how could Yuan Hai and others dare to think about killing people and making money at this moment.

I was terrified and regretful.

At the same time, several people are also aware that at this moment, what they need to consider is how to leave this vicious beast secret realm alive today.

In the panic in his heart, the Awakener named Zhang Yang took a step back as soon as he reacted.

While narrowing his eyes, Zhang 807 Yang suddenly raised his legs and kicked on the waist of another Awakened person next to him.

'what! ’

Under the powerful force, the defenseless Awakener let out a cry of pain and rushed towards Chu Huan uncontrollably.

On the other hand, Zhang Yang himself, after this kick, quickly turned his body and fled into the distance without looking back.

Decisive and ruthless!

Also at the moment of seeing Ah Zhang Yang's action, Yuan Hai and another awakened face changed slightly, but they chose a direction to escape quickly.

At this moment, the three of them actually chose to use their former companions as pawns to hold Chu Huan at the moment.

"Oh, it's quite cruel!"

With a sneer in his heart, Chu Huan quickly raised one hand and clasped the neck of the companion who was kicked by Zhang Yang's shield.

However, with this momentary delay, the three of Zhang Yang had already run a hundred meters away.

But for this point, Chu Huan has no idea of ​​catching up or worrying at all.

As early as when he started, Chu Huan had already counted how many people escaped.

So from the beginning, Chu Huan's position was the direction of the entrance of the passage.

As the three of them wanted to escape, it was naturally impossible to take the initiative to approach Chu Huan.

In other words, from the beginning, for several people, the result was already doomed.

The right arm exerted force, and the powerful force burst out, causing the Awakened who was clasped by his neck to successfully follow in the footsteps of his companion just now.

After killing one person again, Chu Huan threw aside the corpse that was still pinched by his neck as usual.

After glancing at the direction the three were leaving, Chu Huan quickly stirred up the soul power in his body.

Under the wrapping of soul power, the suona that originally stayed quietly in Chu Huan's left ventricle also dashed out of Chu Huan's body and suspended in front of Chu Huan when the soul power wrapped man.

Chu Huan held the suona in his hand without hesitation.

In an instant, the tune of "March for Carrying the Coffin" was mixed with the unique sound of the suona.

At the same time, Chu Huan's soul power was constantly being consumed while playing.

in the process of playing this tune.

Chu Huan's soul power also dropped at an extremely fast rate.

Thirty seconds later, in Chu Huan's eyes, hundreds of black lingering notes were already floating out of the suona device soul in front of Chu Huan.

And when these black notes floated out of the soul of the Chu Huan suona.

Nearly one-tenth of the black notes fell five meters away and then condensed into three coffin-carrying gangs.

In the sight of Liu Luoyan and others, at the moment when the three coffin-carrying gangs appeared, all three couldn't help but take a step back.

In the midst of fear in his heart, Zhou Hao subconsciously said "Fuck".

The sudden sound made Zhu Tao and Liu Luoyan next to them startled.

Even Chu Huan couldn't help but play the tune and looked at the two with a bit of doubt in his eyes.

Noticing the doubt in Chu Huan's eyes.

The two and Liu Luoyan on one side reacted. Now they are teammates with Chu Huan.

For a time, my heart was relaxed.

Zhou Hao, who had reacted, immediately smiled apologetically at Chu Huan.

"That, instinctive reaction, boss, you continue, you continue."

Seeing this, Chu Huan rolled his eyes and continued to play the tune.

During the process, Zhou Hao and Zhu Tao still couldn't help shivering while listening to the cheerful music that reverberated in their ears.

Even Liu Luoyan moved his shoulders slightly.

If someone took a closer look, they would definitely be able to see that a layer of goose bumps appeared on Liu Luoyan's skin, who was listening to the surrounding music at the moment.

At the same time, after watching Chu Huan withdraw his attention and concentrate on playing the tune, Zhou Hao gave a wry smile.

"Dammit, I was tortured so badly by the boss's soul skill before, so now I can't help but feel terrified when I hear this song."

The voice fell, and Zhu Tao next to him also had a bitter expression.

"Who's not! At the beginning, because of the tool soul skill of the big guy, I almost played to death!"

At this moment, the two successfully remembered their fear of being dominated by these coffin-carrying gangs.

At the same time, with the three coffin-carrying gangs condensed.

During the shaking of the beat, the three coffin-carrying gangs chased after the three Yuan Hai escaped as if they were teleporting.

More than ten seconds later, it was also when the black musical notes circling around Chu Huan suddenly drifted into the air and merged into five coffins.

The other three black lights rushed from different positions in unison.

In the next second, the word "death" appeared in a random manner when the nine coffins converged.

"Profound Truth - The Great Array of "Death" Coffins"

Looking at the word "death" placed by nine coffins five meters away from Chu Huan, Liu Luoyan couldn't help but twitch his eyelids.

And Zhou Hao and Zhu Tao grinned even more.

He glanced at Chu Huan, who had a satisfied face on his face, and then looked at the nine coffins that were placed in a special shape.

Zhou Hao couldn't help but ask: "The last time the boss used this tool soul skill on us, the shape of the coffins was the "Fuck" shape! Why, the shape is different this time?"

Zhu Tao on the side rolled his eyes and said, "Do you still need to guess? The boss controls it himself."

Zhou Hao twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at the nine coffins in front of Chu Huan.

After pondering for a few seconds, Zhou Hao Cai continued in a complicated tone: "The boss really knows how to play!"

Hearing Zhou Hao's words into his ears, Zhu Tao also sighed faintly.

To be honest, Zhu Tao never imagined that anyone with the Soul Skills could play so many tricks like Chu Huan.

Not only the tool soul skill can summon coffins.

These coffins can even be placed in special shapes according to their wishes.

Even just looking at it is extremely insulting.


Right next to each of these nine coffins, a straight one was just placed.

In the sight of Zhou Hao and the others, Yuan Hai, who had run away quickly before, had reappeared in sight.

Until the new one returned to Chu Huan and stood in three positions of the nine coffins.

And when Chu Huan controlled the soul, Yuan Hai and the three of them, who were originally confused, also gradually woke up.

In the eyes of a few people, the fog faded away, and when Qingming gradually recovered, Yuan Hai and the three of them also discovered the analogy in front of them. All Qi Qi was startled, and she didn't come back to her senses for a while.

They are a little confused, why so many coffins are placed in front of them.

It was also when the three of them were still a little confused, Chu Huan on the side said slowly, "How is it? Have you chosen? Which coffin is pleasing to the eye? I'll arrange for you to lie in?"

The moment the sound entered their ears, the three of them turned their heads quickly. When they looked at Chu Huan, who was smiling at the corner of his mouth, the confusion in the eyes of the three of Yuan Hai quickly disappeared, and their hearts were suddenly filled with panic.

Then, the three of them ran away again without saying a word.

Seeing this scene in his eyes, after a slight smile, he put the suona to his mouth again.

I have the idea of ​​playing with a few people slowly.

Afterwards, Liu Luoyan on the side watched Yuan Hai and the three go back and forth and escape repeatedly under Chu Huan's tool soul skills and survival instinct.

When the faces of the three of them began to be gradually filled with despair, the three of them inexplicably felt a bit of emotion in their hearts.

In particular, the three of them turned their attention to the three Yuan Hai who stood motionless in the coffin for three weeks.

Notice the panic and despair of the three at the moment.

For some reason, the three of Liu Luoyan felt the same way.

the reason is simple.

"Reminiscent of the beginning, we were also played like this.".

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