Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 127 Earnings Without Loss, I Said (15)

After living for so many years, where has Yuan Hai seen a picture like this one?

Not only can it summon the coffin to let people lie in it, but it can also transform the awakened into a undead.

However, after seeing the process and effect of the release of Chu Huan, a tool soul skill, from the perspective of an audience, Yuan Hai's fear rose like wild grass.

However, in less than a few seconds, Yuan Hai's heart was completely filled.

You must know that death is something that the Awakened are afraid of.

But since he is an awakened person, every time he enters the secret realm of beasts, he naturally has a sense of pinning his head on his waist.

Compared with death, the awakened person is more afraid of life than death.

But now, seeing with his own eyes that his two companions were transformed into undead puppets by Chu Huan, Yuan Hai felt that life was better than death, perhaps it was a good idea.

Although he didn't know what the process would feel like, Yuan Hai didn't want to try it at all.

Here, looking at Yuan Hai who was so scared that his face was bloodless and trembling all over, Liu Luoyan and the others on the side couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing.

Zhu Tao's tone was even more complicated: "You said, it's good, why do you provoke him if you don't have anything?"

Zhou Hao echoed like a chicken pecking rice: "Yeah! If you don't want to live anymore, just find a high-level vicious beast secret realm and dig into it. It is estimated that you will die sooner! Just staring at this big guy, you see now How frightened, trembling all over, poor baby!"

Listening to the two of them, Liu Luoyan couldn't help but said angrily: "You two now know how to speak sarcastically. When you were standing in front of those coffins, you seem to be no better than that guy now!"

Hearing this, Zhu Tao on the side touched his nose and said, "Isn't the situation different? Back then everyone was a stranger, and we didn't know the effect of the boss's Soul Tool skills. Those who don't know are fearless. Now we are with the boss. It's a teammate, naturally don't worry!"

Zhou Hao nodded.

Facing the response of the two at the moment, Liu Luoyan snorted lightly to express her disdain.

But don't say it.

After joking around with the two of them, Liu Luoyan felt a lot better in her heart.

In fact, Liu Luoyan also knows that the reason why Zhou Hao and Zhu Tao are constantly communicating now is not because they are idle now.

But because of being frightened.

The effect of Chu Huan's previous tool soul skill was too terrifying.

Especially at the beginning, they still felt the effect of Chu Huan's tool soul skill.

In such a situation with a bit of empathy, even if they are only bystanders now, they still see their hearts with hair.

Therefore, in such a situation where fear breeds, Zhou Hao and Zhu Tao are constantly easing the fear in their hearts by communicating with the people around them.

If not, Liu Luoyan wouldn't change his old style and tell the two of them nonsense together.

Really frightened.

At the same time, seeing Yuan Hai's frightened face turning pale, Chu Huan suddenly glanced at Zhang Wei, who had been successfully transformed into undead.

The thought fell. Under Chu Huan's control, the two who had successfully become Chu Huan's puppets turned around and walked towards Yuan Hai step by step.

Seeing the two approaching, Yuan Hai looked shocked and couldn't help but step back.

Looking at Zhang Wei, who was covered in black mist like ghosts, Yuan Hai couldn't stop his fear and roared.

"Don't come here!"

However, the two who were successfully transformed into Zhang Wei not only did not stop, but instead rushed towards the distant sea at a faster speed.

The next moment, Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei, who were successfully transformed, held Yuan Hai's arm and controlled Yuan Hai in place.

With Zhang Wei's hands tightly grasping themselves, even through the clothes, Yuan Hai could clearly feel the biting chill in their hands.

Glancing at Zhang Wei's face with blood mist and gray pupils, Yuan Hai's heart couldn't stop hanging.

Taking Yuan Hai's state into his eyes, Chu Huan smiled softly and said slowly, "Give you ten seconds to think, wait for what I ask you to answer, and I'll give you a treat."

"Or, you'll be just like them. I'll get a few coffins out for you to lie down in a while, and then turn into undead like them."

"It can be used as a meat shield for me to deal with those giant pincer scorpions for a while, but it can be regarded as a waste."

From beginning to end, Chu Huan frowned and revealed the idea of ​​letting Yuan Hai go.

For Chu Huan, the rules for facing the enemy are simple.

Wild fire, in spring.

Only dead enemies are good enemies, and undead enemies are called threats.

Therefore, as long as it is an enemy, those who can be killed will never be released.

If it cannot be killed for some reason, try to kill it as soon as possible.

Chu Huan felt that he was at a disadvantage for letting the other party live for one more minute.

Release a few enemies in a good manner, and in the end, the enemies may appear all over the world anytime, anywhere, and an old enemy may stab you. How stupid is it to do it?

Therefore, one of Yuan Hai's few people today must die here obediently.

And Yuan Hai is just a low-level awakener who has been wasted for many years.

Where can xinxing be strengthened?

Frightened by the scene that Chu Huan can create now, his mind has long since fallen.

Faced with Chu Huan's question at this time, there might still be an idea of ​​stubborn resistance.

Later, in Chu Huan's questions and answers, Yuan Hai also explained all the reasons in detail.

Even Jiang Jintanghui said that the lover who was wrapped up by Yuan Hai explained it.

As Chu Huan thought before, a large part of the reason why Yuan Hai is eyeing him is because of the bonus issue after betting yesterday.

Secondly, because of the identities of several of his students, he is definitely easy to bully.

In response, Chu Huan couldn't help shaking his head.

There are many people in the world who "only see the dignitaries in front of people, but don't see people suffer later", and then they are evil and courageous.

For example, half of the winnings this time were earned by Chu Huan's efforts to hunt down the giant pincer scorpion during this period of time.

There are also arrangements by Chu Huan himself.

But for people like Yuan Hai, they usually don't think of a way, and they just want to vote for him at the critical moment.

It's no wonder that people are now middle-aged, and their level, strength and even vision can't go up!

After knowing what he wanted to know , Chu Huan was too lazy to continue delaying with this Yuan Hai .

With a thought in their minds, Zhang Wei, who originally controlled Yuan Hai from left to right, started at the same time.

A five-fingered claw stabbed directly into Yuan Hai's chest.

The other is a hand that quickly raised and clasped Yuan Hai's neck.

Then, under the two abnormal noises, Yuan Hai's heart was pulled out, and his neck was also broken.

And Yuan Hai's blood volume also jumped every second under such a change, but within three seconds, the blood volume fell to the bottom of the valley and died completely.

After Yuan Hai was dealt with, Chu Huan directly controlled the two puppets to search Yuan Hai and himself.

As a result, there are only eleven black iron three-star beast crystals on the body of the five people.

Simply poor.

After taking the beast crystal back into the space watch with a little disgust, Chu Huan walked slowly to the side of Zhou Hao and the others.

After Chu Huan approached, the three Zhou Hao first glanced at Zhang Wei and the two who were still surrounded by black smoke, and then withdrew their gazes in awe and turned their gazes on Chu Huan again.

As if to divert his attention, Zhou Hao asked, "Boss, you have been hunting the giant pincer scorpion for the past few days, just to bet in the gambling game set up by the various colleges and universities in Linhai City this time?"

The three were not far from Chu Huan's side.

Naturally, what Yuan Hai just said could be heard clearly.

In response, Chu Huan nodded and said, "Not bad!"

Zhu Tao next to him thought for a moment and said, "Yesterday, the challenge was won by Tianlin Middle School, and the odds seem to be 0.7 to 1! But this odds seem to have been adjusted at the end. Big guy, you bought the odds when you bought them. how many?"

Chu Huan said softly: "05 to 1.2."

"1.2? This can make a lot of money! According to the beast crystals collected a few days ago, eh? I'll go, boss, you directly earned more than 2,000 black iron three-star beast crystals this time?"

Chu Huan shrugged and said, "Almost!"

At the end, after a pause, Chu 3.6 Huan said: "If you have extra spare money, you can put all of it on Tianlin Middle School, and make sure you don't lose money, I said."

In the past few days and in the past few days, the three of them had to help their beast crystals every day, no credit or hard work.

With the people around him, Chu Huan has always been more casual.

What's more, it's not your own money that you bet against anyway.

Chu Huan didn't think there was anything wrong with being a good friend.

Listening to what Chu Huan said, Liu Luoyan couldn't help frowning and said, "Tianlin Middle School? It's not that the two Tianlin students in this year's Tianlin Middle School have a black iron star, but their strength is only average!"

"Why are you so sure that Tianlin Middle School can continue to win this challenge in Linhai City?"

Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about it, I won't tell you if you ask me. Anyway, if you believe it, you can place a bet. If you don't believe it, just pretend I haven't heard it!"

Previously, because Yuan Hai and others were also delayed for about half an hour, according to the progress of killing these giant pincer scorpions in the past, Chu Huan also lost dozens of beast crystals.

So Chu Huan didn't want to talk to the three of them, but began to quickly move towards the distance and began to search for those giant pincer scorpions hiding in the desert. .

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