Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 115 People are not rich without windfall, and horses are not rich without night grass (45 fo

After successfully transforming from being a mischievous person to being a traitor now, Wen Zhaohua and the others from Linhai No. 3 Middle School left in such a slow manner.

Compared with the rage a few minutes ago, now Wen Zhaohua and other Linhai No. 3 middle school people are full of smiles.

Like that, if it is not clear, looking at the expressions of Wen Zhaohua and others, they would think that they won the victory~ Linhai No. 3 Middle School seems to be.

Thinking back to Wen Zhaohua's radiant smile and gentle and sincere attitude before he left, Fu Wenbo slapped his mouth.

Or how to say, "Since ancient times, since ancient times, the true feelings cannot be retained, only the way - the way to win people's hearts?"

It's not that Fu Wenbo and Wen Zhaohua have never been in contact before.

But basically Wen Zhaohua is on a shelf.

If one doesn't like it, he still likes to hold a gun and carry a stick when he speaks, which is full of the taste of Yin-Yang family.

Where is it so easy-going like today.

Just thinking of the surprise and fear in Wen Zhaohua's eyes before, Fu Wenbo shook his head again.

No matter what, after this incident, his reputation is likely to plummet.

However, thinking of the betting voucher in his space watch, Fu Wenbo snorted again.

"Fame? What's the use?"

Thinking about it, Fu Wenbo's face at this moment turned out to be a smile like a first love.

Xu Hongwen, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but move two steps to the side and distanced himself from Fu Wenbo.

"Pay Teacher"

Also when Fu Wenbo was reminiscing, a voice suddenly rang from the side.

Hearing the sound, Fu Wenbo quickly turned his head.

But it was Zhou Ziqi and Sun Jun who had beaten the three challenging students of Linhai No. 3 Middle School one after another on the playground.

"Just now did a good job!"

Looking at the two of them, Fu Wenbo nodded and responded.

Facing Fu Wenbo's praise, Sun Jun of the two touched his head a little honestly and said, "It's all because of those classmates BUFF just now, otherwise I might not be able to beat the students of Linhai No. 3 Middle School."

Zhou Ziqi on the side also said in a timely manner: "Mr. Fu, can I ask who the classmate just now is?"

Looking at Zhou Ziqi and Sun Jun who looked curious, how could Fu Wenbo, who has been a teacher for so many years, not know what they were thinking.

Humans are grouped into clusters.

Like Zhou Ziqi and Sun Jun, they are both awakes.

It has also reached the black iron one star.

In the whole senior year of high school, there are not many people who can enter the eyes of two people.

Suddenly, the two found that there was another student in their school who had the same black iron star as them, and the buff effect of the tool soul skill was still so strong, so the two naturally wanted to get to know each other.

In response, Fu Wenbo said in a low voice, "Oh! That's Chu Huan, a student in my class!"

Sun Jun asked, "Mr. Fu's class, class 18? Did that student named Chu Huan also wake up early in the second semester of high school?"

Fu Wenbo nodded and said, "That's right! He also woke up when he was a sophomore in high school, about the same time as yours, but because of the challenge of the freshmen this time, he didn't rush to reveal it!"

At the end, after a pause, Fu Wenbo said, "But the students in our class don't know about these things, and we can't make the news public yet. If you want to get in touch with that kid, you can, but don't share the kid's situation. opened!"

Sun Jun and Zhou Ziqi both nodded their heads.

Seeing this, Fu Wenbo nodded in satisfaction.


It was also when Fu Wenbo wiped Chu Huan's buttocks at school. At this moment, Chu Huan and Wang Qiang walked out of the school, shoulder to shoulder.

Several people walked with happy smiles on their faces.

After sitting in the car, Zhou Qichuan couldn't help rubbing his hands and said excitedly: "I've made a fortune, I've made a fortune! Wow, hahaha, this time, until the college entrance examination, whether it's training or going to the training hall outside, the cost is all Enough is enough!"

Looking at Zhou Qichuan's excited look, Xiang Xiaoyan and Zhao Chen next to him also had smiles on their faces.

The further the Awakened goes, the higher the cost.

Don't think it's just high school.

But once successfully awakened, each student's expenses will skyrocket in a stepped state.

Soul crystals spent during cultivation, after promotion, enter the training hall for training in order to improve physical attributes.

If conditions permit, the food will be changed from ordinary food to beast meat or some special fruit and plants in the beast secret realm, or some personal training with strong combat skills.

Every cost is unimaginable for ordinary people

After all, the cost is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people.

Unless the parents in the family are all Awakened at the Bronze or Silver level or above.

Otherwise, it is normal for those students and families to spend all their savings over the years in the third year of high school.

Among Wang Qiang, the one with the best condition is Wang Qiang.

For example, Zhou Qichuan, Xiang Xiaoyan and even Zhao Chen, although their parents are all Bronze Awakeners.

But in order for the three of them to be able to repeat the reading, they are basically in a state of poverty and whiteness.

Now that they can earn so much directly, how could a few people be unhappy?

Even Wang Qiang had a smile on his face at this moment.

At this time, Chu Huan suddenly asked, "By the way, the challenge of Linhai No. 3 Middle School has just ended. Will we still not get the result from the dealer?"

Wang Qiang said, "Don't worry! When the challenge started, there were people there. When the results came out, we would contact the Jintang Club as soon as possible. It's better if we go now, so as not to be targeted by those who are interested."

In the conversation of several people, the vehicle also arrived at the Jintang Club very quickly.

Just like the last time, after entering the clubhouse, several people went directly to the bet exchange area in the clubhouse.

Compared to other places in the clubhouse, there are very few people in this exchange area at the moment.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Qichuan couldn't help but say, "Tsk tsk, it's just us!"

Zhao Chen said: "It's normal! After all, even we were not particularly optimistic about the results of our school in the challenge this time, let alone the other awakened ones."

"As long as you investigate, you will basically choose to bet on the success of the challenge of Linhai No. 3 Middle School."

While speaking, the five entered a private room under the leadership of the waiter.

After taking out their credentials, Wang Qiang and several others also got their bonuses one after another.

When it was Chu Huan's turn, the receptionist in the window looked at the value on Chu Huan's voucher, but couldn't help but look at Chu Huan in surprise.

0 ·For flowers

A few minutes later, as another staff member entered the working room by the window, the staff member in the window opened the box and checked it before looking up at Chu Huan. .

"The bonus from your side is 4,400 black iron three-star beast crystals. Because the amount involved is relatively large, we replaced them with more advanced beasts."

While speaking, the staff handed the metal box out of the window.

Inside the stationery-sized metal box were a platinum one-star beast crystal, a gold three-star beast crystal, and a bronze one-star beast crystal.

When Chu Huan bet, the buy-in ratio was 1.2.

It stands to reason that there should be an additional two-star Bronze Beast Crystal.

This corresponds to the value of 4,400 black iron three-star beast crystals.

But this opening bet also has to pay some taxes.

However, a bronze beast crystal does not need to be too concerned about the current Chu Huan.

At the same time, Zhou Qichuan's eyes all showed envious expressions.


Even Wang Qiang's side is the same.

With such a valuable beast crystal, even a wealthy family like Wang Qiang would not be able to take it out casually.

It would be a lie to say that I am not envious.

Looking at the three beast crystals in the box, Chu Huan's eyes also lit up.

Although it is said that this prize money itself includes Chu Huan's gambling capital of 2,000 black iron three stars.

But the problem was that the two thousand black iron three stars were obtained after three days of hard work by Chu Huan.

Where is it like now.

Use your brain and add a BUFF, which is equivalent to three days of Chu Huan's efforts.

In Chu Huan's view, it is not much different from Bai Jie's.

And it's still legal.

After collecting the things and leaving the clubhouse, Chu Huan, who had a good harvest, went straight to find a good restaurant.

After the waiter took the ordered menu and closed the door of the private room, Zhou Qichuan asked casually, "Boss, you have earned this wave of blood, these beast crystals are estimated to be enough for you to enter the university!"

Listening to Zhou Qichuan's words, Chu Huan smiled but said nothing in his heart.

The beast crystals obtained by gambling this time seem to be many, but in fact it is only 1.3 million system points. If he was in the apprentice class of the Awakened, the beast crystals that Chu Huan obtained after gambling this time into system points was indeed enough to increase his physical attributes and strength by a large level.

But now, with the promotion to the first black iron star, Chu Huan's requirements for system points are not generally large.

It's a lot worse for Chu Huan to accumulate enough system points to be at the Black Iron level.

But Chu Huan is not in a hurry.

After all, today is only the first time.

If Chu Huan's plan goes well, other schools will challenge Tianlin Middle School.

At that time, Chu Huan's betting books can still be thrown into it one after another like a snowball.

Maybe after a few times, even if you enter the system points of the bronze level, you can directly accumulate enough points.

Thinking of this, Chu Huan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"So, the opportunity is to be seized, and there is no opportunity to create the opportunity!"

ps: There is another chapter to come! Not much to say, keep coding! I beg for data support! Ten thousand.

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