Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 116 Is it just you, still conscience? Do you have that stuff? (55 ask for subscription, ask

The next day, in the morning.

After entering the classroom, the students who were already in the classroom looked at Chu Huan with envy in their eyes.

Putting the eyes of these students into his eyes, Chu Huan frowned lightly.

When Chu Huan was sitting in his seat, Zhao Zikai next to him came over.

"Wow! You turned out to be an awakened person, but your mouth is very strict! You didn't reveal any rumors for so long."

Hearing this, Chu Huan still didn't know the reason why the students' eyes changed when they looked at him before.

Apparently, after the challenge at Linhai No. 3 Middle School ended yesterday afternoon, Fu Wenbo, who had gathered everyone together, found some reason to vaccinate the students in the class first.

As the thoughts reverberated in his heart, Chu Huan sighed lightly: "No way! It's all what Teacher Fu asked, what can I do as a student? I can only follow his arrangements."

Faced with such a situation, Chu Huan threw all the blame to Fu Wenbo without hesitation.


However, just as the words fell, Chu Huan suddenly heard a cold snort.

Hearing the familiar feeling in this voice, Chu Huan turned his head.

It happened that he saw Fu Wenbo, who was half-smiling outside the window.

Chu Huan: "..."

Looking at Fu Wenbo outside the window at the moment, Chu Huan couldn't help grinning.

To be honest, Chu Huan really doubted that Fu Wenbo could be a tool soul skill that could appear immediately if someone spoke badly behind his back.

Why the last time and this time, when discussing with Zhao Zikai, when I mentioned Fu Wenbo, I could always see Fu Wenbo's face when he turned his head.

After Fu Wenbo hooked his fingers, Chu Huan got up slightly depressed.

After walking to Fu Wenbo's side, Chu Huan said helplessly: "Mr. Fu, can you send me a message next time you want to find me? After all, mobile phones are so popular, you don't need to run so far to call me every time. ?"

Fu Wenbo glanced at Chu Huan and said faintly, "If I don't come, I don't know how much dirty water your kid poured on me."

Chu Huan rolled his eyes and said, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm a good student, and I speak the truth out of conscience."

"Oh! It's just you, still conscience? Do you have that thing?" Fu Wenbo said disdainfully.

To be honest, if Chu Huan said this before, Fu Wenbo would still believe it.

But after experiencing yesterday, Fu Wenbo discovered that Chu Huan was only a senior in high school.

But a heart is absolutely black.

Digging a hole is called a profession.

Even ashamed of myself.

Maybe the first lesson will start in a few minutes, so Fu Wenbo didn't bring Chu Huan into his office.

Instead, he said in the flower bed downstairs: "Yesterday afternoon, I received two challenge applications, from Linhai No. 2 Middle School and Linhai High School, in addition to receiving a challenge from Moral Education Middle School ten minutes ago. Application, a total of four school challenge applications."

Hearing what Fu Wenbo said, the first thought that popped into Chu Huan's mind was.

"The money is here!"

Then he asked, "Did the dean named Wen Zhaohua of Linhai No. 3 Middle School make it?"

Fu Wenbo nodded and said with a chuckle, "I didn't expect that Wen Zhaohua to move so fast, and I don't know what he said. In such a short period of time, all four schools turned their targets at the same time and wanted to challenge us first. School."

Chu Huan responded, "Hey! Looking at it this way, Director Wen is a talented person! The efficiency is quite high."

Fu Wenbo echoed, "Yes! Director Wen does have something! I thought it would take two or three days before the next school would submit a challenge application to our school."

"But Mr. Fu, you called me here so early in the morning just to talk about this?"

It's obviously not a bad thing to be able to have other school application challenges early on.

It's just that Chu Huan doesn't think Fu Wenbo has to pull himself out now because of this.

Having said this, Fu Wenbo's expression was also a little dignified and said: "The file news from the Awakened Association last night, a student named Yan Mingjie from the Linhai High School yesterday conducted a talent level assessment in the Awakened Association. "

Seeing Fu Wenbo's dignified appearance, Chu Huan raised his eyebrows and said, "S-class?"

Fu Wenbo nodded and said, "Not bad!"

With that said, Fu Wenbo shook his head and said, "I don't know what to do this year! There are few third-tier cities in Linhai City where there are not many gold-level awakeners, but first a monster with SSS talent like you appeared, and then another S appeared. A genius with a talent-level talent level is evil."

"How much is the evaluation data?" Chu Huan asked curiously.

After all, S-class, Chu Huan has never met before.

Fu Wenbo said: "Physical attribute 76.6, strength attribute: 68.1, agility attribute: 80.2, mental power attribute: 31.3, the weapon soul is a combat type, and the weapon soul skill rating is A grade."

"One star of black iron, can "Agility" reach 80?"

As for this Yan Mingjie's "spiritual power" attribute is only 21.3, but Chu Huan is not surprised by 0.

Mental power is different from the other three attributes. The stronger the mental power, the less damage it will inflict in the face of some soul-type attack-type weapon skills or beast skills.

Like the ghost sound green lizard of the seven silver stars, the sound it makes is like a ghost call, and it can generate a spirit-like attack.

Under the influence of this attack, unless you are fully prepared, you will not be able to deal with the soul-like attacks from these ghost-sound green lizards.

The mental power attribute is different from other physiques. The three boxes of strength and agility can be improved through a lot of training after each promotion.

Generally speaking, unless you have awakened a special tool soul or have a strong "spiritual power", the awakened person can only increase their "spiritual power" by a little after each promotion.

There are a lot of Awakened Awakeners with one star of Black Iron, and those with only a dozen mental strengths.

It is also for this reason that ordinary Awakened Awakeners have always been reluctant to face Awakeners whose Soul Skill is a psychic attack type or a high-level beast that is good at attacking with psychic power.

After reciting the physical attribute information obtained by Yan Mingjie during the evaluation test of the Awakened Association, Fu Wenbo continued: "And this time, the name of this Yan Mingjie is also included in the challenge application of the attached high school."

Chu Huan frowned, "This is indeed a little troublesome!"

After all, the BUFF effect that Chu Huan can expose now is at most 50%.

If there is more, Fu Wenbo probably will not agree.

And that Yan Mingjie's physical attributes are so strong, even if Chu Huan buffed Zhou Ziqi and Sun Jun from the 3.6 school, it is estimated that he is still a little weaker than this Yan Mingjie.

Therefore, this Yan Mingjie has become a problem instead.

While Chu Huan frowned, Fu Wenbo continued: "It is also because of this Yan Mingjie that I passed the challenge application submitted by Linhai High School for the first time."

Hearing what Fu Wenbo said, Chu Huan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Huh? Crack the tough bones first?"

Fu Wenbo shook his head and said, "No, but according to the news, the talent evaluation of Yan Mingjie just came out yesterday. After an hour, the question about Yan Mingjie's talent level has already spread!"

"It spread?"

Chu Huan was stunned for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and said, "From the Awakened Association?"

Fu Wenbo nodded and said, "Not bad!"

Hearing this, Chu Huan touched his chin and said, "It came from the Awakened Association. If you say that, is there a ghost in the Awakened Association branch in Linhai City?".

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