Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 114 With a thick face and a dark heart, it can't be compared! (35 for subscription)

In the face of Fu Wenbo's leisurely words, several teachers of Linhai No. 3 Middle School instantly lost their temper.

As Fu Wenbo said now, Wen Zhaohua agreed to let Chu Huan release the buff skills before.

If they continued to say anything, it would be like blaming Wen Zhaohua.

What does this say?

Besides, what if Wen Zhaohua is angered and goes back to wear small shoes?

At this moment, Wen Zhaohua also cursed in his heart.

"Beast! You actually dug a hole for me!"

To be honest, Wen Zhaohua was also skeptical when Fu Wenbo said at first that he would play music for the students of the two schools and add buffs.

But seeing that Chu Huan's buff was limited, Wen Zhaohua didn't think much about it.

Generally speaking, if a BUFF-type weapon soul skill is scoped, the buffs obtained within the scope are basically the same.

Only a few BUFF-type soul skills are scoped and can control the effect of BUFF by themselves.

But Chu Huan is just like that!

But now the results of the two schools are out!

If Linhai No. 3 Middle School repents, Fu Wenbo can find a reason why the students still can't control the effect of the weapon soul skill.

And no matter what the result is, Linhai No. 3 Middle School must have lost his face anyway.

What's more important is that once the result of this challenge is now invalid, it means that he will be beaten in the face of Wen Zhaohua.

Obviously, in Wen Zhaohua's view, all this was calculated by Fu Wenbo before!

Therefore, looking at Fu Wenbo, who is now full of confidence and has no panic at all, Wen Zhaohua sneered: "Okay, this time we failed to challenge Tianlin Middle School and our Linhai No. 3 Middle School, let's go!

"Hey! Director Wen, don't worry!"

Seeing that Wen Zhaohua was about to leave in a huff, Fu Wenbo suddenly made a sound.

Wen Zhaohua turned his head in dissatisfaction and asked, "What? Director Fu still wants to say something sarcastic?"

Fu Wenbo smiled and said, "Director Wen, if it's just to win the challenge, why should I tell you this now!"

It has to be said that Wen Zhaohua was indeed pissed off by Tianlin Middle School's underhanded tricks.

Now hearing what Fu Wenbo said, Wen Zhaohua also reacted with a sigh in his heart.

Anyway, Tianlin Middle School has won now. If Fu Wenbo didn't say it, he wouldn't doubt it at all.

Only when the information I collected before is wrong.

Naturally, Wen Zhaohua, who had reacted, also realized that things might not be so simple.

Thinking of this, Wen Zhaohua couldn't help looking at Fu Wenbo suspiciously and asked, "What exactly do you want?"

Afterwards, Fu Wenbo quickly explained what he had discussed with Chu Huan before.

After listening to what Fu Wenbo said, Wen Zhaohua's expression suddenly became stunned.

"What do you mean, after we go back, take the initiative to say that the two students of your school's Awakeners who participated in the competition are a little bit weaker, and then challenge other schools to challenge your school?"

Fu Wenbo nodded and said, "That's what it means!"

After understanding Fu Wenbo's purpose, Wen Zhaohua laughed angrily.

"Our Linhai No. 3 Middle School was overshadowed by your Tianlin Middle School once, and now we have to use it as a gun to help you?"

"Director Fu, do you think I'm stupid?"

In Wen Zhaohua's opinion, having suffered such a big loss today, it would be a good thing for him not to publicize the small trick of Tianlin Middle School.

Now Fu Wenbo even wants to make himself an accomplice, so that more schools will take the initiative to jump into the pit dug by Fu Wenbo.

Fu Wenbo said, "Of course you can't say that. Think about it, now that your Linhai No. 3 Middle School challenged our Tianlin Middle School and lost, and if other schools challenged our school and won, your Linhai No. 3 Middle School would definitely have a dull face."

"Instead of that, it's better that you take the initiative to challenge teams from other schools to challenge our school. As long as other schools in Linhai City that challenge Tianlin Middle School lose once, your Linhai No. 3 Middle School will naturally look better under such circumstances."

"Huh? That's right!"

Hearing this, Wen Zhaohua raised his brows.

I can't just let Linhai No. 3 Middle School suffer from this loss!

If it was said that Wen Zhaohua and others had spread the matter afterward, and other schools had taken precautions, it would mean that when looking at the entire Linhai City, only Linhai No. 3 Middle School was recruited.

In this case, where will the face of Linhai No. 3 Middle School be placed?

How can he, Wen Zhaohua, keep his head up in other schools in the future?

It's boring to eat too much by yourself! To know how to share!

Noticing the thoughtful look on Wen Zhaohua's face, Fu Wenbo couldn't help but smile and threw out the last dose of booster.

"Also, although this challenge is only once, this time you Linhai No. 3 Middle School came to challenge our Tianlin Middle School and lost, another day our Tianlin Middle School can challenge your Linhai No. 3 Middle School to lose a game.

"If you lose and win like this, you should be able to know the result, Director Wen."

He heard Fu Wenbo's words without a word.

The first thought in Wen Zhaohua's mind was.

"Is it still possible?"

Wen Zhaohua didn't expect Fu Wenbo to be so good at playing, and he wanted to directly decide the outcome of this year's challenge through such a method!

The key is to personally experience and experiment as a guinea pig, and Fu Wenbo's method is really feasible.

"dammit, what a dirty routine!"

With this method, Wen Zhaohua can say that no teacher in the entire Linhai City can think of it.

Neither can he.

Not because of IQ issues.

but the heart.

The heart can't be so dirty, it will think of playing like this.

At this moment, Wen Zhaohua knew why the hearts of those who said that playing routines were dirty.

Where is this dirty.

It's almost all black and oily.

Immediately afterwards, when Wen Zhaohua looked at Fu Wenbo, his eyes became strange.

At this time, Wen Zhaohua suddenly understood why Fu Wenbo didn't announce the news that there was still a Sky Awakening student in the school.

Co-authoring is just waiting to be tricked here!

Furthermore, when Wen Zhaohua looked at Fu Wenbo, his eyes changed a bit.


In the past, Wen Zhaohua felt that Fu Wenbo was too young to take Fu Wenbo to heart.

But now Wen Zhaohua doesn't think so.

With such a black-hearted dean, Wen Zhaohua felt that he would try his best to have a good relationship with Tianlin Middle School in the future.

Otherwise, Fu Wenbo, a black-hearted dog thief, might be trapped by that time.

After understanding the purpose behind Fu Wenbo, Wen Zhaohua pondered for a while and said with an uncertain expression: "What you just said is true? Later, you are willing to bring Tianlin Middle School to my Linhai No. 3 Middle School to challenge once and then lose to our Linhai No. 3 Middle School. ?"

Fu Wenbo said with a smile, "I've given everything to Director Wen now. Even if I want to repeat the same trick in the future, Director Wen will definitely be able to see it. How can the same method work twice?"

Wen Zhaohua nodded and said, "Yes."

After the confirmation, Wen Zhaohua couldn't help but be moved.

You know, in Linhai City, each school has only one chance to challenge other schools every year.

If you win, you can continue to challenge other schools.

If you lose, you can only admit it and wait until next year to fight again.

As for Tianlin Middle School, there is a method like Fu Wenbo. Basically, only teams from other schools dare to come, and they all have to take Shen Sha to Tianlin Middle School.

In this case, as long as other schools try to put the challenge school on Tianlin Middle School's side, Fu Wenbo will use this method to get rid of it.

After a while, Tianlin Middle School took the initiative to challenge Linhai No. 3 Middle School and lost.

In this way, it means that the biggest winners of this challenge in Linhai City are undoubtedly Linhai No. 3 Middle School and Tianlin Middle School.

Thinking of this, Wen Zhaohua asked again: "Are you sure that the students from Tianlin Middle School will come to our school to challenge?"

Fu Wenbo assured: "Naturally, everyone is staying in Linhai City, looking up and not looking down, I have told it all, Director Wen still doesn't believe it?"

At this point, Wen Zhaohua smiled and said, "Okay! Then we will wait for the students of Tianlin Middle School."

I didn't expect it!

I originally thought that this year, I would die before I succeeded in the apprenticeship. Where would I want to get a village of Liu Yin Hua Ming You.

Because they were the first to challenge Tianlin Middle School in Linhai No. 3 Middle School, they were able to get such a free bargain.

Staying in school can be one of the biggest winners in this year's school challenges.

Thinking of this, Wen Zhaohua couldn't help but feel a little fortunate.

But this feeling just came out, and Wen Zhaohua felt that something was wrong.

It was obvious that they were the first to be used by Tianlin Middle School, so why are they still grateful now?

Thinking of this, the smile at the corner of Wen Zhaohua's mouth stiffened.

Suddenly I don't know whether to be happy or sad!

"By the way, Director Wen, you also know that the problem with this method is my student's BUFF Soul Skill, so when you go back, Director Wen, you can't miss it!"

At this moment, Fu Wenbo exhorted as if something were ringing.

Director Wen said, "Don't worry! I can still understand this!"

"Then, are you happy to work together?"

"Happy cooperation!"

While holding hands, the two of them smiled tacitly.

On the other hand, the other teachers from Linhai No. 3 Middle School and Tianlin Middle School looked at the two people who seemed to be friends for many years now with smiles on their faces, and their expressions were a bit unnatural.

"Dammit, don't tell me, can someone become a dean of education? He has a thick face and a black heart, he can't compare!".

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