Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 113 f*ck, you guys are actually playing yin? (25 for subscription)

The battle on the playground continued. After discussing with Chu Huan for a while, Fu Wenbo had already returned to Wen Zhaohua to watch the battle.

However, at this moment, Wen Zhaohua still had the same obvious gloom on his face as before.

Even now, the big two-man battle on the playground is still not over.

But the scene of the battle was completely like hiding from the cat. Sun Jun kept chasing, and the student from Linhai No. 3 Middle School kept moving and trying to distance himself from Sun Jun.

But the discerning person knew at a glance that this situation would not last long.

In this way, two minutes later, under the circumstance that the physical strength was obviously consumed, the challenge student of Linhai No. 3 Middle School was smashed to the outside of the playground by Sun Jun's successful shield strike while the speed of a mistake plummeted. .

But in the two consecutive battles just now, Sun Jun won the victory.

In the second battle, Sun Jun's physical strength was obviously consumed a lot.

After glancing at Song Hongyi in the distance, Sun Jun slowly turned around and turned to Zhou Ziqi, who had been eager to try before.

Seeing this scene, Song Hongyi's face instantly sank.

In the few minutes when the second student of Linhai No. 3 Middle School and Sun Jun were facing each other, Song Hongyi, who had been watching from the side, saw some signs.

There is a faint way to deal with Song Hongyi.

But now, before he could play, the object of his battle turned out to be from Sun Jun to Zhou Ziqi.

Such a change could not help but make Song Hongyi scolded in his heart.

Soon, under the announcement of Xu Hongwen, the two also played one after another.

At the moment when Xu Hongwen announced the start of the battle, Zhou Ziqi, who had just played, moved.

Almost at the moment when Song Hongyi just felt the fluctuation of soul power in Zhou Ziqi's body, Zhou Ziqi, who was still fifty meters away, appeared behind Song Hongyi in less than 0 seconds.

A black-looking dagger in his hand swept toward Song Hongyi with a black trail in the air.

Compared with the first student, Song Hongyi's combat experience is obviously better.

Feeling the sound coming from behind, Song Hongyi rushed forward while the ax-like weapon soul on his right hand suddenly slashed behind him.

Along the way, the axe had a dark water-like luster, leaving a trace in the air like a ribbon.

It's just that when the axe swung, the soul power surged on the dagger in Zhou Ziqi's hand, who originally appeared behind Song Hongyi.

Then, with the dagger in Zhou Ziqi's hand as the center, Zhou Ziqi's whole person disappeared out of thin air.

The next second, Zhou Ziqi, who was still behind Song Hongyi, appeared in front of Song Hongyi out of thin air, and stabbed Song Hongyi with the dagger in her hand.

Seeing this scene, Song Hongyi gave a light drink in shock.

As the soul power in Song Hongyi's body instantly became intense, a black light in the soul of the tool in Song Hongyi's hand turned into a big black hand and grabbed Zhou Ziqi.

Looking at the big black hand that was quickly grabbing towards her, Zhou Ziqi's face was lightly condensed and her body flickered and disappeared again in front of Song Hongyi, then moved to a position one meter away, and took a few steps behind her body. He looked at the axe in Song Hongyi's hand in surprise.

It's just that compared to Zhou Ziqi's surprise, Song Hongyi's face was extremely dark at this moment.

"Fuck, space device soul skill 々ˇ!"

Seeing Zhou Ziqi who appeared in front of him instantly, Song Hongyi couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

It doesn't matter if the agility attribute is high, Zhou Ziqi's tool soul skills are still spatial.

This simply restrained him to the death.

Play the hammer!

Here, after seeing the battle between the two sides in just a few seconds, Chu Huan smiled with satisfaction.

In the current situation, under the restraint of speed and tool soul skills, Song Hongyi has no chance of winning at all.

As Chu Huan thought.

With Zhou Ziqi's space tool soul skill, Song Hongyi was completely unable to capture Zhou Ziqi's attacking position.

It was obvious that Sun Ziqi attacked Song Hongyi's chest just now, but the moment Song Hongyi started to defend, he would run behind Song Hongyi.

The dagger stabbed Song Hongyi in the waist.

This made Song Hongyi in a situation of being suppressed from beginning to end.

In just three minutes, with Zhou Ziqi's dagger on Song Hongyi's neck, the battle came to an end.

"In the third game, Tianlin Middle School wins!"

When Xu Hongwen's announcement sounded, the students who were watching the challenge of Linhai No. 3 Middle School all boiled.

One by one, they were discussing the three battles just now.

Especially the third battle between Zhou Ziqi and Song Hongyi is more thrilling and gorgeous than Sun Jun's previous two combined.

"Hey, earn blood!"

As soon as Xu Hongwen announced the results, both Chu Huan and Fu Wenbo had this idea in their hearts.

After taking his eyes back, Chu Huan said to Fu Wenbo on the side, "Mr. Fu, you can go over now!"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo turned his head to look at Wen Zhaohua and other teachers in Linhai No. 3 Middle School.

Compared to Tianlin Middle School, the expressions of Wen Zhaohua and the others were obviously not so happy at this moment.

"Director Wen!"

Also when Wen Zhaohua's face gradually darkened, Fu Wenbo's voice slowly rang from the side.

Looking at Fu Wenbo who can be described with a red face at the moment, Wen Zhaohua said with a smile, "But it's just a challenge, why does it feel like Director Fu is the principal of Tianlin Middle School, so happy!"

At this moment, Tianlin Middle School has won, and Fu Wenbo is in a better mood than ever with the blood earned.

Even in the face of Wen Zhaohua's strange yin and yang anger at the moment, he didn't feel angry at all.

Instead, he asked thoughtfully, "Director Wen, what do you think of the strength of these two students in our school?"

Hearing this, Wen Zhaohua glanced at Zhou Ziqi and Sun Jun on the playground and snorted: "Very good, as expected of the students of Tianlin Middle School, they are really excellent!"

Fu Wenbo said with a smile: "To be honest, in terms of strength, let alone the other two students from Linhai No. 3 Middle School. The one named Song Hongyi is actually stronger than Zhou Ziqi and Sun Jun from our school."

With that said, Wen Zhaohua's eyes fell on Fu Wenbo again, and he said with a strong dissatisfaction: "What? Director Fu, are you trying to show off now?"

Wen Zhaohua narrowed his eyes and said, "What? Is Director Fu showing off to me now?"

Obviously, Wen Zhaohua obviously didn't realize the problem at this moment.

Seeing this, Fu Wenbo waved his hand and said, "Where is it! It's just a literal meaning. In terms of real strength, your students from Linhai No. 3 Middle School are indeed a bit higher."


Seeing Fu Wenbo with a serious face without the slightest bit of ridicule and abuse, Wen Zhaohua was puzzled.

"'. What do you mean? Director Fu, what are you trying to say?"

Fu Wenbo smiled slightly and said, "It's very simple. Just now, the effect of my student's BUFF Soul Skill is not increased by 10% of the "Agility" attribute, but by 50%."

Speaking of which, Wen Zhaohua still didn't understand what it meant.

Immediately, he turned his head in surprise and glanced at Chu Huan, who was still obediently staying in place in the distance, and then looked at Fu Wenbo.

After pondering for a few seconds, Wen Zhaohua's eyes widened and said, "f*ck, you guys are actually playing yin?"

At this moment, Wen Zhaohua was really shocked.

He had no idea that Fu Wenbo would be so shameless.

This is also done in the inter-school challenge.

Just don't have a face.

Taking Wen Zhaohua's reaction into his eyes, Fu Wenbo was not surprised at all.

Still smiling, he said, "It doesn't count!"

Listening to what Fu Wenbo said, 10,000 grass and mud horses galloped past in Wen Zhaohua's heart, and the word "MMP" in his heart really wanted to say but he had to take into account his identity.

One side is 10%, the other side is 50%.

The difference is already equivalent to three or four small grades.

Did he count it like that?

The conversation between Fu Wenbo and Wen Zhaohua at the moment was not hidden from others.

Therefore, whether it was the teachers of Tianlin Middle School or Linhai No. 3 Middle School, they all heard the real reason for Tianlin Middle School's victory.

Surprised in his heart, a teacher of Linhai No. 3 Middle School said angrily: "Director Fu, you are cheating by doing this, right? Can this challenge be counted?"

As soon as the words fell, another teacher from Linhai No. 3 Middle School also agreed: "That's right, this challenge is canceled, and the students will compete again."

Faced with what Linhai No. 3 Middle School said, the teacher at Tianlin Middle School was dumbfounded, not knowing how to respond for a while.

Only Fu Wenbo didn't care about Linhai No. 3 Middle School's excited reaction.

After spreading his hands, Fu Wenbo said slowly: "How does it count as cheating? That stinky boy's tool soul skill is indeed a BUFF type. Didn't the three students in your school also increase their agility attributes by 10%?

"Everyone is the same, and we're not lying."

Hearing Fu Wenbo's words into his ears, Wen Zhaohua's face suddenly flushed.

"Fart, how can he be the same?"

At this moment, Wen Zhaohua didn't care whether he was the director or not, and the foul language in his heart would burst out.

In response, Fu Wenbo said casually, "I just asked that stinky brat to give buffs to the fighting students on both sides, but Director Wen agreed. I can't blame this! If you really want to say cheating, Director Wen is also an accomplice!"

Wen Zhaohua: "...".

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