Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 8: Improving Strength

Tianyu did not delay too much, silently reciting "return" in his heart, and immediately returned to the selection space.

Suddenly, his figure disappeared into the world of "Detective Chinatown".

The moment Tianyu disappeared, Tang Ren, Qin Feng, Axiang and others in the distance seemed to have forgotten something and looked around blankly.

After the chosen person completes the commission and leaves, these people will immediately lose all information about the chosen person.

When they are released on a mission by chance again, they will recall these memories again.

When Tianyu regained his sight again, he found that he had returned to the square of the selection space.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

He looked at the time and found that a whole day had passed since he entered the world of "Detective Chinatown". The time ratio between the dungeon world and the selection space was one to one.

The time ratio between the selection space and the real world is also one to one, so no matter where you are, the flow of time will not change.

"You have new communication information. 'Brother Erlonghu Hao' invites you to make a video call. Please handle it in time."

Tianyu was slightly startled by the sudden notification sound in his ears, and then he immediately reacted.

"Open the video."

Soon, a holographic projection simulation video dialog box popped up in front of him.

In the recruitment space, all personal privacy is kept confidential and absolutely no one can view it without the permission of the owner.

Therefore, whether Tianyu is viewing his personal familiarity panel in the selection space or video chatting with others, the selectors next to him are invisible.

In the eyes of others, they could only see him standing there in a daze, talking to himself.

At this moment, a naive fat man appeared in the dialog box, and his smiling appearance made people feel inexplicably friendly.

"Brother Tianyu, it's me, Fatty. Regarding the dungeon guide for "Detective Chinatown", how do you plan to trade it?"

Tianyu took a look at the fat man nicknamed Brother Erlong Huhao. His appearance had completely changed, and he was obviously hiding his identity.

In the recruitment space, in order to better protect privacy, the appearance can be adjusted at any time, but the name and gender cannot.

"I only conduct cash transactions! However, the amount of cash is too huge and too bulky to carry and trade. So I might as well change it to 20 million gold bars."

Twenty million banknotes were put together, all of which were of the largest denomination, and could not be contained in a sack.

If it were replaced by gold bars, there wouldn't be much left, and a small box would be more than enough.

"No problem! But brother Tianyu, how should I hand over the gold bars to you?"

This is indeed a problem. If you trade in person, your true identity will be exposed.

Seeing Tianyu's silence, the fat man took the initiative and said: "Brother Tianyu, if you believe me, you can tell me your delivery address, and I will send it to you by express. After you receive the gold bars, you can come back to pick me up in the evening. Space, tell me the relevant information about the copy world of "Detective Chinatown", how about it?"

"Not very good!!" Tianyu refused without hesitation.

Exposing your shipping address, even using a fake shipping address, is still risky.

As long as you are willing to investigate, you can find him by following the clues.

"Then we can only trade through the call space channel!" Fatty said: "But the handling fee for the call space transaction is very expensive, and there is a 30% commission. You have to pay this part of the money."

Tianyu's eyes lit up when he heard this. He didn't expect that items could be traded in the summoning space.

It’s just that the handling fee is really astonishingly expensive, it’s 30%! !

Thirty percent of twenty million, that’s six million!

But for safety reasons, no matter how expensive it is, you have to tolerate it.

"Let's trade in the call space! Each person pays half of the handling fee!" Tianyu said.

Fatty: "."

I have a saying about MMP, but I don’t know whether to say it or not!

"Okay! Trade tomorrow night!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fatty hung up the video, obviously feeling very distressed.

Even Tianyu could see Fatty's scratchy expression before hanging up the video.

Tianyu didn't take it to heart and closed the video interface.

Just after closing the communication with Fatty, a new communication prompt came:

"You have a new communication message. 'I am Big Mac' invites you to make a video call. Please handle it in time."

Tianyu was stunned and chose to accept it.

Soon, a muscular man appeared in the video.

"Wow, you are Brother Shura!" The muscular man shouted exaggeratedly when he saw Tianyu.

"Who are you?" Tianyu was confused.

"Boss, I'm your fan. You just got the 'SSS' super rating. It's really cool. Boss, can you reveal the copy guide for "Detective Chinatown"?"

"No!!" Tianyu refused ruthlessly and hung up directly.

Free reveal of the copy guide for "Detective Chinatown"? Think of him as a fool!

Just after hanging up, there was a new communication prompt:

"You have a new communication message. 'Yijianmei' invites you to have a video call. Please handle it in time."

Tianyu connected, and a cute girl appeared in the video.

"Hello, Master Shura, I want a copy of "Detective Chinatown". Although I have no money, I am very beautiful. As long as you are willing to give it to me, I can accompany you for a month. During this period, do you want to You can do anything to me”

Tianyu: "."

Tianyu, who had black streaks all over his head, hung up the video call with this girl.

After hanging up again, another communication prompt came, and it seemed that countless people were queuing up to video chat with him.

Tianyu was annoyed and gave an order to the selection system directly: "System, except for the communication request from 'Erlonghu Haoge', I don't want to receive any communication requests from anyone for the time being."

"Okay, I'll intercept it for you."

With the interception of the selection system, Tianyu finally stopped.

Selection system.

Every selector can use it in the selection space, just like artificial intelligence.

After calming down, Tianyu began to deal with the rewards he got this time.

Tianyu got a total of four rewards for this mission:

Selection points: 12,000 points.

Spiritual attributes +10.

Free attribute points +5.

One "refresh card" for the copy cooldown time.

The harvest is actually very rich.

For tasks rated below "S", the rewards are only a single selection point, and they are very few.

Tianyu got four rewards this time, which is already a lot.

Spiritual attributes are added automatically. Currently, Tianyu needs to deal with only the selection points, free attribute points and copy cooldown refresh cards.

In fact, the award that Tianyu is most satisfied with is the copy cooldown refresh card.

After using this card, he no longer needs to wait for a month and can continue to brush the copy world task immediately.

Tianyu first deals with the selection points.

The role of the selection points is very large, almost equivalent to the hard currency of the selection space.

It can be used to buy some props and medicines in the selection mall. If you are lucky, you can also buy some special skills.

In the secular area, if the task fails to brush the copy, you will also be fined for the selection points and your own attributes.

In addition to purchasing items, the selection points can also upgrade the proficiency of skills.

Of course, the biggest role of the selection points is to exchange for free attribute points!

300 points of selection points can be exchanged for a free attribute point.

Tianyu thought for a moment and spent 9,000 points to exchange for 30 free attributes, adding them to strength, speed and physique respectively.

There are 3,000 points left for selection and summoning, which are reserved for backup. The five free familiarity points awarded by the system have not been used.

As the familiarity increases, the points required to exchange for free attribute points will also increase.

It is the most appropriate choice to use these five free attribute points when they are really needed.

Fortunately, this is a reward given by the system, otherwise there will be no such loophole in the selection and summoning space.

When Tianyu added 30 free attribute points, he immediately felt that his strength was more than doubled, and his body was much lighter.

At the same time, a burning stinging sensation came from his arm, as if it was burned by fire.

Tianyu looked at his arm and found that the chaos tattoo had completely turned into black iron, and an Arabic number 1 appeared in the middle.

Name: Tianyu

Selection number: 1008611

Strength: 17

Speed: 18

Physique: 17

Spirit: 21

Available familiarity points: 5 (system reward)

Skills: Driving (skilled), Acting (entry), Cooking (skilled).

Special skills: None

Combat skills: None

Selection points: 3000

Strength rating: Black Iron Level 1

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