When Tianyu saw that his comprehensive evaluation on the attribute panel had changed to "Black Iron Level 1", his eyes lit up. ɱ

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝓈𝒽𝓊.𝓃ℯ𝓉

Now if he goes out to find a job, he can find a job with a very good income by showing the "Black Iron Level 1" symbol of the chaos pattern on his arm! !

In addition, the evaluation level given by the selection system, although it looks the same as a tattoo, is actually very easy to distinguish from a tattoo.

For example, the "Black Iron Level 1" symbol on Tianyu's arm now, as long as you look closely, you can see that there is a faint red light flowing.

If you want to use a tattoo to fake it, you won't be fooled unless you are a fool.

Tianyu now has an intuitive understanding of the importance of selection points.

No wonder the fat man named "Erlonghu Haoge" is willing to pay 20 million for the strategy in his hand.

Even if the reward is halved, as long as you get the "SSS" level evaluation, you will have 5,000 points of selection points.

Unfortunately, Tianyu could not enter the dungeon world of "Detective Chinatown 1" again, otherwise he would definitely not sell the strategy.

Then, Tianyu took out the dungeon cooldown refresh card from the "personal warehouse".

The personal warehouse is a private space with an area of ​​about 100 cubic meters, which each summoner has.

Of course, it can only be used in the summoning space, and can only store things produced in the summoning space.

In the case of non-trading, no summoner can bring things in reality into the summoning space.

Even if it is a transaction, the items will be immediately excluded after the transaction is completed.

Looking at the card in his hand, Tianyu thought about it and still did not use it.

Tianyu's consideration is that he has just experienced the dungeon world of "Detective Chinatown", and he is a little tired and in poor condition.

It is undoubtedly unwise to brush the dungeon world in his current state.

For the sake of safety, Tianyu chose to rest.

After wandering around in the summoning space for a while, Tianyu left the summoning space in advance and returned to the real world.

The real world is still in Tianyu's room, and the time is 12:12 midnight.

When Tianyu was about to go to rest, he suddenly saw an old envelope on the table.

Although the envelope looked clean, the paper had begun to yellow, and it was obviously not recently.

But Tianyu was 100% sure that there was absolutely no envelope in his house, and he didn't remember anything on the table.

Silently, Tianyu's eyes became solemn, trying to maintain his calmness and pretending to be indifferent.

But his eyes were spinning rapidly, observing various places where people could hide.

Balcony, behind the curtains, wardrobe, under the bed.

After this round of observation, all suspicious places were normal, which made Tianyu puzzled.

Keeping a vigilant mind and ready to fight at any time, Tianyu stood up and checked carefully.

The door was locked, the windows were closed, and there was nothing unusual in the house, exactly the same as before entering the selection space.

After confirming that no one was at home, Tianyu relaxed and returned to the table to pick up the letter.

There was no zip code or writer on the dark yellow envelope, only the words "My dearest son" were written on the recipient column.

Looking at these words, Tianyu's face gradually became ugly.

Although two years have passed, the memory in his mind clearly told him that this was the note of his father who had disappeared for two years!

The right hand holding the envelope became more and more powerful, and even began to tremble slightly. Tianyu realized that his state was not right and hurriedly calmed down.

"Is this the sequelae of merging memories? But it's right, memory is the foundation of human beings. Since the two memories are completely merged, the original owner and I are naturally merged!"

Tianyu reacted quickly and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with his body.

The original owner's memory has become his, so the original owner's previous life is naturally his life. It is normal to have feelings for parents who have never met.

Tianyu then opened the envelope. He wanted to see why that person, who he didn’t know whether he was an enemy or a friend, had gone to so much trouble to send him this letter.

"Son, when you see this letter, your mother and I should have been missing for a long time, and you have also experienced your first summoning mission.

Your mother and I have not given up on you, but there are some things we must do. If we can come back, this letter will never appear in front of you.

If we don't come back, you must remember, never say your mother and my name anywhere, it will bring you an irresistible huge crisis! Whether it is reality or the summoning space!

You don't have to worry about someone knowing your relationship with us. Before leaving, we have made all preparations and erased the relationship between us.

There are definitely no more than ten people who really know that you are our son. They will not reveal it, nor will they appear in front of you, so don't try to find them.

Finally, remember not to look for any clues about us, just ensure your own safety and continue to strengthen your own strength. Your mother and I will come back at the right time.

The following is what your mother wants to say to you:

Son, Mom will miss you, Dad and Mom will find a way to come back as soon as possible, but you must listen to Dad and keep yourself in a safe situation!

Also, before your father and I come back, you can find a partner, but you must not get married. You must let your mother check it for you!

We didn't leave you much money. I hope you don't blame us. Only in this way can we minimize your sense of existence.

Although there are still many things I want to say to you, we don't have much time. The next is the most important thing.

Son, you must remember that after entering the extraordinary area of ​​the selected space, everyone will face two choices, that is, the technology test or the mysterious test.

You can understand the technology test, but the main direction must be placed on the mysterious test. The technology test focuses on the strength of the group, and the mysterious test can make the individual strong!

Never think about going hand in hand, that consumes too many points of the selected points, which is not something that one person can afford!

Finally, mom and dad will always love you! "

Tianyu looked at the dried tears on the letter paper with a sense of loss, feeling mixed emotions, not knowing what to say.

There is no doubt that he is sure that this is his parents' notes, and the letter is written by them personally.

No wonder they changed their school before they disappeared, moved away from their original city, and came to this strange city.

So all this is to hide their identities? How powerful will their enemies be?

And from this letter, they are sure enough to survive, but they can't come back for some reason! Or. Are they trapped in a world in the selected space?

Tianyu didn't know these, but he felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

Although he didn't know how strong his parents were, he knew that they could completely hide him. You can tell from the shape that to be the enemy of such a strong man, his strength must not be underestimated!

Moreover, he had a vague idea in his heart, that is, no matter where his parents are now, he wants to find them in person!

Perhaps it was because of the memory fusion, when Tianyu saw the letter, he completely regarded the two people he had never met as his parents.

Of course, these are all plans for the future, and the most urgent thing is to change the place to live!

Although the person who sent the letter today should be the backup left by his parents, it also means that this place is not safe enough.

If he can find it, others may also be able to find it!

Now he is weak, so his life is more important!

"The transaction of the strategy must be completed as soon as possible, so that we can have money to buy a house and move out of this place! "

After making up his mind, Tianyu began to study the information about mysterious and technological measurements in the letter, which was related to his future!

One kilometer away from Tianyu's home, a man in a black robe had a third eye on his forehead, looking in the direction of Tianyu's home.

"This kid is quite cautious, worthy of being the son of Tianxing and Han Yanrou, he has some skills!"

However, thinking of the previous SSS-level super god evaluation, the mysterious man smacked his lips again, a little speechless.

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