Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 7 Superb Evaluation

The next moment, another prompt sounded:

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"Congratulations to the Summoner Tianyu for his outstanding performance in the summoning world "Detective Chinatown". He helped Tang Ren clear his grievances and complete the hidden mission in 17 hours and 18 minutes, and received a perfect evaluation: SSS!"

Super God! !

The first prompt sound sounded in the world of Detective Chinatown, while the second prompt sound sounded in the entire summoning space.

All of a sudden, all the Summoners in the square of the summoning space stood there in shock.

Super God Evaluation: SSS! ! !

This is the first time such a high evaluation has appeared since the appearance of the summoning space.

Even if you look through the records, the highest record in the past is only S, which was created by the strongest person in the world today.

But what is this Tianyu doing? He actually broke the record of the strongest person in the world, and it is far beyond it! ! !

Countless summoners who heard the prompt were excited.

"Fuck, who is this Tianyu? He is so awesome?"

"Awesome, this Tianyu is definitely a god-level figure!"

"Oh my god, SSS rating? A-level rating is as hard as ascending to heaven, and someone actually got SSS-level rating?"

"I'm going crazy, this is the first time I heard someone get a super god rating, Tianyu is awesome!"

"The summoning mission of "Detective Chinatown"? Damn, I also did it once, and I didn't find any clues in seven days. How did this Tianyu complete the mission in seventeen hours?"

"Secret room murder case, gold robbery case, seventeen hours to investigate these, is this something a human can do?"

"I beg Tianyu to give me a strategy, I am willing to pay a high price for it!"

For a while, the entire reincarnation space was boiling, everyone was very surprised, and almost everyone was talking about the word "Tianyu".

In the secular area where Tianyu was before, a masked man in black was also shocked after hearing the announcement, and then hurriedly exited the summoning space.

As early as when Tianyu entered the summoning space, he had already followed Tianyu and watched him start the summoning with his own eyes.

But even so, he couldn't help but be shocked when he knew that Tianyu had received the SSS evaluation.

In the world of "Detective Chinatown", Tianyu didn't know that his reputation had resounded throughout this summoning space.

He was also very happy that he could get the SSS-level super god evaluation.

But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that this was also very normal.

First, the task required to help Tang Ren clear his grievances within seven days, but Tianyu only took seventeen hours, less than a day.

Second, the task required only to clear the grievances, but Tianyu not only completed it perfectly, but also arrested all the criminals, and by the way, saved Ah Xiang from the crisis of serious injury and dying.

The lost gold was found and all the key evidence was collected without any omissions.

Third, Tianyu also revealed the truth of the matter in front of the two protagonists, Tang Ren and Qin Feng, and learned about Sinuo, the mastermind behind the scenes, and completed the hidden task.

In this way, the matter of "Detective Chinatown" was completely cracked under Tianyu's control.

Under these factors, Tianyu was awarded the SSS-level super god task evaluation.

"Dear Summoner "Tianyu", you completed the task and received the following rewards:"

"1. Summoning points: 10,000 points."

"2. Ten points for spirit."

"3. A summoning cooldown refresh card has been stored in your personal warehouse."

"Please note that this world will no longer be open to you."

"Please note that you can stay in this world for 24 hours. After 24 hours, all Summoners will be forced to leave!"

Hearing the prompt sound of the Summoning Space, Tianyu was a little stunned.

That's it? An unprecedented super god evaluation, with such a small reward?

And the most important point, where did the system reward go?

When Tianyu was muttering in his heart, the Summoning Space that had disappeared suddenly spoke again.

"An error occurred in the reward. The summoning space is being tested. The test is completed. Now the reward summoning points are reissued: 2000 points, 5 free attribute points!"

"Oh, so this is how the system distributes rewards. This is a bit too much. It's completely free of the summoning space, but I like it!"

Tianyu was not surprised but happy. He accepted the system's reward with a smile.

This kind of reward is what he wants most. If the system's reward is independent of the summoning space, he will be a little unhappy.

In his opinion, this is a process of resource integration.

For example, a skill is worth one million in the system and the summoning space, but each of them rewards 500,000. He still can't buy it.

But now in this reward mode, 500,000 plus 500,000 can be purchased immediately, making oneself stronger faster.

But even with the system's bonus, Tianyu is still a little disappointed.

He doesn't know how huge a fortune 12,000 points of summoning points are!

And this is the SSS-level evaluation of the summoning in the mortal area. There is no life-threatening danger, so the reward is naturally not as good as the summoning task in the extraordinary area.

If you get an SSS-level super god evaluation on the Skydeck, the rewards will be much richer!

"Hey, SSS-level super god mission evaluation, isn't the reward a lot?"

At some point, the fat man came to Tianyu's side.

At this moment, his eyes were red as he looked at Tianyu, and his heart was full of envy and jealousy! ! !

SSS-level evaluation! That's an SSS-level evaluation!

Especially when his mission failed, someone in the same world as him actually got an SSS-level evaluation. People with weak hearts might faint immediately!

"Not much, how many super god evaluations in the mortal zone do you think there are?" Tianyu said with a chuckle.

"Humph!" The fat man obviously didn't believe it, and said after a snort, "Do you want to sell the strategy? I can pay a high price! How about 10 million?"

This is an SSS-level super god evaluation! If you get it, you can create strong people in batches.

"Trade? I don't think the price of 10 million is very appropriate!" Tianyu said after thinking about it.

He is not a child who knows nothing and will be dazzled by money.

There is a saying that one step faster is faster. "Detective Chinatown" is a summoning copy in the mortal zone, which can be used as the first step to enter the summoning space.

In the first step, you are so much ahead of others. If you exchange any skills or your own attributes, you will definitely have a great advantage in entering the extraordinary zone.

In this way, the performance in the future will definitely be far beyond that of ordinary people, thus embarking on the road of being a strong man.

Hearing Tianyu's words, the fat man suddenly widened his eyes, "What do you mean?"

Tianyu smiled and said: "The strategy that can get super god evaluation, I believe I want 20 million, and there are many people scrambling for it, what do you think?"

"You, you" The fat man wanted to scold Tianyu for being black-hearted, but what Tianyu said was indeed correct, so he could only swallow his words back again.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, 20 million is 20 million, but you are not allowed to sell it to others within a month!"

The rule of the selection space is that a person can only accept one selection task within a month, regardless of success or failure!

The fat man was unlucky. This time he met Tianyu and only got the lowest evaluation.

But fortunately, he and Tianyu were on the same side this time, which was considered a win.

If he was on the opposite side of Tianyu, I am afraid that this mission would fail!

He wanted to enter the task copy again, so he could only wait until a month later.

"Okay." Tianyu agreed very readily and was in a good mood. With 20 million extra all of a sudden, anyone would be in a good mood.

At the same time, Tianyu couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this fat man's family is really rich!

"Well, I'll wait for you in the summoning space, you come out quickly."

After the fat man finished speaking, he silently chanted "return" in his heart, and the whole person disappeared out of thin air.

In fact, even if it is 20 million, Tianyu is selling at a loss.

If it is sold to those big forces, even if it is 200 million, there will be people willing to pay, but Tianyu does not have such capital.

He is still too weak now, and no one will know if he is killed by those people after the transaction.

It just so happens that he is short of money to improve his life, and trading with this fat man is also a good choice, at least it is much safer.

If you want to make money, wait until you get a super god evaluation again in the future and then sell it.

Anyway, knowing the plot, it is not too difficult to get an SSS-level super god evaluation!

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