Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 705 Do you want to use the family extermination service?

"That's right, it's not good to provoke anyone, but I chose the Qingcheng sect. The leader of Qingcheng, Yu Canghai, is extremely skilled in sword and palm, and the famous Taoist Hui Lv's iron sand palm is unparalleled in the world!"

Xichuan Shuangxia is also a quasi-grandmaster! "

Hey, you damn Nishikawa Shuangxia, the rest of the Red Flower Society still do some chivalrous and righteous things, but these two just know how to kill the rich and give to the poor. "

β€œIsn’t it good to kill the rich and give to the poor?”

"What a fart. After others have accumulated some wealth, they become rich and unkind. Knowing this black and white, they kill people casually. They take the good things of the whole family for themselves, and only give them to the poor if they don't like them, so as to gain a good reputation. "

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"This is a bit outrageous"

"The Red Flower Society is very protective of its shortcomings. What they are doing is to oppose the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty. If you have any objection to them, you are the enemy of thousands of Han people."

"They are all against the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, but the Honghua Society is not even remotely inferior to the leader of the Tiandi Society, Mr. Chen!"

"Let's talk about Qingcheng Sect and Fuwei Escort Agency. Honghua Club has many ears and eyes, so we don't dare to talk nonsense."

"Oh, Qingcheng sect. Speaking of which, when the ancestor of the Lin family, Lin Yuantu, was still alive, they called them daddy even if they were not killed by the seventy-two evil sword techniques? What a pity?"

"It is indeed a pity. In the old Ming Mountain and Sea battle, Senior Lin went to the battlefield with Master Hongye of Southern Shaolin. The two of them killed more than a thousand Qing soldiers before being besieged to death by the masters."

"If Senior Lin hadn't died, how could he be afraid of the Qingcheng Sect!"

"Hmph, the Qingcheng sect only dares to bully the current Lin family. Other famous and decent sects cannot do such shameless things."

The two Jianghu people were filled with indignation and ate quickly while chatting.

After a while, the two of them were full of wine and food, bowed their hands to each other, and jumped out of the window.

Not long after, the waiter who came to clear the table screamed. Apparently, the two of them had not paid.

"Let's go to the Fuwei Escort Agency. It sounds like the Qingcheng faction has a lot of potential!" Tianyu's heart moved slightly and he walked out.

No wonder the name of Patriarch Sunflower is not seen in this list. It is very likely that he also died along with the old Ming Dynasty during the battle between mountains and seas.

It was probably because of his summons that Lin Yuantu and others went to the battlefield, but unfortunately they were unable to save themselves.

The two flagpoles at the entrance of Fuwei Escort Agency have been cut off at their roots.

All the tables and chairs in the escort agency hall were moved away, and there were more than ten corpses of escorts piled up in random places inside.

Lin Zhennan, the chief bodyguard, sat blankly in the hall, looking at the body of the bodyguard with a dull expression.

He has been sitting here all night.

"Dad, a man is responsible for his own work. I, Lin Pingzhi, killed that bastard named Yu. Why didn't that old bastard Yu Canghai come and kill me?"

At this moment, an eighteen or nineteen-year-old boy in brocade clothes walked into the hall with a look of indignation on his face.

"Shut up and get out!" Lin Zhennan glanced at the young man and snorted coldly.

"People have already come to your door, why are you still pretending to be a coward? In the worst case, I will pay for him with my life!" Lin Pingzhi said angrily and helplessly.

"What's the point of paying for your life? What they want is not your life at all!" Lin Zhennan sighed with a tired face.

"Then what do they want?"

"They want our Lin family's property, no, they probably want our ancestors' peerless swordsmanship!"

Lin Zhennan sighed and said feebly: "Your father is still useless to me. If you had 10% of your ancestor's martial arts, how could you end up like this?"

"Then if they ask for martial arts, we'll take it. Why do they want to kill so many innocent people?"

"Because their Qingcheng sect is a well-known and decent sect. How can they do things like the evil sect? Of course, they must have grievances, revenge, and high-sounding revenge to facilitate their actions."

Mrs. Lin walked in holding a golden knife and waved it.

The three of them looked at each other speechlessly and sighed at the same time.

"Chief escort, madam, young escort, there is a hero outside!"

At this moment, an escort rushed in urgently.

"Huh? The Qingcheng faction has blocked the road. How can outsiders come in?" Lin Zhennan was startled and said in surprise.

"What's he doing here? Our escort agency doesn't have any escorts, and we're not recruiting any more." Mrs. Lin said.

"He asked me to ask you, do you want to hire him to wipe out the Qingcheng sect?" The bodyguard's voice was trembling.

"Huh? No, what did he say?" Lin Zhennan was shocked and asked blankly.

The next moment, Lin Zhennan reacted and was so excited that his whole body trembled.

"Quick, quick, why are you standing here? Bring him here!"

"Forget it, it's a mess here. I'll go to the front yard with you and lead the way!" Lin Zhennan said quickly without having time to think about it.

He was also treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor. He actually didn't believe that the Qingcheng sect was destroyed.

The Qingcheng sect is a righteous sect after all. If it were to be destroyed so easily, it would have been gone long ago.

But if the opponent can break through the blockade of the Qingcheng faction and come to the Fuwei Escort Agency, his skills must be good. Even if he is not as good as himself, at least he is much better than the escorts under him.

At that time, it would be feasible for the couple to desperately hold off their opponent and then ask this person to take Ping'er away.

However, for such a desperate matter, the money should be given enough. In this case, the other party will think about this friendship in the future, and maybe he can help Ping'er.

After all, Lin Zhennan was also a big escort. After thinking about it for a few times, he thought about these things in detail.


When the escort saw Lin Zhennan's excited expression, he hurriedly trotted and followed Lin Zhennan to the front yard.

There were also several corpses parked in the front yard. Tianyu stood aside and took a quick glance.

Then he sneered. The killing method was too rough, so he had no interest in looking carefully.

"I am Lin Zhennan. May I know your name?" Lin Zhennan strode in front of Tianyu and clasped his fists in greeting.

Seeing Tianyu's indifferent expression, Lin Zhennan was slightly happy.

After all, most people are still quite scared when facing these hideous corpses.

But the other party stood alone next to the corpse, without even a tremor in his eyes. Obviously, he had seen countless corpses and didn't take it to heart.

Compared with Lin Pingzhi who roared angrily at the corpse, he was really more than one level smarter.

"My surname is Dugu, and my name is Qiubai!" Tianyu glanced at Lin Zhennan and said in a flat tone.

Dugu Qiubai was alone and had no relatives or friends. In fact, he could have changed to a more low-key name to make things easier, even Tianyu.

But after thinking about it, Tianyu decided to give up.

Since he had benefited from Dugu Qiubai in this world, he felt that he should still taste some karma.

At least let the name of Sword Demon Dugu Qiubai become a legend or taboo in the entire Jianghu.

And this behavior also gave Tianyu a feeling of practicing a trumpet, which was quite interesting.

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