Of course, this name is naturally very domineering when used as a background board, but when introducing oneself, it is still a bit childish to report one's name.

Fortunately, Tianyu has experienced too many worlds and his face is no longer vulnerable to swords and guns, so he can say it without any embarrassment.

"Young man, what a majestic name!"

Lin Zhennan's old face twitched, and seeing Tianyu's nonchalant look, he had to force a smile.

Aren't parents afraid of being struck by lightning for giving such a name?

For a moment, Lin Zhennan was a little suspicious whether the other party was his biological child?

"It's easy to name, but it's not easy to ask for a defeat."

Tianyu waved his hand, and didn't bother to care what Lin Zhennan thought.

"Young man, that's right." Lin Zhennan was stunned and had to laugh dryly again.

"Young Hero Dugu, I heard from Master Zhou that you saw injustice and drew your sword to help others."

"Seeing injustice and drawing your sword to help others is what a hero does, what does it have to do with me? You pay, I'll go and destroy the Qingcheng Sect, and we'll settle the money and goods, and we won't owe each other anything."

Tianyu frowned and said, "Also, don't call me young hero."

"Please tell me clearly about this, sir." Lin Zhennan hesitated.

"The people of the Qingcheng Sect are all pigs anyway, so why don't we charge them according to the amount of pork." Tianyu thought about it and answered casually.

This unique way of charging obviously amazed Lin Zhennan.

"Come with a few of you later, bring a scale and follow me. I'll kill the people of the Qingcheng Sect, and you'll be responsible for weighing and calculating the bill. Hurry up, it won't take long."

Tianyu's goal was to simply increase the popularity of Dugu Qiubai, and by the way test whether the restaurant would update the data, but he didn't plan to enter the Tianbang directly.

Of course, considering that there is not much spare money around, it is not bad to make some pocket money by the way.

If you kill dozens of people, even at the price of pork, it is not a small amount, which is enough to provide food, clothing, housing and transportation for a while.

This seems a bit different and has some topicality.

"This. I appreciate your kindness, but there are so many masters in Qingcheng Sect, and this move is extremely dangerous. In fact, we can give more, for example, one hundred taels each?"

Lin Zhennan was obviously confused by this unique billing method. He had forgotten the original words to find Tianyu and began to discuss the price.

"It's not dangerous. Qingcheng Sect will pay according to the market price of pork, so it's not a big problem. Shaolin and Wudang will have to pay more." Tianyu said lightly.

"Don't dare to offend them!" Lin Zhennan was shocked: "This. It's a bit inappropriate to treat them equally, such as Master Yu."

"Yu Canghai? Oh, he is a dwarf, and seems to be quite thin. It is indeed cheaper, but there is no way. He is so unpromising. It's cheap. It's not good to charge randomly." Tianyu waved his hand.


On a giant tree next to it, a short Taoist in a green Taoist robe was sitting cross-legged on a thin treetop.

The breeze blew, the branches shook with the wind, and his body swayed with it, as if he was connected with the tree.

At this moment, he was staring at the Lin family's escort agency with his eyes blazing, and the mocking expression on his face had been replaced by anger.

The world-famous Qingcheng Master Yu Canghai is indeed just a child who looks like a dwarf.

Originally, Yu Canghai stayed on the tree, quietly watching the Fuwei Escort Agency fall into fear and even madness, feeling extremely comfortable and satisfied.

But not long ago, after a jerk from nowhere came, the situation changed.

In the eyes of the other party, he was just like pork, which made the arrogant Yu Canghai completely unacceptable.

"You are courting death!"

Yu Canghai took a deep breath, and shot out a green bee nail in his hand.

The green bee nail shot out in the air, turned into a green light, and shot towards Tianyu.

This is the unique hidden weapon of the Qingcheng Sect, and the person hit will die immediately!

Although Yu Canghai has always been cautious, he is now half angry with Tianyu and is too lazy to verify the other party's identity.

Anyway, those who dare to call themselves Dugu Qiubai deserve to die!

The green bee nail broke through the air with a strange whistling sound, like a light and tiny green bee.

"Be careful! There is a hidden weapon!"

Lin Zhennan's eyelids jumped, and then he watched a swift green light nailed on Tianyu's temple. It was a long nail with a strange shape.

As if by miracle, the long nail was suspended in mid-air, motionless.

"It's quite accurate. Have you seen this thing?" Tianyu stretched out his hand and placed the Green Bee Nail in his palm, asking casually.

"This seems to be the unique hidden weapon of Qingcheng Sect, the Green Bee Nail. This hidden weapon technique is extremely sophisticated. I'm afraid it's a sneak attack by a master of Qingcheng Sect."

Lin Zhennan's eyelids twitched several times, and he looked at Tianyu who was indifferent in shock.

He had lived so long, but he had never seen anyone dare to use his temple to catch a hidden weapon, and he had never heard of it.

"Well, it seems to be Yu Canghai."

Tianyu nodded, flicked his finger lightly, and the Green Peak Nail flashed in the air and turned into a green sword light.

Everything in the world can be a sword!

The next moment, someone in the air screamed miserably, and an arm mixed with a burst of blood rain fell from the air and hit the ground.

Almost at the same time, a figure fell from the giant tree and fled forward in panic.

"Yes, isn't this good? Master Yu will lead the way personally, and we just need to follow the blood trail."

Tianyu thought for a moment and said, "Remember to bring a scale!"

"Lin listens to your orders!" Lin Zhennan took a deep breath and said respectfully.

"Weigh the hand on the ground too!"


"Who is he?"

Yu Canghai's heart roared wildly along the way.

The green bee nail clearly hit the opponent's temple. In this case, it was a situation of certain death.

Yu Canghai believed that even the legendary grandmaster could not use his temple to catch his hidden weapon.

But everything that happened next completely overturned his cognition.

The opponent was attacked by this fatal attack, but it seemed as if it was rubbed by a piece of paper. He didn't care at all, and didn't even twist his neck.

Then the opponent just pinched the green bee nail and flicked it out. The green bee nail turned into a sword light that could not be captured by the naked eye.

Yes, sword light!

When the green bee nail broke through the air, Yu Canghai felt as if there was a monstrous sword intent in front of him, as if it could kill everything and cut the world.

He didn't have time to react at all, and his right shoulder was pierced by the green bee nail.

The overwhelming sword intent burst out, like a sharp sword slashing, chopping off his entire right hand.

"Even the great masters who died in the battle between Shanhai and Haishan back then might not have such a level of cultivation, right?"

What kind of a thing is our Qingcheng Sect? How can we be worthy of provoking such a master?"

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