"You have arrived at the Fuzhou City Restaurant and you can check the Tianwu Ranking by yourself.

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"On the list of Tianwu Ranking, except for the owners of the Heavenly Book, the rankings require actual combat performance or creative skills for positioning. There may be cases where top masters have not been on the list."

"Note: If the Heavenly Book is left without an owner or taken away by an animal, it will not be displayed on the list."

"Some people may also obtain the Heavenly Book, resulting in a rapid improvement in strength and a significant improvement in ranking."

"The Heavenly Book is integrated with the holder. If the holder dies or voluntarily surrenders the Heavenly Book, it can be separated."

"This list has not been made public in this world, and is only available to those who are selected."

Tianyu walked into the restaurant in the city, and the space system's beep suddenly sounded.

"I'm convinced!" Tianyu felt depressed and speechless.

He was still thinking about what kind of organization was so powerful that it could monitor major events in the world in real time and include the holders of the Book of Heaven on the list.

Isn’t this just a slap in the face to a hundred Bai Xiaosheng?

You must know that in this kind of world, many old coins exist just for Gou. If he is exposed, it will be worse than killing him.

It turns out that this list is still the private property of the space, so that’s okay, the space can naturally do whatever they want.

"Open the list."

Tianyu still had some scraps of silver on him. He thought about it and asked the waiter to cut three kilograms of beef and asked for a bottle of wine.

Before the food and drinks were served, a list of names appeared in Tianyu's divine sea.

The list of Tianwu Bang is as follows:

1: Bodhidharma, the founder of Shaolin.

Two: Genghis Khan Temujin.

Three: Wudang master Zhang Sanfeng.

Four: Patriarch Lotus of Mongolian Tantric Buddhism.

Five: Xiaoyaozi, the founder of Xiaoyao.

Six: Li Bai, the ancestor of knights.

Seven: The Patriarch of Huashan became Tuan.

Eight: Huang Shang, the Taifu of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Nine: Shaolin Daoji, the national teacher of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Ten: Dongfang Bubai, leader of the Sun and Moon Sect.

Tianyu watched with great interest. Each of these people was famous, at least he had heard of them.

After sighing, Tianyu continued to read.

The list of Tianwu Ranking List is as follows:

Eleven: Holy Fire Ming Zun Mani.

Twelve: Duan Siping, Dali.

Thirteen: Murong Longcheng in Jiangnan.

Fourteen: Quanzhen headmaster Wang Chongyang.

Fifteen: Shaolin monk Xuancheng.

16: Xiao Feng, the leader of the Beggar Clan.

Seventeen: The child grandmother of Tianshan in Lingjiu Palace.

Eighteen: Tomb Patriarch Lin Chaoying.

Nineteen: Zhao Min, the daughter of King Ruyang.

Twenty: Maharaja Jiumozhi.

"Are you sure there is nothing wrong with this list? Is Zhao Min so powerful?"

"To be honest, Zhao Min's strength shouldn't be that great. Now that he's ranked so high, he probably has some secrets." Tianyu took a sip of tea and thought thoughtfully.

After roughly confirming his thoughts, Tianyu continued to read.

The remaining list is as follows:

Twenty-one: What is the origin of Kunlun Patriarch?

Twenty-two: Gongsun Zhi, the lord of Jueqing Valley.

Twenty-three: Mulinzi, the founder of Kongtong.

Twenty-four: Empress Dowager Li Qiushui of Xixia.

Twenty-five: Miao Renfeng, a famous hero from Jiangnan.

Twenty-six: Hu Fei, the flying fox in the snow mountain.

Twenty-seven: Ah Qing, the shepherd girl.

Twenty-eight: Murong Fu, the young master of Yanziwu.

Twenty-nine: Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty.

Thirty: The ninth princess of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Ainao.

Thirty-one: Xie Yanke, a layman in the sky.

Thirty-two: Fire Cloud Judge Zhang Zhaozhong.

Thirty-three: Jingzhou death row prisoner Ding Dian.

Thirty-four: Mu Renqing, the head of the Huashan Sword Sect.

Thirty-five: Zhuo Tianxiong, the first bodyguard in Da Nei.

Thirty-six: Guo Xiang, the founder of Emei.

"This list is OK, it's not bad. Some parallel imports obviously don't deserve such a high ranking. It must be a problem with the Heavenly Book."

Tianyu frowned and marked each one.

Among the top ten, Tianyu felt that there must be something fishy about Temujin.

After all, this is a biography of Jin Yong's heroes, not a legend of the emperor or a story of the Japanese wind.

Even if the emperor can collect the world's resources and take advantage of the high martial plane, it cannot be too outrageous.

At least Tianyu didn't believe that someone could defeat Zhang Sanfeng by accumulating resources.

Therefore, Tianyu suspected that Temujin probably had more than one heavenly book in his hand.

The Southern Song Dynasty's national teacher Daoji is not too suspicious.

Daoji should be the dharma name of Jigong.

In this list, neither the sweeping monk nor the drinking monk appears. According to his style, the probability of Jigong fighting the drinking monk is much higher than that of becoming a sweeping monk.

As for the sweeping monk, he didn’t make the list.

Tianyu suspected that he had been as steady as an old dog. Maybe even if he was determined not to take action, the system would not be able to capture him.

The tenth-placed Dongfang Invincible seems to be ranked a bit too high.

But if there is a bonus from the Book of Heaven, Dongfang Bubai is only tenth, and Tianyu feels a bit low.

Tianyu thought for a while, but couldn't figure out the reason, so he temporarily marked it as doubtful.

"If Bodhidharma is here, this version of Shaolin will indeed have something."

Originally, Tianyu didn't pay much attention to Shaolin, but now it seems that he is still a little too big.

It shouldn't be a big problem if you take on the Sweeping Monk or the Drinking Monk by yourself, but it would be a bit difficult for two people to fight together.

If you add a Bodhidharma, you probably won’t be able to escape even if you run away!

If this unprecedentedly powerful Shaolin joins forces with the Tantric Sect again,

Maybe there is indeed hope to establish some kind of Buddhist kingdom in the world.

Tianyu felt that he should be more cautious and deal with the main storyline first. When he could return at any time, he would go to provoke the Buddhist sect.

Other names that seemed problematic should be Zhao Min, Gongsun Zhi, Kangxi, Xie Yanke, Zhang Zhaozhong, Ding Dian, and Zhuo Tianxiong. ”

“Miao Renfeng, Hu Fei, and Ajiu are also ranked slightly higher. I don’t know if it’s because of the increase in the world limit or the bonus of the heavenly book.”

After the world limit is increased, personal qualifications and talents are theoretically very important.

In the original Tianlong, Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo, whom Tianyu remembered, were also first-line masters, but now they are not on the list.

Tianyu suspected that they might not have enough potential, and the gap was widened after the world strength was increased.

After all, Xiao Feng and Jiumozhi, who were as famous as them in the original work, were 20 to 30 years younger than them.

“That’s ten people. Let’s meet them first, and then go to trouble Temujin later. "

This main mission feels quite interesting. Although Temujin is a butcher, he is also a hero. It should be quite enjoyable to kill people.

"Alas, the Lin family of Fuwei Escort Agency should be finished this time."

Just then, two Jianghu men came to the next table. They ordered some wine and food and talked in a low voice.

"Huh? Fuwei Escort Agency again?"

Although the other party spoke in a low voice, with Tianyu's current cultivation, he could hear it clearly even across a vegetable market.

Tianyu wanted to get up, but he was slightly moved in his heart and sat down again.

Theoretically, Fuwei Escort Agency has nothing to do with his mission, but Tianyu played Lin Pingzhi once and still has some affection for it.

When he suddenly heard this name, he felt a little familiar, so it was better to waste a few minutes to listen.

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