Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 6 Mission Completed

A Xiang's beautiful eyes widened, and she was obviously scared that the murderer had been hiding in Songpa's house for seven days, but Songpa was still unaware and was killed in the end.

There are too many places in her house where people can hide.

Tang Ren was stunned. He didn't expect that the person who received him that day was the murderer, and he didn't expect that the murderer was sent out of the crime scene by him personally.

Only Qin Feng was excited and his face was flushed. He stared at Tianyu with admiration, "It's connected! Everything is connected!"

"Songpa suspected that Sinuo had killed his son Dan, and had been following Sinuo. He was found and killed by Sinuo's adoptive father, and the blame was put on Xiao Tang! This is two independent cases from the gold case, but Songpa exists in both, so they are mixed together!"

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After speaking, Qin Feng looked at Tianyu cautiously like a child who was looking for a performance.

He would not be like this in front of other people, but the man in front of him is his latest idol!

"Yes, except for a little flaw, everything else is correct!" Tianyu was not stingy with his praise.

However, he did not tell the story, at least not before the case was over.

It was a little sympathy for the girl, and she didn't kill anyone!

"Tianyu, be careful!!!"

Tianyu heard the whistling sound behind him amid Ah Xiang's sharp, anxious and terrified shouts.

Tianyu didn't even think about it, and rolled on the ground to avoid the whistling sound behind his head.


When he got up and hid behind, Tang Ren and Qin Feng had already rushed up, and the two of them fought with the masked gangster.

Looking at the workbench that had been split in two by the axe, Tianyu still couldn't help but feel scared.

If this axe fell on his head, he might be lying on the ground instead of the workbench.

The mundane area is all low-risk summons, so how dangerous is the extraordinary area?

But now is not the time to think about these things, the most urgent task is to catch this gangster.

He used Tangren and Qin Fengqi to go to Sinuo's house, alarming Sinuo's adoptive father, and then came to Songpa Gong's investigation in a very high-profile manner, just to lure the snake out of the hole.

After spending so much effort, he couldn't let this snake slip away again, otherwise he would have to investigate bit by bit, and Tianyu didn't want to waste that time.

Seeing that the bandit was isolated and ready to slip away, Tianyu suddenly shouted to the outside of the door, "Kuntai, if you don't come in, the position of deputy director will slip away!"

"Come on, come on, catch him quickly! If you let this man run away, you can't do it!"

A burst of dense footsteps sounded, and dozens of plainclothes police officers rushed in. As soon as they pulled out the pistols from their waists, the bandit immediately surrendered.

Looking at the pistol that made the bandit dare not move rashly, Tianyu envied it in his heart. If he had this thing, he wouldn't have been so embarrassed just now.

Unfortunately, the things in these worlds cannot be brought back to the real world, and he can only use points to buy them in the selection space.

However, in the secular area, it seems that there is no such lethal item for trading.

If you want something lethal, you can only enter the extraordinary area and trade with the people there.

Who said that there are no weapons in the rewards of the secular area!

At this time, Kuntai had already pulled off the black hood of the bandit, revealing the face of Sinuo's adoptive father.

"It turns out to be Li! It was Li who scattered Songpa!"

After hearing Kuntai's words, Sinuo's adoptive father remained calm, "I don't know what Songpa is, I just attacked him because I had a grudge against that person!"

Others turned to look at Tianyu, they were also waiting for evidence.

Although the other party has been caught now, it is still impossible to make a verdict if the other party refuses to admit it. Evidence is needed to solve the case!

Tianyu smiled and took out the Bluetooth speaker that he had been holding in his hand just now, "This is the evidence. At that time, the murderer used a mobile phone to connect to the speaker to play the sound of Songpa working. This kind of speaker has a memory function. Turn on your phone and see if it can automatically connect?"

In an instant, the temperature in the room dropped suddenly, and the air seemed to solidify.

"Haha, what else can Li say? The murderer is Li! Take him away!" Kuntai waved his hand and led the team away with a triumphant step.

And promised to cancel the wanted notice for Tang Ren and Qin Feng, and give them a good citizen reward by the way.

And Tianyu's selection space and selection system also sounded a reminder.

"Selection three has been completed, and the reward will be given after the host returns to the selection space." This is the voice of the system.

"The selected summoner has completed the main task. Do you want to return immediately? If you don't return, you can stay for up to one day." This is the reminder of the selection space.

"Not returning for the time being!" Tianyu gave the answer without thinking, but he knew that there was another hidden task that must be completed.

After letting Ah Xiang return alone, Tianyu took Tang Ren and Qin Feng to Sinuo's house to complete the hidden mission.

The main task is to clear Tang Ren's grievances, and the hidden mission probably needs to be known to them.

Tang Ren is his own summoner, and he has never seen anyone do it by himself!

When he came downstairs of Sinuo's house, Tianyu carefully observed the windows of Sinuo's house.

As expected, he saw a small head flash by.

Tianyu smiled with the corner of his mouth slightly pulled to the right. Then he immediately accelerated and rushed upstairs.

For his own purposes, Sinuo deliberately left the door open and allowed Tianyu to break in smoothly.

Tang Ren and Qin Feng, who were following behind, were startled and looked at Tianyu in confusion, wanting to ask what he was doing.

However, Tianyu had no time to pay attention to the two of them. He quickly stepped forward, put out the diary that was set on fire by Sinuo, and then picked it up.

This series of changes prevented Sinuo from reacting. When she did, the diary had fallen into Tianyu's hands, and her face turned pale.

"Don't worry, I didn't take the notebook to find evidence. I wanted to restore the truth of the matter. This notebook will never be taken out of this room today!"

Seeing that the little girl was so frightened that she was shaking, Tianyu comforted her with words. Then he threw the notebook to Qin Feng and Tang Ren.

There is no need to read things again that you already know.

Tianyu didn't dislike Sinuo, but admired it very much. Because this thirteen-year-old girl knows how to save herself.

And it wasn't her who killed him, although she planned it.

After a long time, Tang Ren and Qin Feng finished reading the diary. They both hesitated and didn't know what to say.

In that diary, the entire process of her adoptive father's murder was recorded in detail. In other words, her adoptive father committed the murder based on the diary she wrote.

The entire secret room murder case was completely planned by the little girl in front of me.

The motive for the murder was that Sinuo wrote in his diary that he was forcibly insulted by Songpa.

In order to prevent the two of them from thinking wildly, Tianyu told them the perverted plot of Sinuo's adoptive father falling in love with Sinuo, and the truth that Dan's father was gay and also had evil intentions towards his son Dan.

These two children were only thirteen or fourteen years old, and the reason why they did this was just to protect themselves.

As Tianyu told the truth of the matter bit by bit, Tang Ren and Qin Feng calmed down again.

Instead, Sinuo looked at Tianyu as if he was looking at a ghost!

She was sure that no one else knew about these things, and many of them were not recorded in the diary. Why did the man in front of her know everything?

After Tianyu finished speaking, the selection space also made a certification, "Congratulations to the selector Tianyu for completing the hidden mission!"

Tianyu had expected this, but he still smiled knowingly.

At this point, all tasks in this world have been completed, and Tianyu can leave at any time.

Before leaving, he had a meal with Tang Ren, Qin Feng and Axiang. During this period, Qin Feng wanted to become a disciple many times, but was rejected by Tianyu.

"Ding, the selector Tianyu has completed all tasks!"

All the two selectors, including Tianyu, heard this prompt.

The fat man who was still cleaning Tang Ren's room changed his face and became very ugly.

Everyone is a competitor. Since Tianyu completed all the tasks first, it means that all his tasks have failed!

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