So this is probably a special rule spell.

Under the premise of not knowing who the enemy is and what his strength is, it is better to be cautious.

"Your Majesty, they are inside."

The maid Linda took Tianyu outside the living room and bowed again.

"You go down first, and I'll bring you three cups of coffee later."

While Tianyu was losing weight on the way, he casually chatted with her for a few words.

I found that in addition to being well-spoken, this girl also had the status of a palace lady.

However, considering that the other party is his full-time personal maid, it seems that it is not surprising that she is a female official.

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In the Qing Dynasty, the emperor's personal maid, even a third-rank official position, even in the crisis-ridden harem, as long as she did not provoke a few big masters, she could live a comfortable life.

Tianyu is not sure about the official position in the fairy tale world, but he guesses that the other party should have similar duties as a secretary, and he also has some status externally.

"Your Majesty, why don't you drink black tea?"

Linda blinked her eyes and seemed to think the coffee was a bit low-grade.

"Which one is cheaper?"

"Coffee, of course."

"Then give me a cup of black tea and prepare a cup of coffee for each of them."

Tianyu remembered that the black tea in the Middle Ages was not very good, but the coffee at this time was even less good.

Since black tea has more status, let’s treat it differently.

"Okay, Your Highness, please wait a moment."

Linda smiled and stepped back gracefully.

"See Your Majesty."

Seeing Tianyu come in, the two young men immediately greeted him and performed a court etiquette meticulously, which was quite standard.

"Without courtesy, please sit down. You two should introduce yourselves first." Tianyu sat down swaggeringly and said casually.

Anyway, his character is not that of a virtuous king. Of course, he can be as comfortable as he likes.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The two of them behaved in a well-behaved manner, with their waists straight.

"Well, Your Majesty, my name is Tom, this is my friend Jerry, we are from"

"Wait, what's your name?"

Tian Yuzheng took a serious look at them, and they looked like human beings.

"We are Tom and Jerry." Jerry was stunned and said quickly.

"Okay, it's okay, keep talking." Tianyu smiled without explaining.

To be honest, these two names are nothing special. They are both very common names.

But when connected together, it gives him a weird feeling.

Tianyu remembered watching a cartoon before. The protagonists had these two names. One was a cat and the other was a mouse. Neither of them were human.

"Well... let's go to a distant country." Tom added.

The lines he had just recited were interrupted by Tianyu's questions, which made the rhythm a little uncomfortable and his expression not as calm as it was at the beginning.

"It's indeed quite far. It's not easy for you two to travel across the ocean."

Did I just blow across the ocean?

Why don't I remember?

Why doesn't this king follow the routine?

Tom was stunned again and hurriedly analyzed his possible language flaws.

It doesn't really matter if you speak slower and give less information, but if you are inconsistent, you are likely to be seen through.

If you are really discovered, your legs will probably be broken. As a liar, success or failure lies in the details, so you must pay special attention to it.

"We are the best tailors and weavers in the area. I heard the bard say that His Majesty likes beautiful clothes, so we came across the ocean specially and look forward to serving His Majesty."

Seeing Tom in a daze, Jerry approached him and said.

He even used the idea of ​​crossing the ocean.

This makes Tom's case uncomfortable.

"Your Highness, please have tea, and the two guests please have coffee."

At this moment, Linda knocked on the door and walked in holding a tray lightly with one hand.

He placed a full cup of hot black tea in front of Tianyu, then picked up two cups of coffee and handed them to the two liars.

After doing all this, Linda put down the tray gracefully and stood behind Tianyu.

This little girl seems to have some extraordinary abilities, but she is not an Eastern martial arts fantasy system. Tianyu looked at the black tea that was almost overflowing, and his heart moved slightly.

"Listen to my female officer, what do you think of your ability to weave the most beautiful cloth in the world?"

Tianyu picked up the black tea and took a sip, then put down the cup.

It tastes really bad. If you have time, consider changing the recipe.

Considering the popularity of British black tea in real society in Europe, it is likely that it can also become popular in the fairy tale world.

"Your Majesty, not only are the colors and patterns of this fabric surprisingly beautiful, but the clothes sewn from this fabric also have the most magical feature." Tom said with a smile.

"That is, anyone who is incompetent for the job he is doing, or is hopelessly stupid, will not see him," Jerry added.

"It sounds interesting. Is this kind of fabric very popular in your country?" Tianyu asked after being silent for a moment.

"This kind of fabric is too expensive. Generally, only His Majesty the King, His Majesty the Queen, and the most noble Princess, will wear it when gathering people on important occasions." Tom was startled and quickly explained.

"Really?" Tianyu smiled slightly: "So, the king, queen and princess of your country like to be naked in front of fools?"

In fact, Tianyu thinks that in the original fairy tale, there is nothing wrong with the logic of the liar.

Liars have said it, but those who are unworthy of their position or stupid cannot see it.

As a result, a child could not see the king's clothes, and the people thought they had exposed the "King's New Clothes" scam.

This logic is actually a bit strange. The child is just young and has no conflict with whether he is stupid or not.

If the liar insists on insisting, there seems to be no problem in saying that the child who told the truth is particularly stupid, so Tianyu simply pushes the question back.


Hearing Tianyu's words, Linda was the first to react. She gently covered her mouth and laughed.

"Ah, no matter how wise a king is, he can't guarantee that there will be no fools in his country, right?"


"So the king and queen of your original country are weird, aren't they?"


Tom and Jerry were stunned at the same time, and their faces became stiff.

"If you have nothing else to do, you can follow Linda out. This kind of cloth is not what I need."

Tianyu waved his hand, looking a little amused.

"Your Majesty, these cloths can be cut into incredibly beautiful clothes. If you wear these clothes, you can identify who are incompetent and who are smart in your empire. Which people are stupid."

Tom sighed, his eyes like unfathomable whirlpools, and he looked at Tianyu quietly.

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