Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 673 Making New Clothes

"Yes, you must let us weave this fabric for you right away."

Jerry also has a soft voice that gives him an extremely trustworthy vibe.

"What are you doing?"

Linda frowned and her face sank slightly.

"Dear Madam, you are an outstanding talent, and you are also the most trustworthy person around His Majesty. You are one of our own, so you have to support us and trust us, just as we trust you." Jerry smiled.

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After a moment, Linda's expression looked a little painful and hesitant, and she slowly took a step back.

"That's enough. I originally just drove you out of the palace and had no intention of pursuing you for your deception. But not only do you two not want to repent, but you also want to take chances with me and try to give me a hint. Is it just you?"

Tianyu snorted coldly and glanced at the two of them.

Two mental shocks hit their brains in no particular order.

The two screamed, their bodies swayed at the same time, and they sat down on the ground.

Although they are proficient in the hypnosis technique of psychic suggestion, their own strength is not very strong and is simply not enough to compete with Tianyu's spirit.

If Tianyu had murderous intentions, he could easily kill them in the head with just one glance and the power of the mental shock alone.

Under the terrifying mental pressure, the effects of fear and coercion appeared on the two of them.

The two people were sweating all over their bodies, lying on the ground involuntarily, looking at the sky with pale faces, their eyes showing extreme fear.

Their teeth kept chattering and they couldn't even ask for mercy.


A moment later, Jerry screamed and fainted, probably from shock.

"Are you OK?"

Tianyu glanced at Tom, who was struggling to support himself, and then turned to Linda.

Tianyu's current mental strength is a full 400 points, which can completely affect the silver and gold level experts.

These two swindlers can sustain themselves until now, and their strength should be at the silver level.

However, considering the huge difference in strength in fairy tales, it seems that there is not much reference value in figuring out the combat effectiveness of these two liars.

"Your Majesty, I'm fine."

Linda stared at Tianyu blankly, nodded heavily, her eyes were a little strange.

Powerful mental power can affect the people around you. Tianyu has not been opened, it only has a subtle effect.

But now that her spirit has exploded, it gives her a feeling like facing a god, making her feel incomparable warmth and courage in her heart.

The contempt and dissatisfaction with Tianyu that had been accumulated before suddenly disappeared.

"Call the guards over and lock them up. These two know some hypnosis and let them prepare." Tianyu said.

"Okay, let's deal with it like a witch."

Linda smiled, lifted up her skirt and hurried off.

After a while, a guard leader ran in with several guards.

After saluting Tianyu, several people took out black cloth bags, covered the heads of the two crooks, and then tied them up and dragged them down.

"Just give them a few beatings. Don't beat them to death or cripple them. I may need them later, so don't let them disappear by then." Tianyu thought about it carefully and explained a few words.

These two people may be of some use. Although Tianyu has not yet thought about how to use them, it is actually quite difficult to find a liar with such courage and good acting skills.

If you dare to use hypnosis on yourself, you will definitely be taught a few lessons, but there is no need to kill him just like that.

"Yes, I understand." The head guard walked away with understanding.

"Linda, do I have new clothes to make now?" Tianyu asked casually after thinking about it for a while after the head guard left.

"Yes, Your Majesty, your exclusive clothing department is working day and night to design and produce various styles of clothes for you." Linda replied.

"Take me over and have a look." Tianyu was startled and a little speechless.

No matter how powerful a person was in his previous life, it would be nice to have one or two exclusive costume designers.

This king can establish an exclusive organization. To a certain extent, this king is also awesome, unprecedented and unprecedented.

Walking into the clothing department, Tianyu found that it resembled a huge factory building, with dozens of looms in constant operation.

There are a bunch of workbenches in the back, where hundreds of tailors are constantly communicating together, designing drawings, cutting and sewing.

A gorgeous ceremonial robe was hung, sparkling.

It was really glowing. Tianyu looked at it for a few times but couldn't see the material of these clothes. He guessed that there might be some magic factor.

No wonder those two liars were blowing their cloths desperately. The king might not take ordinary things seriously.

"Your Majesty, these fabrics have been recently designed by us. We are now in full production and are producing all kinds of beautiful clothes for you."

The person in charge of the clothing department is an old man with gray hair. He wears gold-rimmed glasses, uses a cane, and is slightly bent.

Hanging on the clothes is a shiny Cross Medal, which is an exclusive medal for the chief designer of royal court costumes and a military-industrial medal rating.

Well, Tianyu thought it was reasonable considering how obsessed the original owner was with new clothes.

"I saw."

Tianyu glanced at the ceremonial department and said calmly: "Stop all work!"


The master was stunned and subconsciously looked at Tianyu.

"All work stopped!"

"For yes!"

The master reacted and quickly pulled the alarm bell beside him, which rang urgently.

"What's wrong?"

"Damn it, I've only cut half of this piece of cloth!"

"Your Majesty is here!"

"Wouldn't your Majesty be happy to see us working?"

"I don't know, just stop working if I tell you to, or ask your Majesty?"

"Forget it."

All the weavers and tailors stopped their work and looked at Tianyu helplessly.

"This king plans to hold a celebration in the near future and wants to design a few unprecedented new costumes. Can you help complete them?"

Tianyu glanced at everyone and said with a smile.

"Unprecedented new costumes? I'm happy to serve you, my majesty." The master's turbid eyes lit up and he bent down.

"Bring paper and pen, I'll draw, you help with the draft, and finally everyone will come together to improve it, is there any problem?"

Tianyu smiled and looked at the master.

"It's my honor!"

"This is called a windbreaker, a thin and light coat that can protect against wind. Depending on the length, style and thickness, it can be worn in spring, autumn and winter."

"Its practicality is unparalleled. In the hot and cold spring and autumn, a windbreaker can be put on and taken off at will, regardless of wind or rain."

"This is called a suit, which is divided into formal and casual clothes. Compared with strict formality, it can be worn in many relatively precious places. I even think it is enough for court banquets. It looks more restrained and beautiful than regular breeches and robes."

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