Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 671 Fairy Tale World

After lunch, Tianyu did not continue to rest, but chose to enter the selection space.

At present, not only him, but all the players in the selection space are in a hurry, fearing to waste a little time.

The phenomenon of not entering the mission world until the last minute is gone forever.

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When Tianyu didn't know, Longguo had already controlled all the selectors and was ready to deal with the upcoming crisis at any time.

After entering the selection space, Tianyu came to the sky platform as soon as possible.

Because he used that card yesterday, no one knew what the mission world he was about to enter was, and naturally no one knew the rules.

When Tianyu opened his eyes again, he had entered the selection space.

In a towering palace, a middle-aged man with a big belly sat alone on a big bed.

The man was dressed gorgeously, his right hand brushed his belly, and his face was a little ugly.

"The Chosen One has entered the mission world "Andersen's Fairy Tales + Grimm's Fairy Tales". Since this mission world is a fusion world, if you get an S rating or above, you can directly reach the 22nd floor of the Sky Terrace!"

"The Chosen One incarnates in this world as the King of the Rose Kingdom, named Edward***"

". It turns out to be this guy, and it seems that he is still in Andersen's fairy tales."

The name Edward is really common, and the Rose Kingdom has never heard of it. Tianyu thought about it for a long time, but he didn't know which birdman this was.

But the king's new clothes are so famous that he reacted immediately.

In the original book, it's a bit hard to say what the king is. He is stupid, and he is indeed stupid, and his ability is probably not very good.

But at least he still has some courage. He knows that he is not wearing clothes, but he also completed the parade meticulously, and even many onlookers gave him thumbs up.

How to say it?

As the king of a country, it is actually quite difficult to have this mentality.

Tianyu believes that he can't do it. If it were Adam Smith, Long Tianjing and other peak powerhouses, they would probably be dumbfounded.

By the way, the king and his ministers in the fairy tales have almost no IQ, and they are just a bunch of 2B pencils.

But the country seems to be quite rich, and the people can live and work in peace and contentment, and they are even brave enough to mock the king's new clothes.

From this aspect, the level of this country is not bad.

It seems not quite right. Although the king in the story is not very smart, he is not a villain, right?

So in all likelihood, this king has also merged with some other weird identities, Tianyu frowned secretly.

This fusion worldview is actually very annoying. He probably knows the general plot of these fairy tales, but if they are merged together, who knows what the hell the plot is.

I heard that after the 25th floor, the fusion world becomes the mainstream, and all kinds of weird settings make people crazy. It's just right to use this world to test the integrity of the space first.

Tianyu searched for a while and sat down patiently to wait.

"Mission released, main mission 1: complete the King's New Clothes Parade."

"Main mission 2: during the stay of the Chosen, ensure that the Rose Kingdom does not perish."

"Challenge mission: ensure that Snow White, Rose Princess, and the two princes do not die due to accidents."

"Side mission: complete the wish of the little match girl."

"Special mission: save Little Red Riding Hood."

"Note: You need to stay in this world for two months, and the stay time cannot be extended."

There are too many points to complain about, Tianyu doesn't know how to complain.

Let's not talk about the main mission for now, and there is nothing to analyze about mission 2. Tianyu doesn't even know which bastard is the opponent now.

As for the challenge mission, Snow White doesn't need to be introduced much, and Rose Princess should be a character in Grimm's fairy tale, that is, the famous Sleeping Beauty.

There are two princes without names here, who knows who they are?

When can the prince stand up and when will he be worthy of having a name?

As for the little match girl and Little Red Riding Hood, we will see when the time comes.

Considering that the special mission is likely to be a task chain, it means that there is more than one rescue, and Tianyu is a little speechless.

Is Little Red Riding Hood so unlucky?

Originally, I thought that the green hat was more miserable, but now it seems that the red hat is not much better.

"Your Majesty."

At this moment, a clear and pleasant female voice sounded outside the door, "A guest wants to see you."

"Come in and talk."

Tianyu has been in a high position for a long time, and he has been able to deal with this with ease.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

The door opened, and a pretty maid walked in.

Seeing Tianyu, the maid slightly bent her knees, lifted her skirt with both hands, and bent down slightly on both sides, a standard curtsy.

The maid's clothes were gorgeous and her appearance was pretty, at least 6 or 7 points.

Of course, Tianyu didn't see many foreign girls, and his aesthetics might be a little biased, and it was possible to overestimate or underestimate by one or two points.

"What's going on?"

"Two strangers came to visit your majesty, they said they were here to work as weavers."

"Do I need to report this to me?"

"They said they can weave a beautiful cloth that people can't even imagine, and it has a wonderful effect, but they said the details can only be told in person when they meet your majesty." The maid bowed.

"Did they say they are tailors?"


The maid was startled and smiled politely.

"Take me to the reception room to meet them."

Tianyu was silent for a moment and sighed. He had just arrived in the fairy tale world and met two liars at the beginning. It was really unlucky.

Before, Tianyu went to the martial arts fantasy world. Although there were many masters with bad character and strange behaviors.

There were sea kings, green tea, honest people, and crazy people were endless.

But except for a few weirdos, everyone basically managed their body well, and Tianyu didn't have to bother to adjust.

But now the king's fat belly really made him a little sad.

Along the way, Tianyu's mana kept urging, cutting off a small half of the fat on his belly.

As a middle-aged greasy man, this is already a standard body shape.

If it takes a few more days, a lot of fat can be replaced with abdominal muscles.

Of course, haste makes waste. If this time is forcibly shortened, it will cause instability in the body structure.

If you meet a master, you will easily collapse if you use all your strength.

Tianyu doesn't know how deep the fairy tale world is. In his impression, even if you don't count those animals that are obviously spirits, other supernatural abilities are still emerging in an endless stream.

Speaking of which, there are many very strange abilities in fairy tales, such as the Rose Princess mentioned earlier.

It seems that just because the spindle pierced her hand, the entire palace was closed, and everyone inside fell asleep for 100 years, and there was not even a trace of aging.

This ability to say and freeze time, Tianyu felt that the strongest people in the previous worlds should not be able to do it.

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