"Congratulations to the Summoner Tianyu for his outstanding performance in the world of the Rooftop Mission "Number One in the World". He completed three tasks perfectly within the mission time and received a perfect evaluation: SSS!"

A loud broadcast sounded in the square of the Summoning Space. When most of the Summoners heard the broadcast sound, they were just slightly stunned, and then they did what they had to do without taking it to heart.

Tianyu himself opened his personal panel and checked his attributes.

Name: Tianyu

Calling Number: 1008611

Strength: 450

Speed: 400

Constitution: 400

Spirit: 400

Special Skills: Danger Sense (Passive), Shushan Basic Swordsmanship (Mastery), Shushan Sword Controlling (Mastery), Ten Thousand Swords (Mastery), Tathagata Palm (Mastery)

Special Abilities: Shocking Fruit, Self-Healing

Spiritual Root: Thunder Spiritual Root

Skill: Nine Tribulations Thunder Gang Jue (Master)

Calling Points: 100,000

Yes, his strength attribute has increased by 50 points, which is the reward after completing the task this time.

In addition, the 100,000 call points are also part of the reward.

Of course, the final highlight is naturally the gold treasure chest given by the SSS-level evaluation.

Tianyu has opened too many of these things, and not many of them are useful. Most of them can only be exchanged for call points.

With a click, the gold treasure chest in front of him was opened by Tianyu, and inside was a card the size of an ID card.

Picking up this card, the font on it began to appear.

[Special Mission Card]

After using it, you can enter the special mission world, replacing the current mission level of the Sky Terrace.

Tianyu understood it at a glance. He has now passed the 20th level of the Sky Terrace. As long as he uses this card, the 21st level will become this mission world.

Tianyu didn't have any idea about this. He crushed the card directly and then exited the personal space.

As soon as he came out, Tianyu saw a person standing in front of him, Lin Xueer.

"Why are you here?" Tianyu asked.

Lin Xueer said in a serious tone: "I came here after hearing the notice and immediately went to the extraordinary group for a meeting."

"What happened?" Tianyu was a little curious. He had never seen Lin Xueer's expression like this.

"I'm also in the villa. You go back first. Let's talk on the way." After saying that, Lin Xueer disappeared, obviously returning to reality.

Knowing that the matter was urgent, Tianyu immediately returned to reality.

When he opened his eyes, Lin Xueer was already waiting at the door.

"Let's go." Tianyu said after moving his hands and feet.

On the way to the Extraordinary Group, Tianyu began to ask.

Lin Xueer explained: "Just before you came back, the Summoning Space issued a general statement."

"It tells everyone that someone in a world has passed the 95th floor of the Sky Platform and chose our world to go to war."

Tianyu was suddenly shocked when he heard this.

The spirit of the weapon told him before that it was only possible to be chosen, but he didn't expect that he would be chosen?

He has only reached the 20th floor of the Sky Platform, and his strength has reached this level. How powerful is the 95th floor?

Tianyu has no answer to this question, but fortunately he doesn't have to think about it, because the meeting room of the Extraordinary Group has arrived.

After entering the meeting room, Tianyu found that all the bigwigs of the Extraordinary Group were there.

In addition to them, the particularly important leaders of Longguo, led by Elder Long, attended the meeting together.

Nodding to those who knew them, no one spoke, and Tianyu and Lin Xueer found a corner to sit down.

Among all the people present, the two of them were at the bottom in terms of qualifications and other things.

After finishing, Tianyu began to listen carefully.

"After careful research, things are very clear."

"That's right. When the Sky Platform passes the 95th floor, you can randomly choose a target for invasion. After reaching the top, you can invade!"

"Yes, the target chosen this time is our world, which means that the other party has passed the 95th floor, and the strongest person in our world has just passed the 52nd floor."

"Long Tianjing, you have passed the 51st floor of the Sky Platform. How long will it take for you to reach the top?"

"Not sure, at least 20 years, more than that. It's impossible to reach the top."

"That's right, there are so many people who died in the Sky Platform, and no one is sure whether they can reach the top."

"What should we do now?"

The conference room was as noisy as a vegetable market at this moment, until Elder Long spoke, it was quiet.

"Things have come to this, we have no other way but to face it."

Looking at everyone, Long Lao said seriously: "From now on, we will prepare powerful lethal weapons and start full preparations for war, and all the people in the extraordinary group will go all out to attack the rooftop. You don't need to reach the top, but you must also improve your strength as much as possible!"

After that, Long Lao's voice became kinder, "Besides, who knows if the other party will die in the mission world."

Although Long Lao said it lightly, no one present could laugh.

At this point, some people began to leave, most of whom were from the extraordinary group.

The next thing is state secrets, and their level is not enough to participate for the time being, including Tianyu and Lin Xueer.

Before leaving, Tianyu took a look and found that there were no more than 20 people left in the entire conference room.

Although he did not participate, Tianyu could roughly guess that what they were discussing was the hidden cards of the country.

No one mentioned him during the entire meeting, but this was also normal. Although his clearance speed was very fast, his current level was too low.

As I said before, a big country like Longguo could not pin its hopes on a young man!

Apart from this, the rest was probably the direct contact and communication between countries.

Tianyu went straight back to the villa. He had broken through two or three mission worlds in succession and was too tired. He had to rest well.

Lin Xueer stayed in the extraordinary group. Long Tianjing was still in a meeting, and she had to pass on the matter.

So now she was so busy that she had no time to go home.

Tianyu found a Sichuan restaurant and had a delicious meal. Then he returned to the villa, took a bath, and fell into the soft and comfortable Simmons mattress.

Tianyu slept very comfortably that night, and it was already noon the next day when he woke up.

After getting up, he still didn't see Lin Xueer, but the lunch on the table showed that Lin Xueer had come back before.

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