Half an hour later, the whole Yagyu sect was almost stained with blood. Only Yagyu Tamon was still struggling to hold on. The rest were all dead!

Seeing his disciples being killed one by one, Yagyu Tamon almost went crazy.

But under the suppression of a group leader, he was powerless.

Even so, he was already shaky at this time, with countless knife wounds on his body, and his face became extremely pale due to excessive blood loss.

"Ahem, who are you?"

As the knife light of a group leader fell, Yagyu Tamon fell to the ground, spitting blood from his mouth, and asked weakly.

But the people of the mortal world still didn't look at him, but all thought about the direction of Tianyu.

Yagyu Tamon's heart veins were broken, and there was no possibility of survival. They were too lazy to make up for it.

At this moment, Tianyu and Tiedan Shenhou stared at each other, and they had run out of topics to talk about.

The two were enemies, and they had been chatting for more than half an hour, which was more than an hour. It was really difficult for them.

Hearing the noise outside, they naturally turned their heads to look.

Tiedan Shenhou's eyes flashed with expectation, while Tianyu was very calm.

Fanchen was his man, and no one knew his strength better than him.

All the people in Fanchen joined hands. Except for himself and Emperor Shitian, who were super-standard, no one else could be the opponent.

Sure enough, when the door was opened, the six team leaders entered one after another.

Looking at the unfamiliar faces this time, the hope in Tiedan Shenhou's eyes disappeared.

"They are the ones who saved my emperor nephew, right?" Tiedan Shenhou had a blank expression on his face, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Yes, these people belong to Fanchen, and they are my intelligence organization."

Tianyu didn't mind telling Tiedan Shenhou, anyway, Tiedan Shenhou had no way to escape today.

"Now it's time to tell me the information about the Tang Sect in Shu."

That's right, Tianyu and Tiedan Shenhou talked nonsense for so long, and this is what they wanted to know.

Tianyu has never forgotten that the Tang Sect in Shu had left Tiedan Shenhou, and now it's time to destroy them.

Tiedan Shenhou smiled bitterly, but didn't say much, just took a stance, ready to fight at any time.

Tianyu waved his hand, and the six team leaders rushed up directly and fought with Tiedan Shenhou.

And Tianyu himself left the room and waited outside.

Training these subordinates is to help you do things. If you have a bunch of subordinates and you still have to do it yourself, it's better not to train them and save some resources.

And now that Tiedan Shenhou Zhu Wushi's Star Absorbing ** is useless, he can't be the opponent of the six team leaders.

That's right, in the palace, Tiedan Shenhou Zhu Wushi's Star Absorbing ** had been accommodated by Tianyu, and he naturally lost this ability.

As expected, in less than a cup of tea, the leader of the group came out.

The leaders of the five and six groups were more or less injured, and the others were in a bit of a mess.

"Report to the master, the Iron-hearted God Marquis Zhu Wusi has been killed!"

As the leader of the first group said this, Tianyu also received a prompt from the selection space.

"You have completed Task 1, please keep up the good work!"

After receiving the prompt, Tianyu felt relieved, nodded with satisfaction, and said: "Clean up the battlefield, move away all the valuable things, and we will go back!"

After giving the order, Tianyu had nothing to do, just wait quietly.

As for the internal force of the Iron-hearted God Marquis, Tianyu had no intention of absorbing it.

With his current strength, the internal force of the Iron-hearted God Marquis had almost no bonus to him.

Of course, the most important thing is that once the Iron-hearted God Marquis died, his mission was completed, and no matter how powerful he was in this world, it would be useless.

In the blink of an eye, Tianyu drifted on the sea for twenty days.

It must be said that the Yagyu sect is worthy of being the top power in Sakura Island, and there are indeed a lot of things.

Those boxes of gold, silver and treasures filled a large ship, which slowed down the return journey a lot.

Fortunately, after twenty days, the group returned safely without encountering any crisis during the period.

But then again, Tianyu was actually very curious. Didn’t the Tianye organization always plan in secret? Why didn’t they jump out?

After thinking about it, Tianyu didn’t find any clues, so he didn’t bother to care.

Tianyu had only one goal for this return voyage, which was Task 2!

After placing all the gold, silver and treasures in Hulong Villa, Tianyu asked about what happened in the past few days.

First of all, the treasure that Wan Sanqian had hidden was found and collected in Hulong Villa.

Now the wealth of Hulong Villa is incalculable. The gold, silver and treasures alone fill more than a hundred basements!

These basements are not small at all, each one is no less than a hundred square meters.

In addition, the leader of Group 7 brought people to kill Wan Sanqian and took all his property to Hulong Villa.

It's just that because of the secret operation, the news has not been conveyed yet.

"Well done, the leader of Group 7 will be responsible for planting spies as much as possible in both Sakura Island and the Western Region. I want to know all their movements. You can mobilize all the people after Group 7"

"Yes, master!" The leader of Group 7 had no objection and agreed immediately.

Tianyu knocked on the chair and said, "Groups 1 to 6 will take action, led by a team leader, to sort out the Central Plains Wulin and bring it all under the imperial court!"

After thinking for a while, Tianyu added, "For the future of the Central Plains Wulin, half of the second-rate masters in each sect can be taken back."

The Wulin is the trial field for masters. If everyone joins the imperial court, there will be a shortage of successors.

So it is necessary to leave some masters behind.

"Yes, Master!"

The team leader of Group 1 agreed, and then said, "If they don't cooperate, do you want to..."

The team leader of Group 1 made a throat-cutting gesture, and the meaning was obvious.

Tianyu shook his head and said, "You can be incapable of deterrence first, and then sign a cooperation contract with them. Peace is beneficial to both sides, and I believe they will not refuse."

"As for those extremely vicious people or sects, just destroy them directly."

"Yes, Master!" The six team leaders responded in unison.

Although he didn't know what Tianye was planning, after integrating the Wulin, Tianyu didn't believe that he could still turn the world upside down.

As for those martial arts sects, Tianyu was not afraid that they would not agree.

Just like the Chamber of Commerce in the real world, after joining, the Hulong Villa would represent the court and give a license, which means that it is recognized by the court.

If anyone dares to kill the sect, the court will definitely investigate it personally!

In this way, naturally all the sects will flock to it.

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