Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 666: Killing towards Sakura Island

With a pop, Shen Tiannan looked at Tianyu blankly, full of disbelief.

Because of Tianyu's move, he was crippled, and from then on, he was just an ordinary person.

No, it should be said that it is worse than ordinary people!

He, Shen Tiannan, an innate master and leader of the martial arts alliance, has now become a useless person. How does Shen Tiannan accept this?

It's a pity that Tianyu didn't bother to look at him one more time, but said to the remaining people: "The rest of you, give you a stick of incense to leave. If you don't want to, then we have no choice but to take action."

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As soon as Tianyu finished speaking, the group of people dispersed, fearing that he would be a little slower.

Fortunately, those big sects still want to have face, not like these people.

In fact, Tianyu initially planned to use all these people for his own use, but after thinking about it, he chose to give up.

These people were from various sects in the world. They could not be loyal to him, and their actions were extremely undisciplined, so Tianyu let all these people leave.

After a stick of incense, there was no one left in front of the Valley of the Wicked except the cripple Shen Tiannan.

"Leave him to you." Tianyu pointed at Shen Tiannan and said to the leader of the fourth group.

"Yes, Master!"

Returning to Hulong Villa, Tianyu began to analyze the information he had obtained.

At present, it seems that if you want to complete mission 1, you must kill the Iron Dan Lord, and the Iron Dan Lord is currently on Sakura Island.

The two most powerful martial arts sects in Sakurajima are the Yagyu sect and the Iga sect. Among them, the one who is closer to Tetan Shenhou is the Yagyu sect, so Teetou Shenhou must be training in the Yagyu sect.

The second task is to make Tianyu the emperor.

In Tianyu's view, this task is relatively easy to complete. The selection space only requires him to become the emperor, and there is no time limit.

So he directly rushed into the palace with a group of people, held all the ministers and the emperor hostage, and forced the emperor to abdicate, and then he could become the legitimate emperor.

As for those armies, he didn't need to worry about them at all. He only had to be the emperor for a second, then he could complete the mission and return to the selection space.

"In that case, we still have to deal with the iron gall god first." Tianyu rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully.

Tianyu then gathered all the people from Group 1 to Group 6 of Fanchen and went to Sakura Island, preparing to wipe out the Yagyu Sect.

As for Shangguan Haitang and Guihai Yida, Tianyu did not take them with them.

The approaching Tiedan Shenhou is Shangguan Haitang's adoptive father after all, and Gui Hai's sword may become possessed at any time, which is not very convenient to carry around and may cause trouble.

After fifteen days, Tianyu and more than 300 mortal people got off the ship and set foot on the land of Sakura Island.

"Wherever the Yagyu sect is, let's go directly!" Tianyu said to the leaders of the fourth group.

Long before, Tianyu had asked the four team leaders to place spies on Sakura Island, so he could ask him these questions.

As for how strong the Yagyu faction is, Tianyu doesn't care. Anyway, it can't be stronger than his own side.

Under the leadership of the four group leaders, everyone galloped for dozens of miles and saw a relatively short mountain peak in the distance.

"Master, that mountain is where the Yagyu Sect is based."

Looking at it from a distance, a hint of cruelty flashed in Tianyu's eyes: "Rest on the spot and wait for it to rush forward after dark. No chickens or dogs will be left behind!"

Although Tianyu only wanted to complete the task, he did not mind weakening Sakura Island and making some contributions to the Central Plains.

I remember that in the original plot, the Yagyu faction helped the Iron Dan God to oppose the Central Plains and has always been ambitious.

Tianyu led a group of people to temporarily repair in the nearby mountains and forests, regain their strength, and eat some food.

Soon, the time came to midnight.

"Tonight the moon is dark and the wind is high, which is suitable for killing people and setting fires." Tianyu looked at the sky and nodded with satisfaction.

"Set off!"

Following Tianyu's order, hundreds of people shuttled through the mountains and forests like cheetahs, quickly approaching the Yagyu sect.

The weakest of these people were all second-rate masters. After joining the Yagyu sect, they assassinated nearly half of them like ghosts, and this was only exposed.

I don't know where they were discovered, but with the sound of "enemy attack", the people of the Yagyu faction quickly woke up from their sleep.

They are all martial arts practitioners. The difference from the army is that as long as they wake up, they have strong fighting power.

Therefore, the ordinary people did not rely on others and quickly gathered together, advancing steadily under the leadership of the six team leaders.

Tianyu had already sneaked into the core of the Yagyu sect, where Yagyu Tajima Mamoru lived.

It's just that at this moment, the person living here is no longer Yagyu Tajima Mamoru, but Tetan Shenhou.

"Come out."

With his five hearts pointing to the sky, Tietan Shenhou, who was doing his exercises cross-legged, opened his eyes and said calmly.

Tianyu walked straight out of the darkness, "Master Shenhou, I finally found you!"

Tianyu was not surprised that Tiedan Shenhou could discover him.

Although Tiedan Shenhou is not as powerful as himself, he is still a great master.

What's more, there are loud shouts of killing outside now, so you can guess it.

The Yagyu faction is supreme on Sakura Island. No one comes to attack them, and those in charge will not be careless enough to be assassinated.

"How did you know that I was in the Yagyu sect?" Lord Tietan's expression remained unchanged as he started chatting with Tianyu.

He curled his lips disdainfully, Tianyu knew that this was the Tidan Shenhou delaying time.

Yagyu Tamon is still there, Tiedan Shenhou is just waiting for the other party to kill all Tianyu's people and besiege Tianyu with him.

But will Tianyu be afraid?

The team leaders of the mortal world are ranked according to their strength, which means that the strength of the team leader of group one is the strongest!

Even the strength of the team leaders of group four and group six is ​​not less than that of first-class masters. The strength of the team leader of group one can be imagined, and it is definitely not something that Yagyu Tamon can contend with, so Tianyu doesn't mind chatting with Tiedan Shenhou.

While the two of them were chatting, the people from the outside world of the mortal world had already gathered, and the Yagyu sect was also integrated by Yagyu Tamon.

Looking at the disciples who were missing half of their people, Yagyu Tamon almost broke his teeth.

He looked at the people of the mortal world with murderous eyes: "Who are you, rushing to attack my Yagyu sect!"

If it were possible, Yagyu Tamon would want to tear these people apart, but now the other party is powerful, so he has to be tolerant.


But who knew that the mortals were too lazy to talk to him. One team leader went to meet Yagyu Tajima-no-Kami, and the other team leaders also went to find the powerful elders.

In an instant, the chaos had already begun. The whole Yagyu sect was full of swords and sabers, and people screamed from time to time.

The corpses fell to the ground powerlessly, and fell into a long sleep.

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