One month later, the things arranged by Tianyu have been implemented by Fanchen.

In the name of the imperial court and Hulong Villa, a group of leaders led people to completely eliminate those notorious sects, leaving no one behind.

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Then he first took people to the Shaolin Temple, defeated the Eighteen Shaolin Bronzemen, and met the Shaolin Abbot.

After a detailed discussion, a detailed investigation was conducted for the Shaolin Temple, and half of the Shaolin masters who were second-rate or above were taken away.

Later, the abbot of Shaolin came to Hulong Villa in person, and Tianyu came forward and granted a permit, announcing the legal status of Shaolin Temple.

He also made a statement: Shaolin Temple has been approved by the imperial court and is legal. As long as it does not violate the laws of the imperial court, anyone who destroys his sect will be held accountable by the imperial court!

Of course, the court will not take care of ordinary fighting in the world, as long as it is not evil in nature.

Because this is the martial arts world. If the management is too strict, then there will be no need for the martial arts world to exist.

But even so, the Shaolin abbot is still very satisfied, because the existence of the license can continue to exist as long as it does not violate the laws of the dynasty, and there is no danger of the inheritance being cut off.

For the various sects, this was a guarantee. From now on, the martial arts world and the imperial court were no longer in opposition.

As for defeating half of the masters, that's not a problem. Anyway, after joining Hulong Villa and being incorporated into the mortal world, they are still disciples of the sect.

And it’s not like we only accept our own people, half of the masters from all sects will be taken away.

In this way, there is no such thing as a weakening of the sect's strength.

In this way, the guests and hosts enjoy themselves.

What happened next was much simpler. With the representation of the Shaolin Temple, the Holy Land of Jianghu, all the sects had no objections.

There are even some small sects that take the initiative to lead their masters to Hulong Villa without waiting for ordinary people to come.

These small sects like them have few masters and are in danger of collapse at any time. This is really good news!

After about three months, the Central Plains world has completely stabilized.

Except for the evil sects such as the Flower Picking Sect, the others were not affected at all. They even chatted a few more words after meeting, and the world became warmer.

It's just that for outside spies, it would be a real tragedy in the world. They were discovered all of a sudden and there was no place to escape.

After the incident was over, Shangguan Haitang reported it in person, and Tianyu was also dumbfounded.

Normally I don't feel anything, but after integration, this number is amazing.

After integrating these sects, there are a total of 13,000 second-rate masters, 1,600 first-rate masters, and 83 innate masters!

These are just those who have joined the Mortal Organization, which means they are only half of the masters in the world.

These people, plus the Valley of Evil and anyway, Tianyu can even pull out an army of 20,000 warriors, the weakest of whom are all second-rate warriors.

Put on the frontal battlefield, an army of 20,000 people is enough to defeat an army of 200,000 people head-on!

The only drawback is that it consumes a lot of money, but Hulong Villa has nothing else but money!

Even if there is no income from now on, it will be enough to support these people for a hundred years!

In addition, Tianyu also found some confidants to teach the methods of alchemy, and Shangguan Haitang managed them for unified management.

According to the strength of the masters, their monthly salary is these pills plus some money.

One for a second-rate warrior, two for a first-rate warrior, and five for an innate master.

When the news spread, those who stayed behind in the sect became envious and jealous.

The abbot of Shaolin even came to Hulong Villa in person and wanted to bring the remaining people to join him, but Tianyu refused.

At this point, Tianyu's preparations are completed, and the strength of Hulong Villa has reached its peak.

On this day, Tianyu summoned all the team leaders of Fanchen, including Shangguan Haitang and the recovered Guihai Yidao.

"I have realized something today. If my strength improves even half a step here, the void will be shattered!"

After Tianyu finished speaking, he quietly waited for these people to be shocked and waited for their emotions to calm down before speaking.

"So next, I will make some big moves."

"The day of ancestor worship will be in half a month. All the civil and military personnel of the entire dynasty will be present, even the generals stationed at the border."

"I want to take this opportunity to catch all these people, force the emperor to abdicate, catch all the treacherous officials, and then shatter the void!"

"As for you people, you will be the emperor's secret power and be loyal to the emperor himself."

"So next, Fanchen will go all out to investigate all the officials for me!"

After finishing speaking, Tianyu took the lead to leave, leaving everyone to think slowly.

This matter is too important: not everyone can accept it.

Moreover, he said that after killing the traitor, the void would be shattered, so these people must believe it.

Of course, except for ordinary people, even if Tianyu really wanted to usurp the throne, they would not have any objections and would only follow him.

These words were mainly told to those who joined the sect, as well as Shangguan Haitang and Gui Hai Yidao.

The reason why Tianyu did this was to leave a sharp enough sword to the dynasty.

Although it is only a mission world, it is still a majestic China, so naturally I have to take care of it.

After almost half an hour, these people came out thoughtfully.

Everyone in Fanchen did not hesitate at all and followed Tianyu's order to collect information on civil and military officials.

They will compile a list of the treacherous ministers and give it to Tianyu.

As for those petty greedy people, Tianyu was too lazy to care. If they really killed all of them, who would manage the world?

Shangguan Haitang and Guihai Yidao went to Tianyu.

"Go ahead, what do you want to ask?" Tianyu said casually after taking a sip of tea.

"Are you really going to break the void?" Shangguan Haitang asked first.

She was really curious, because breaking the void was just a legend, and no one had ever seen it with their own eyes.

As for whether Tianyu would rebel or not, she was not very worried.

Because of Tianyu's current strength, if he wanted to rebel, not many people could stop him, especially the emperor still trusted him very much.

And according to Tianyu, under such circumstances, he would not be able to unify the country at all, and it would be great if his rule could last for ten days or half a month.

"Yes, it won't take long, maybe ten or twenty days!"

Although Tianyu returned to the selection space, it was not much worse for Shangguan Haitang and others.

Then Tianyu said in advance without waiting for Shangguan Haitang and Guihai Yidao to continue asking questions: "Hulong Villa will still exist in the future, and the mortal world will remain the same, and you will be the new owner of Hulong Villa."

"Yidao has now controlled the devil, and his strength has greatly increased. I will be responsible for protecting you." After saying this, Tianyu looked at Shangguan Haitang.

Anyway, the two of them have a secret love, and Guihai Yidao will definitely not refuse, so his opinion is not important.

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