The most important thing is that Tianyu saw many people with their faces covered among this group of people.

Although these people are not much different from others, they are short in stature and walk in a strange way.

But if the shoes on their feet were replaced with clogs, it would be very gentle.

Obviously, these people who concealed their identities were the secret agents of Sakura Island, the people arranged by Lord Tietan to come in and disrupt the situation.

As for Shen Tiannan, as the leader of the martial arts alliance and the leader of the Demon Slayer Alliance, Tianyu didn't believe that he didn't know anything.

The scene remained silent, and these martial arts masters had their own thoughts in their minds.

All of them heard what Tianyu said just now, and they all made their own judgments.

Can ten-year-old Tianyu really kill so many masters?

It seems impossible to them anyway.

Although Shen Tiannan said that some geniuses can do it, then why is Tianyu not famous until he knows that the palace only does things?

For a moment, except for a few fools from the Demon Slayer Alliance, the eyes of others looking at Shen Tiannan changed slightly.

In this regard, Shen Tiannan, who is an innate master and has keen perception, also noticed it immediately and had to stand up.

"Hmph, this alliance leader is here today just to seek justice for the various sects. Even if you use your power to suppress others today, I, a member of the martial arts sect, am not without foundation!"

Shen Tiannan had no choice. If he didn't say anything, he would be in danger if people were completely dissatisfied.

So I can only tell Tianyu that I am doing things for others and bind myself to the Central Plains Wulin!

In this way, as long as Tianyu kills himself, the Zhongyuan Wulin will definitely not give up.

And it also reminds others that we are grasshoppers on a rope and no one can escape!

Tianyu understood instantly, but he looked at Shen Tiannan with disdain: "Is this the majestic martial arts leader? I really admire you!"

Then he didn't bother to look at Shen Tiannan one more time, and turned to the other martial arts masters, saying, "Although Shen Tiannan is the leader of the alliance, I think everyone has their own judgment."

His eyes swept over several important figures among them, and Tianyu continued: "Today you have surrounded me in the Valley of Evil, thus exposing your hostility. No matter what I do to you, I will stand firm in morality!"

"Of course, you are all here to seek justice, so it is not wrong, but do you have evidence to prove that I, Tianyu, did it when I was ten years old?"

There was silence, as Tianyu's voice continued to sound, no one could say anything.

Because they really have no evidence, and they don't even know who spread the news.

And as Tianyu said, wouldn't it be a big deal if a ten-year-old baby killed so many martial arts masters?

At this moment, Tianyu continued: "But you are all the pillars of our Central Plains martial arts world. It is not good to lose too much here, so if you leave now, I will never let go."


Before Tianyu finished speaking, two swordsmen suddenly rushed out from among these martial arts masters and attacked the fourth group leader and the sixth group leader beside Tianyu.

At the same time, Shen Tiannan also burst out loud: "Comrades, please don't listen to the traitor's words. Let's go together and kill him to seek justice for our seniors!"

After saying that, Shen Tiannan set an example and prepared to charge.

But when he turned around, he was stagnant in place, looking ahead stupidly, unable to move forward.

Because the two masked swordsmen were already dead at this moment.

"How is this possible? Even if I want to kill these two people, it will probably take several moves. Are these people so powerful?"

Shen Tiannan was shocked. These two people were just Tianyu's subordinates. In this case, even his own high-end combat power might not be able to match them. Who knew if Tianyu had other subordinates?

I chose to attack these two people before just to anger Tianyu, why did I just send them away?

In fact, when the two of them chose the two team leaders, their fate was already decided.

Just when he rushed in front of the two team leaders, Shen Tiannan started to encourage everyone. The two team leaders killed each other instantly with one sword and the other, and by the way, they also watched Shen Tiannan's performance.

Tianyu glanced at Shen Tiannan with a smile but not a smile, and said to everyone: "You can take a look, can you recognize the faces of these two?"

While talking, the two team leaders took off the black veils of the two dead swordsmen, revealing their original faces.

"They are actually people from the Sakura Island Wulin. I know them!"

"What, they're actually from Sakura Island, how did they get in?"

"Damn it, these rubbish from Sakura Island actually dare to come to my Central Plains Wulin!"

A group of martial arts masters spoke out one after another, looking at the two corpses in shock and anger.

The people from Shaolin and other major sects looked at each other at this moment, with many thoughts in their hearts.

They were not fools. Shen Tiannan had seen the performance when the two Sakura Islanders attacked and killed them just now.

If they said this was a coincidence at this moment, they would never believe it.

But before they could take action, Tianyu took action again.

"Everyone, I hope you will stand still and don't make mistakes. We now need to clean up the garbage on Sakura Island."

After saying that, regardless of the expressions of these people, he waved to the side.


Dozens of figures suddenly appeared, rushed into the crowd, and raised their swords at a dozen people.

"Tianyu, how dare you commit murder on the spot and kill a fellow martial artist?" Shen Tiannan's eyes lit up and he jumped out again.

Tianyu was already tired of him, and his majestic aura suddenly dropped.

For a moment, Shen Tiannan felt as if he was being crushed by a huge mountain, and cold sweat continued to flow from the corners of his eyes.


Panting hard, his originally straight waist gradually bent.

But no one cared about him at this time, everyone was looking at the mortal man.

A dozen mortals each dragged a corpse in their hands and tore off their veils, revealing their true faces.

"Are these and this all from Sakura Island?"

"Impossible, how did so many people get in among us?"


While speaking, everyone looked at Shen Tiannan. He was the only one who could do this.

At this time, Tianyu put away his momentum and said: "Is this a righteous person from the Central Plains, fighting with Sakura Island Hang?"

As soon as these words were said, everyone present blushed and did not dare to look at Tianyu.

Tianyu was too lazy to continue playing. Recruiting masters was not easy, and he was reluctant to let his men die in the hands of these people.


Tianyu's right index finger pointed at Shen Tiannan, and an invisible sword energy was like a spiritual snake, thinking about Shen Tiannan's Dantian.

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