Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 632 Hidden Weapon Master

"The mole?"

"Yes, imagine that one of you has been tipping off the news, so how could you possibly escape the tracking of those secret eyes?"


At this time, the one among the three and eight seats who was good at concealment suddenly realized: "Why can't I get rid of that guy? It turns out that someone has been tipping him off!"

Now everything makes sense. It was because of the inner ghost that we encountered this attack tonight. However, the Three Towers and Eight Seats have been restrained by others and cannot come to help. It is also because the inner ghost is secretly Tell the news.

"Damn it, I have followed the God Lord for more than ten years, and yet he actually took refuge in Dongchang. He is really to blame for his death!"

Several other people in the Three Towers and Eight Seats suddenly showed indignant looks.

At this moment, Tianyu couldn't help but look at Gui Hai Yida, and nodded silently in his heart. This cold-looking guy was not completely mindless.

If Guihai Yidao hadn't realized in advance that there was something wrong with that woman at the beginning, it might have been too late by the time Tianyu went to remind her.

But Tianyu didn't expect that Guihai Yida's mind was quite quick. When he thought about all this, he had already realized this, so he drew the knife without hesitation and split it in half.

At this time, I was looking at the three silver needles, which were flashing with a faint blue light. It was obvious that they had been tempered with the poison. If I had just slowed down a little, it was very likely that Gui Hai would have been hit by the poison and die from the poison. .

However, at this moment, a cold and indifferent voice came from the distant roof: "You have done a good job in your analysis and almost hit the mark, but why did you forget about this pair of eyes in the dark?"

When the voice fell, everyone was shocked.

"Who is sneaking around here? Get out of here!"

The boss among the three and eight seats asked sharply.

His internal power is the strongest among the three and eight. When he shouted these words, a rolling torrent formed in the night sky and headed towards the distant roof.

However, this sound made by internal force suddenly dissipated into nothingness, obviously not having any impact on the person in the dark.

After Tianyu heard what he said, he immediately understood that this guy was the person who had been following the Three Towers and Eight Towers for two days and two nights before, which was the so-called eye in the dark.

"It's easy as long as you know my identity, and you'll understand next!" The man in the dark said indifferently.

But his voice suddenly became vague and uncertain, and it was not clear where he was.

However, Tianyu vaguely felt that this guy had retreated far away.

This was a mysterious feeling, and he couldn't explain why.

Suddenly, a ray of silver light lit up in the dark night, and its speed became faster and faster.


Silver light came in front of him, and his target was the boss among the three platforms and eight seats.

The boss snorted coldly, waved the steel knife in his hand, and cut off the silver light with one strike.


The long knife actually made a violent trembling sound, which made the man's wrist numb.

“What a strength”

The eldest among the three eight-seaters was shocked. He looked up at the night, and couldn't help but have a look of horror in his eyes.

This man in the dark fired a hidden weapon from such a long distance, and the hidden weapon was just a small silver needle. He could actually almost break his own long knife. This technique and strength were truly incredible. fear.

Swish swish swish.

In the night sky, the silver needles lit up one after another.

This time, seven silver needles appeared one after another, heading towards the boss among the three platforms and eight seats at the same time.

Seeing this, the boss's face turned pale, knowing that he could only deal with one silver ray with difficulty, and seven silver rays would lead to death.

"Hurry up and help!"

Several other people from the Three Towers and Eight Seats immediately flew out and used their own methods to block all the silver light.

But their results were the same, and they felt numbness in their arms. There was no doubt that the power on the silver light was too great.

"No, this is the hidden weapon master!"

Everyone in the three buildings and eight buildings immediately realized that the person coming was a master of hidden weapons.

In the vast martial arts world, there are many people who can use hidden weapons, but their skills are also divided into high and low levels.

It is said that those who have reached the most terrifying level in the field of hidden weapons are called hidden weapon masters.

The hidden weapon master is unique in the entire world, and is a rare existence.

A master of hidden weapons can be said to be invincible at the same level.

Even in some battles, if one party has a hidden weapon master to help secretly, he can even kill all the others effortlessly.

Because the master of hidden weapons is hidden in the dark, no one can detect it, but he can easily target one target after another through hidden weapons, and defeat them one by one through hunting.

Such a person is difficult to guard against and makes people feel numb. No gang force would want to go against a hidden weapon master.

The faces of Tianyu, Shangguan Haitang, and Guihai Yida also became very solemn. They did not expect that a hidden weapon master would come.

Others may not be able to accurately describe the position of the hidden weapon master, but in Tianyu's opinion, isn't this the modern sniper?

Shangguan Haitang murmured to himself: "Hidden weapon masters are extremely rare, even my master can't be called one, could it be Cao Zhengchun's man again?"

Tianyu beside him fell into silence, he was also thinking, which force did this person represent?

Because as far as he knew, a real hidden weapon master might not sell face at all, even Cao Zhengchun didn't have the qualifications to let a hidden weapon master serve him.

But at this time, the terrible murderous aura under the night sky suddenly appeared again.

This time it was not a silver light, but a purple-red rainbow.

That's right, this rainbow was intertwined in the night sky like a flame, giving people an illusion that it seemed like a raging fire was burning under the night.

"Not good, this is the unique skill of the Tang Sect in Shuzhong, one of the eight unique skills is burning the forest!"

The people on the three platforms and eight seats present were knowledgeable and immediately recognized this move. Knowing how terrible this move was, their faces changed drastically, and they all retreated, hiding behind the house and watching all this in fear.

The color of the colorful clouds became darker and darker, and finally slowly approached the front. Tianyu suddenly realized that the colorful clouds were composed of hundreds of hidden weapons, which were launched in an extremely clever way.

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