These hidden weapons move very slowly, but they are connected to each other and move slowly in the air.

It is conceivable that the people who control these hidden weapons must have a very sophisticated level of internal strength and skills.

And this purple-red color is because of the layer of red paint on the hidden weapon.

And this move is also known as the top hidden weapon of the Tang Sect in Shu, one of the eight unique skills, called Huoshaolin.

"Be careful, this Huoshaolin is very powerful, it is said to be more terrible than my master's rain of flowers and gold coins."

Shangguan Haitang next to him immediately shrank his eyes sharply and slowly retreated.

Tianyu nodded, knowing that this move was very powerful.

And what Huoshaolin is best at is dealing with a multi-person team. In front of this move, the number of people is meaningless.

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Suddenly, the Huoshaolin began to accelerate and flew towards Tianyu and others. It seemed that a rain of hidden weapons fell in the night sky.


Tianyu used the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art to dodge back and forth in the fire forest.

Guihai Yidao, Shangguan Haitang and others took advantage of the corner to avoid all the hidden weapons.

It is worth mentioning that all the hidden weapons in the fire forest are non-toxic, or in other words, the hidden weapons of the Tang Sect in Shuzhong are non-toxic.

This is also one of their symbols, representing the pride in the hearts of the people of the Tang Sect.

They think that with the power of their hidden weapons, they don’t need to use poison, and using poison is an insult to them.

"The fire forest is really powerful."

Tianyu's eyes seemed to penetrate the night sky and saw the figure of the hidden weapon master.


Tianyu put some force on the ground with his toes and flew out directly.

Just now, he had to bear the fire forest just to take advantage of this opportunity to lock the position of the hidden weapon master. Now Tianyu has seen him.

He shuttled across the roof like a phantom and went directly to the northwest.

There was a black shadow in that place that quickly retreated, fell off the roof, and then disappeared in the corner of the street.

Tianyu came here and frowned immediately. He didn't expect that this person could escape so fast in front of his speed.

However, at this time, the black shadow quickly moved to another direction.


Dozens of hidden weapons passed through the corner of the street and quickly came here.

"Not good!"

The three platforms and eight seats were surprised to find that they had been exposed to the hidden weapons. Everyone's scalp was numb and they fled desperately.

At this time, the three platforms and eight seats felt like a miserable prey, locked by the hunter in the dark.

With a plop, the two people had no time to dodge, and immediately vomited blood crazily, fell directly to the ground, twitched all over, and couldn't even get up, and their backs were densely covered with hidden weapons.

"What a terrible hidden weapon master, just like a devil!" The boss of the three platforms and eight seats gritted his teeth and said.

He was so angry that he wanted to find the hidden weapon master in the dark.

But he also understood that the other party was hiding in the dark, and it was almost impossible for him to get close.

Even on the way to approach the master of hidden weapons, one could die at any time.

At this moment, a few cold rays whistled in the night sky. These were several soul-destroying nails, the most common hidden weapons in the martial arts world.

But soul-destroying nails of this speed were extremely rare, as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Tianyu roared, flew high like a wild goose, and then chased in the direction of the hidden weapon.

The opponent actually moved his position under his nose, and then killed two people in the three platforms and eight seats. For Tianyu, all this was undoubtedly a fierce provocation to his bottom line!

However, when Tianyu was in mid-air, dozens of cold rays whistled in one after another.

Tianyu secretly said that he would not make a fuss, and he immediately moved quickly in mid-air to avoid these cold rays.

Swish, swish, swish.

These hidden weapons scraped across the surface of Tianyu's body, and the sharp breath caused his skin to feel a faint pain.

Tianyu was now using the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art, and he could even feel this state. The power of this hidden weapon can be imagined.

It is needless to say what the fate of ordinary people will be when they encounter these hidden weapons.

Swish, swish, swish.

At this moment, the hidden weapon came again, but this time the target was not the three platforms and eight seats, but Shangguan Haitang and Guihai Yidao.

This hidden weapon master seemed endless, and he launched a continuous attack as soon as he made a move.

"It's not over yet, right?"

Shangguan Haitang gritted his teeth and took the initiative to walk out of the dark.

He grabbed a handful of silver powder in his hand and suddenly sprinkled it in the night sky.

"Flowers and rains sprinkled gold and silver all over the sky!"

However, those cold rays directly penetrated the flowers and rain sprinkled gold and silver all over the sky and came towards Shangguan Haitang.


At this moment, Shangguan Haitang was stunned. He didn't expect that his master Wuhen Gongzi's unique skill, flowers and rain sprinkled gold and silver all over the sky, would be so unbearable in front of this hidden weapon master, and it was broken in an instant.

Shangguan Haitang stood there in a daze, without any reaction for a long time, while the cold rays were already in front of him.

At this critical moment, Tianyu, who was dozens of meters away, suddenly raised a palm and released a terrible suction force in the direction of Shangguan Haitang.

"Star Absorbing Technique!"

The cold rays had already reached Shangguan Haitang's eyes, but suddenly they seemed to be forcibly caught by someone, motionless, and then flew out into Tianyu's palm.

"Huh?" A surprised voice suddenly came out in the dark.

Then the hidden weapon master made another move, this time with caltrops.

Caltrops are also an extremely common hidden weapon, but in the hands of the hidden weapon master, their power is terrifying.

Boom boom boom.

The caltrops hit the wall and burst into a violent shock.

The Santai Bazu and others hiding in the corner were shocked and immediately began to move their hiding places.

However, this time, they fell into the trap of the hidden weapon master. The three caltrops were not meant to kill them, but to force them out of the dark.

At this moment, Santai Bazu fled in a hurry, but completely forgot that they had been exposed to sight.

Swish, swish, swish.

Another wave of hidden weapons came, and the members of the three platforms and eight seats fell on their backs, and all these hidden weapons pierced their vital parts, such as the throat and heart.

At such a long distance, so many hidden weapons were launched at the same time, and each hidden weapon could hit the opponent's vital parts at the same time. The skills of the hidden weapon master can be seen.

Tianyu saved Shangguan Haitang, but he could only watch the three platforms and eight seats being slaughtered crazily by this hidden weapon master.

At this time, he calmed down completely, knowing that the hidden weapon master in the dark was very powerful.

Not only was he a hidden weapon, but his own lightness and concealment skills were also very top-notch. He could easily avoid Tianyu's tracking and lock, and change his position to continue to release hidden weapons.

From this point, it can also be seen that this guy is not afraid at all and does not regard Tianyu as a threat at all.

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