This man studied hard for decades and finally became a government official, but now he has fallen to such a lowly position in order to survive.

Tianyu also looked down on him and planned to end his life with a palm.

Suddenly Liu Shaoqiu raised his head, as if he had thought of something, and said with ecstasy: "By the way, hero, I have something that you must be interested in, but I hope you can spare my life!"

Tianyu said coldly: "What is it?"

He has made up his mind to kill this dog official no matter what treasure it is.

However, Liu Shaoqiu said: "It's a piece of iron."

"What? Iron?"

Tianyu was immediately shocked and shouted: "Hand it over quickly!"

Frightened by Tianyu, Liu Shaoqi immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and carefully took out a piece of iron from his body.

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After taking the iron piece, Tianyu input a stream of inner light into it, and immediately there was a fiery red light in the air, faintly appearing.

Tianyu knew on the spot that this was indeed such a piece of iron.

So far, he has obtained the third piece of iron.

"Hero, now I give you this treasure, can you spare my life?" Liu Shaoqiu asked expectantly.

However, just as his voice fell, a golden light flashed, and the dog official's head flew high into the night sky.

Tianyu walked to the end of the alley and sucked all the internal energy of the eight people of Tiancan Bafei.

Although the strength of the eight people of Tiancan Bafei was all above that of the poisonous snake, their own internal energy was very ordinary.

But based on the principle that the mosquito leg is still meat, Tianyu still sucked the internal energy of these eight people cleanly.

At this time, Chu Xiangyu and Tiancan Bafei only had a trace of residual consciousness. In a daze, they would soon die.

Because this kind of martial arts master usually suffers many hidden injuries in his body, and relies on a strong internal force to suppress it tightly.

Now that all the internal energy has been drained, these injuries will burst out violently like a flood. At that time, there is no way to save the situation, and all you can do is wail!

At this moment, eleven figures fell from the sky and rushed to the scene. It turned out to be the three seats and eight seats who rushed to the scene.

"How are you?"

The three seats and eight seats looked at the scene with great concern. They saw the fallen officers and soldiers, and the beheaded Liu Shaoqiu of Huiyang Prefecture, as well as Tian Can Ba ​​Fei and Chu Xiangyu over there.

The faces of the eleven people changed immediately.

Shangguan Haitang smiled bitterly: "Do you dare to come later?"

At the beginning, they agreed with the three seats and eight seats to split into two groups, but two days have passed, and these guys seem to have disappeared.

However, one of the three seats and eight seats smiled bitterly and said: "Master, you don't know that we have been followed by a mysterious person these two days."

"Oh? Followed by a mysterious person?" Shangguan Haitang was a little confused.

The man nodded and said seriously: "After we entered the city, we found someone following us. We then tried to get rid of him, but we were surprised to find that this person's tracking index was too high!"

Another woman took over and said: "So under his tracking, we suspected that this was the spy of the East Factory, so we have been trying to get rid of it these two days."

Gui Hai Yidao next to him suddenly interrupted coldly and said: "You spent two days getting rid of these eyes?"

The dissatisfaction in his words was already very obvious.

Tonight's hard battle, facing hundreds of officers and soldiers was still a small matter. The main thing was that Chu Xiangyu and Tian Can Ba ​​Fei suddenly joined later, which made them almost die. Hai Yidao and Shangguan Haitang were almost dead.

Seeing that Gui Hai Yidao was unhappy, the people of the three platforms and eight seats had to smile bitterly: "Gui Hai, please forgive me."

"Huh? Gui Hai, you seem to be injured, let me take a look."

Suddenly, a woman among the three platforms and eight seats showed a worried look on her face and walked towards Gui Hai Yidao.

Tianyu on the other side also walked over here after absorbing Tiancan Bafei's power.

Seeing this scene, he immediately frowned slightly, and always felt something was wrong in his heart.

The woman in the three platforms and eight seats is good at medicine, and her medical skills are not worse than those of the imperial doctors in the palace.

In fact, the martial arts of the 11 people in the three platforms and eight seats are not top-notch, but each of them has their own strengths. Some are good at hiding, some are good at hidden weapons, and some are good at medicine.

Gui Hai Yidao looked at the woman who was walking towards him coldly, with no expression on his face.

When the woman came in front of him, three silver needles suddenly appeared in her hand.

"Gui Hai, please let me use acupuncture to treat the hidden injuries in your body!"

As she said, she was about to insert the silver needle into Gui Hai Yidao's body.

Then at this time, Gui Hai Yidao suddenly showed a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth, drew his sword at close range, and slashed forward with sword energy.


The woman didn't even have time to react before Gui Hai chopped her body in half, blood splattering into the sky. The scene was extremely tragic.

The remaining ten people in the three platforms and eight seats were all stunned.

"Gui Hai, what are you doing?"

The remaining people in the three platforms and eight seats didn't understand, but Tian Yu also came over at this time.

"This woman is from Cao Zhengchun of the East Factory!"

Everyone was shocked when the words fell.

"How is it possible? Bi Ran has joined Hulong Villa for more than ten years. How could she be from the East Factory?"

Tianyu sneered: "Ten years, so what? In the face of huge temptations of interests, even 20 or 30 years means nothing!"

"But I still think Bi Ran is not that kind of person!"

The boss of the three platforms and eight seats frowned. He even suspected that Gui Hai Yidao was taking the opportunity to retaliate?

At this time, only Tianyu's cold voice sounded in his ears: "Do you know why our whereabouts were exposed and then caught up by these people? It's all because of this woman!"

"What, because of her?"

At this moment, the rest of the people in the three platforms and eight seats were a little surprised.

They couldn't figure out one thing, that is, the actions of Tianyu and his three secret agents were so covert, why were they discovered by the East Factory after getting the token?

And they set up such a big killing game on the street outside this restaurant.

Tianyu continued, "You just arrived in Huiyang City and found someone secretly following you, and then you found that you couldn't get rid of them no matter what. The reason is that there is a traitor among them!"

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