Finally, after chasing for more than an hour under the dark night, Tianyu vaguely saw several figures in front of him, rushing around under the night sky like ghosts.

"Where to go!"

In the quiet night sky, there was a loud bang in Tianyu, like an explosion of thunder, which made everyone's hearts skip a beat.

A group of experts from Dongchang turned around and saw a young man chasing them and others.

One of them immediately recognized Tianyu and said with an ugly face: "This is the newly promoted Dragon Protection Agent of Dragon Protection Villa. He is very powerful. You block him here, let's go first."

As soon as the words fell, these people immediately divided into two camps. Five people took the initiative to stop Tianyu, and the remaining three continued to escape towards the distance with the unconscious Master Baiyu on their backs.

Tianyu's eyes were ruthless, his black hair was dancing wildly, and he rushed towards the five people like a murderous god.

"Five Directions Heavenly Thunder."

The five people roared, and each person raised a palm, and an extremely masculine inner force burst out from the palm.

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The attacks of these five people were so terrifying that they even caused a faint sound of thunder under the night sky. The attacks could actually cause changes in the celestial phenomena.

"Who is this?" A big question mark suddenly rose in Tianyu's heart.

In the original plot, he didn't know that there was such a master in Dongchang.

These five men were short in stature, but extremely strong. At this moment, the thunder and lightning in the palms of the five men suddenly rushed out toward Tianyu.

At this moment, Tianyu's whole body immediately turned into gold, and he stood stiffly on the spot, withstanding the attack of the five-directional thunder.

Boom boom boom.

A total of five violent explosions sounded at the same time, as if explosives were forcibly exploded in a sealed iron barrel.

After the explosion, the five people stepped back at the same time, and then stared carefully.

This look was extremely surprising, as if he had lost three souls and seven souls.

"What? This is impossible, how on earth did this kid do it!"

"Oh my God, my Five Directions Heavenly Thunder has no effect on him."

The five people were talking to each other, looking very shocked, because at this time Tianyu's shirt had been blown to pieces, exposing the skin on his body, without even a mark.

And under the night, although his skin turned into a dark golden color, it was not very conspicuous.

"No, this kid is weird. He has practiced some kind of strong physical kung fu. This kind of kung fu is very capable of restraining our special moves!"

The eldest among the five people immediately realized this and looked very ugly.

"Could it be Shaolin's golden bell cover and iron cloth shirt? But even if the old bald donkey comes here, he should be blown to death by us!"

These five people felt very confused and couldn't figure out what kind of strange martial arts they encountered.

But at this time Tianyu's attack had already arrived. Tianyu waved his golden fists, like an invincible war hammer, and smashed forward fiercely.

The power of this attack was so terrifying that it directly ignored all defenses in front of it.

The two guys raised their palms, trying to block Tianyu's iron fists.

However, after this collision, the two of them screamed at the same time, as if they were hit hard by a mountain peak, and instantly flew backwards and disappeared into the night.


This time, the other three people were startled, and they gritted their teeth and rushed towards Tianyu forcefully.

Bang bang bang.

Tianyu was very fast and punched three times in the blink of an eye, making a sound of metal hitting.

These three punches dented the chests of the three people. The three people vomited blood crazily, fell to the ground, and screamed desperately.

"You can't kill us. We are disciples of Tiansha Star. If you kill us, Tiansha Star will not let you go!"

"Who is Tianshaxing?" Tianyu sneered and walked over step by step.

One of the old men roared hysterically: "Tiansha star is one of the seven stars in the sky and night. Do you dare to provoke Tianye?"

When Tianyu heard this, his heart immediately moved.

Tianye, Tianye again, he had already heard the shadow of this dark force from other people's words, and knew that Tianye was a huge force, a dark force hidden under the water of Wulin.

And according to Tianyu's personal speculation, Tianye's strength must be very strong.

He silently developed and accumulated strength, and he didn't know why, but he didn't expect that one of the hawks and dogs in Dongchang was also related to Tianye.

Tianyu thought silently in his heart, "Has Tianye's influence already penetrated into the dynasty?"

"Even if you are disciples of that evil star, but you provoke me, you will only die now!" Tianyu said coldly.

Then, the golden palm was like an extremely sharp blade, killing three people at the same time under the night sky.

Tianyu continued to chase into the distance, constantly closing the distance between the two parties.

When Yin Yang Tai Sui, who was not far away, saw this scene, he patted his chest and came to the front with lingering fear, looking at the three killed old men.

"It's actually a person from Tiansha Xing. It's really exciting now. That kid actually dares to kill someone from Tianye. He's really scary."

Then Yin Yang Tai Sui stuck out his tongue and continued to chase in the direction of Tianyu.

It was unknown how long it had been, Tianyu and a group of Dongchang people were fighting in front, while Yin Yang Tai Sui immediately hid behind a big tree and observed carefully.

Swish, swish, swish.

Tianyu's figure was like an erratic black shadow in the night, and in an instant, a pair of iron fists hit several Dongchang hawks and dogs, making them scream and fly out.

"Master, are you okay?"

Tianyu saw Master Baiyu, who was speechless at this time, and it was obvious that he was acupunctured.

Then Tianyu directly untied the rope on him and pressed his acupuncture points.

"Are you sent by Tiedan Shenhou?" Master Baiyu asked immediately, looking a little anxious.

Tianyu nodded: "Yes, I am the Dragon Guard spy of the Dragon Guard Villa. I am here to ask you for the third Tianxiang Cardamom on the orders of the Divine Marquis."

"So it's for the Tianxiang Cardamom. I should have guessed it earlier."

The owner of Baiyu Villa nodded, but tears fell from his eyes: "But for this damn Tianxiang Cardamom, my Baiyu Villa no longer exists. It's really sad."

It can be seen that the owner of Baiyu Villa regretted it very much. If he had known that Tianxiang Cardamom would cause such a big storm, he should have given it away earlier.

"Owner, I wonder if Tianxiang Cardamom is still in your hands." Tianyu asked immediately in a hurry.

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