Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 620: Get the Heavenly Fragrance Cardamom

The owner of Baiyu Village nodded: "Don't worry, I have hidden the Tianxiang Cardamom in a safe place. I will take you there right away."

Along the way, the owner of Baiyu Village showed very good light-weight skills, which made Tianyu very puzzled.

Logically speaking, if a group of masters from Dongchang controlled Master Baiyu, they shouldn't have left any means in his body.

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And if Master Baiyu still retains such strength, why was he so plotted by the masters of the East Factory before? Is it just because of the Ecstasy fragrance?

Master Baiyu suddenly asked: "Young hero, do you know where my son is?"

Tianyu fell silent immediately.

Under the night, Tianyu didn't say a word. Master Baiyu sighed deeply, and then let out a cold whistling sound into the night sky.

This whistling sound was like the roar of a tiger in the mountain forest. It was heard from a distance, causing the birds in the jungle to startle.

"Thief Dongchang Cao, I will personally take your head one day!" the owner of Baiyu Manor said through gritted teeth.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped and slowly landed on a hill.

"Young hero, Tianxiang Cardamom is here."

I saw the Lord of Baiyu Mountain digging up the ground, and then a small black iron box came out. After opening the box, there was the third heavenly fragrant cardamom inside, exuding a strange fragrance.

After getting the third Tianxiang Cardamom, Tianyu finally completed what Tiedan God had told him to do, and it came to an end.

And Tianyu knew deeply in his heart that as long as he went back and handed the third Tianxiang Cardamom to Tiedan Shenhou, he would be able to dispel his last doubt about himself.

Then after Tie Dan Shenhou successfully awakens Su Xin, he will expand his ambitions without limit. Next, he will definitely speed up his methods to eliminate Dongchang Cao Zhengchun.

At that time, it was time for the Tiedan Shenhou to really speed up the pace and show his fangs.

And Tianyu will also complete his mission, which is to prevent the Iron Dan God from seeking to usurp the throne.

The owner of Baiyu Village smiled and said to Tianyu: "Young Master Tianyu is young and has great martial arts skills. Why don't you come to my village to get together?"

This place is not far from Baiyu Villa, and it is very dark at this time, and there is still some time before dawn, so Tianyu nodded.

He is not very familiar with this martial arts world. It is best not to rush to a strange place before dawn.

Returning to Baiyu Villa, the flames gradually extinguished, and a group of diners cleaned up the inside of the Villa a little.

When they saw the owner of the village come back, they immediately burst into tears and greeted him: "Master of the village, we all thought you would never come back."

The owner of Baiyu Manor was also filled with emotion. He patted the shoulders of several diners and was speechless.

Then he saw his son who died tragically. Not even a complete body was left behind, and his crying voice was choked with sobs.

An hour later, a group of diners prepared a table of food, placed it in the middle of the hall, and invited Tianyu to join them for the banquet.

But just as Tianyu was about to walk into the hall, his ears suddenly moved and he heard the inexplicable sound of a tile breaking on the roof on the left.

This sound is actually very soft. If it is heard in ordinary people's ears, it will not give off any strange feeling at all, but Tianyu obviously feels a little strange.

Then he looked under the night sky and suddenly saw a gray figure flashing past, it was the gray-robed old man Yin Yang Tai Sui.

Tianyu immediately understood that it was the old guy who was still following him, like a ghost.

Tianyu didn't say hello, turned around and flew out. Then the old man in gray robe walked all the way towards the official road and landed on a big tree.

Tianyu came under the tree and asked coldly: "What's the matter? Tell me quickly."

Tianyu understood that this Yin Yang Tai Sui made a sound deliberately, and he must be calling him out for something.

Yin Yang Tai Sui laughed coldly, and then said: "Boy, I laugh at you that you are about to die, but you still don't know it."

"Oh? How do you say this?" Tianyu was a little confused.

Yin Yang Tai Sui said seriously: "The owner of Baiyu Village is weird. If you dare to eat that meal later, you will die soon."

Tianyu was immediately extremely surprised. Although the owner of Baiyu Villa was both good and evil, it seemed that he had completely defected to Hulong Villa because of the incident involving Dongchang Cao Zhengchun.

And the other party really handed over the third heavenly fragrant cardamom. Why would Yin Yang Tai Sui say such a thing?

"Don't think about it carefully. With the old boy's martial arts skills, can a group of hawks and dogs from Dongchang be able to defeat him?"

When Yin Yang Tai Sui said these words, Tian Yu frowned immediately.

In fact, he had doubted this before, but he just didn't think about it carefully.

Yin Yang Tai Sui slowly fell from the tree crown, and then continued: "According to my guess, the old boy, the owner of Bai Yu Manor, probably has a piece of iron in his hand."

Tianyu blurted out immediately and asked: "Is it the same piece of iron as yours?"

"It's that kind of iron piece. The owner of Baiyu Village must have got the second piece, so he set up a huge trap tonight."

Tianyu Mu remained silent and continued to listen carefully. He knew that there must be more to Yin Yang Tai Sui.

Yin Yang Tai Sui continued: "Master Bai Yu is really cruel and ruthless. His methods even shocked me."

Then, under Tianyu's puzzled gaze, he said slowly: "After Baiyu Manor Master got the second piece of iron, he knew the power of Taishang Jueqing Gong and was afraid that people from all over the world would come to him and ask for the iron piece, so he deliberately Create today’s layout.”

"He knew that the people from Dongchang had come here, so he deliberately pretended to be invincible and was confused by the ecstasy gun, and then deliberately let the people from Dongchang be arrested."

"After tonight's incident, people in Tianye will think that the iron piece must have fallen into the hands of Dongchang Cao Zhengchun. This move is tantamount to diverting disaster from the east, and it is really a beautiful trick!"

However, Tianyu immediately blurted out and asked: "In order to create this illusion, did the owner of Baiyu Villa let hundreds of people in his villa die? And his son was also included."

"Haha, for a hero like this, in order to achieve great things, a son doesn't matter. At worst, he will have another one in the future."

Yin Yang Tai Sui kept saying all kinds of heart-wrenching words, and Tianyu felt gloomy after hearing all the details.

What a ruthless person, what a ruthless owner of Baiyu Villa!

Only then did Tianyu suddenly realize that all of this was indeed a bit puzzling. The connection was really like Yin Yang Tai Sui said, this was a shocking situation, and he was in the middle of it, but he still didn't know it.

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