Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 618: Joining the War

When Tianyu approached Baiyu Villa, suddenly, the whole village was filled with flames and thick smoke.

Tianyu's face immediately darkened. With a swooshing sound, he suddenly accelerated and reached the distance of a hundred meters in just two or three breaths.

This scene shocked Yin Yang Tai Sui behind him.

"Good boy, with such a fast speed, why did you have reservations before?" He then immediately rushed towards Baiyu Villa.

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At this time, he entered Tianyu inside Zhuangzi and was surprised to see corpses all over the ground.

The whole villa was full of corpses mixed with blood, like a human tragedy.

In Zhuangzi, there were dozens of guest rooms, all covered by thick smoke and fire, and some screams could be heard from time to time.

clang clang clang.

Suddenly, Tianyu heard the sound of swords clashing and immediately rushed towards the source of the sound.


Tianyu suddenly saw a group of people in the guest room in the east wing besieging the people on one side.

The people on one side were dressed in black and masked, so their true identity could not be seen clearly, while on the other side were a group of diners from Baiyu Villa.


Suddenly, screams were heard, and a huge head flew over from a distance, like a hidden weapon, and smashed deeply into the wall of the room.

After carefully looking at the appearance of the head, a group of diners from Baiyu Villa suddenly became furious and said, "Young Master, you died so miserably."

Tianyu immediately knew that this person was the young owner of Baiyu Villa, and his head was beheaded directly.

Then a sinister laugh rang out: "Haha! This is what happens when you go against Dongchang!"

Several figures suddenly floated in like ghosts.

Looking at several people with their toes off the ground, floating in the air, wearing white clothes, they really looked like evil ghosts rushing out of the Nine Nether Hell.

"Wait, who is this kid?"

Suddenly, everyone who was fighting noticed Tianyu standing motionless at the door.

And these masters from Dongchang, who were dressed in white and looked like ghosts, were flying towards Tianyu.

However, when they saw Tianyu blocking their way and motionless, they immediately frowned.

One of the guys stretched out a strange sickle and hooked it towards Tianyu's neck.

"Jie Jie Jie!" This man let out a sinister laugh. He liked the scene of blood splattering everywhere.

However, the next moment, he couldn't laugh anymore, because his eyes blurred and the sickle suddenly fell into nothing.

Then his stomach suddenly became cold. When he looked down, he found a huge hole in his stomach, and blood was flowing out crazily, as if for free.

"I, I, I," he murmured a few times, suddenly fell to the ground, and then stopped moving.

But Tianyu just randomly picked up a wooden stick in his hand, used it as a weapon, and stabbed the guy through the stomach.

At the same time, the terrifying internal force shattered all the meridians in his body, and the man died instantly.

Seeing Tianyu suddenly attack and kill a master in white, the situation on both sides immediately changed.

The black-clothed killers in Dongchang and the remaining white-clothed masters were shocked, knowing that they had met a powerful character.

The group of diners at Baiyu Villa were overjoyed.

"Your Excellency, are you from Hulong Villa? Hurry up and help us send these people from Dongchang to hell!"

Tianyu nodded and said coldly: "They originally came from hell. Of course they should return to where they came from at this time."

Look at these guys in white, the martial arts they practice, they are neither humans nor ghosts, aren't they from hell?

"The little bastard turns out to be a subordinate of Lord Tietan."

Several masters in white knew that this was a spy from Hulong Villa, so they braced themselves and surrounded him from all directions.

At this time, the Yin and Yang Tai Sui had arrived. When he saw the tragedy that happened in Baiyu Villa, his face was expressionless and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

Because Yin Yang Tai Sui was both good and evil, it took him less than two hours to eliminate two gangs, with more than 500 lives on his hands.

How could a character like this have any emotional fluctuations because a Zhuangzi was destroyed?

He just stood in the yard with great interest, watching Tianyu perform martial arts against a group of masters from Dongchang.

Bang bang bang.

Tianyu swung a few punches at will, and the white-clothed masters suddenly screamed, and their bodies flew out of the window and hit the yard hard.

However, there was an unlucky guy among them who accidentally fell at the feet of Yin Yang Tai Sui.

As soon as he got up and wanted to continue fighting, Yin Yang Tai Sui's face suddenly turned dark.

"Asshole, you disturbed me and want to leave without even a single apology?"

Then Yin Yang Tai Sui directly stretched out a palm, and the palm turned into a claw, which was as sharp as an eagle's claw, and instantly penetrated the heart of the man in white.

The battle in the room soon came to an end. Tianyu easily defeated several masters in white clothes and then joined the battle group on the other side.

After Tianyu joined them, the group of black-clothed assassins immediately retreated while fighting, retreating towards the outside of Zhuangzi.

However, under Tianyu's powerful offensive, they dropped corpses one after another, until in the end no one could successfully leave Baiyu Villa.

In the end, only a few of the group of diners of Baiyu Villa were left.

They looked at the river of blood in Zhuangzi, and they were all beating their hearts and feet wildly and crying bitterly.

Tianyu didn't see the owner of Baiyu Village and immediately asked: "Where is the owner?"

One of the doormen responded: "Young hero, the owner of the village has been captured by the people from Dongchang. We want to rescue him, but we are blocked here by these people."

Only then did Tianyu understand that there was a more powerful master in Dongchang who had arrived in advance and used the incense method to abduct the owner of Baiyu Village.

So Tianyu immediately asked: "Where are you, Tianxiang Cardamom?"

A group of diners looked at me, and I looked at you, with confusion in their eyes.

"Young hero, of course we know about things like Tianxiang Cardamom, but for such a precious thing, the village owner must have carried it with him."

Tianyu nodded, then inquired about the direction in which Master Baiyu disappeared, and immediately chased him.

At this time, darkness had completely fallen, and Tianyu flew out like a lonely wild goose in the vast darkness.

On the official road, Tianyu's speed is getting faster and faster, throwing Yin Yang Tai Sui further and further away.

"Why is this kid so fast? He's really a bit perverted!"

Yin Yang Tai Sui kept complaining, but the speed of his feet was getting faster and faster, and he was gradually catching up with Tianyu.

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