Then Yin Yang Tai Sui screamed: "What? How is this possible? Boy, what kind of martial arts have you learned?"

Because he was surprised to find that his palm and one of Tianyu's palms were fused together, and he couldn't even pull them away.

And he felt with horror that the internal energy in his body was disappearing again and again.

"not good!"

The old man in gray robe secretly said that something was wrong. In just this moment, his internal strength was lost several points.

These internal powers were the result of his hard work, and now they were all given to Tianyu. Of course, he was not willing to do so.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, Yin and Yang are reversed!"

Yin Yang Tai Sui suddenly let out a crazy roar, and sprayed out a terrifying reverse force from his palms.

The yin and yang reverse and reverse the universe.

The surrounding space seemed to have undergone wonderful changes, and Tianyu was surprised to find that his star-absorbing technique could no longer control the old man in gray robe.

He had no choice but to retract his palm and looked at the old guy running away in the distance with some regret.

"Yin Yang Tai Sui, don't you want the iron piece?" Tianyu shouted from a distance.

Yin Yang Tai Sui in the distance was so angry that he vomited a mouthful of blood: "Boy, this matter is not over yet!"

Tianyu watched Yin Yang Tai Sui disappear into the distance, shook his head and laughed. Now he was even more sure that the Supreme Unfeeling Skill in this piece of iron was definitely very brilliant.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for such a veteran powerhouse to come to him in person.

But Tianyu couldn't figure it out. If the Supreme Unfeeling Skill was so important, why did this guy go to the trouble of handing out the iron pieces?

There were many doubts in all this, and Tianyu did not think about it, but continued to walk towards Baiyu Villa.

This place is less than fifty miles away from Baiyu Villa, which is very close. Tianyu estimates that he can reach Baiyu Villa in about two hours.

"I hope we can arrive before dark." Tianyu said silently, looking at the sky that was about to darken.

However, before he arrived at Baiyu Villa, Yin Yang Tai Sui came again.

"Boy, let's discuss something." Yin Yang Tai Sui said seriously this time.

At this time, Tianyu looked at the old boy Yin Yang Tai Sui's careless appearance, but secretly became wary in his heart.

Although he felt that this old guy was unreliable, Tianyu knew deeply that this man's martial arts skills were very terrifying.

After all, since he came to this world, Yin Yang Tai Sui is the first person who can use his own martial arts to forcefully break through the Star Absorbing Technique in a head-on confrontation.

Of course, this does not mean that Yin Yang Tai Sui defeated the Star Absorbing Technique, but the fact that he was able to escape from that state shows how terrifying he is.

You must know that even those as powerful as Mr. Wuhen and others cannot escape the control of the Star Absorbing Technique, unless Tianyu gives up voluntarily.

What's more, even the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi, who were the only ones in the martial arts world who had mastered the Phantom Magic Technique, sadly died under this move. It can be seen that the Star Absorbing Technique is definitely very powerful!

In the entire martial arts world, it is also the first-class skill.

At this time, Tianyu's mind was silently recalling the infinite world and the reversal of yin and yang that the yin and yang Tai Sui had just performed.

At that moment, he felt that the space around him had undergone wonderful changes, which was simply out of the scope of martial arts.

Just listen to Yin Yang Tai Sui continue to say: "Boy, you give me the iron piece, and I promise you a condition?"

"A condition?"

Tianyu looked at the old guy with some fun, thinking silently in his heart.

"Do you think your martial arts can help me in any way? Do I need to accept your condition?"

Yin Yang Tai Sui immediately thought about it carefully and knocked his head, but he had to feel that it was indeed the case.

After all, Tianyu was able to tie with him at such a young age. Wouldn't he gradually surpass him as time goes by in the future?

So a condition is really nothing to this young man.

So Yin Yang Tai Sui made a difficult decision and raised three fingers: "Boy, I promise you three conditions and unconditionally agree to take action. How about it?"

Having said this, it was already an important decision for him, but he was still denied by Tianyu.

"I'm sorry, I don't need it at all, and a defeated general like you has no right to propose an exchange with me."

"What? Boy, you actually said that I was defeated?"

Yin Yang Tai Sui's eyes widened, looking extremely angry.

However, Tianyu sneered and said, "Isn't it true? You used all your strength to escape from me, and now you are back, don't you admit that you were defeated?"

After thinking about it carefully, Yin Yang Tai Sui felt that his behavior just now was indeed a bit disgraceful, so the scene became awkward and silent for a while.

It was Tianyu who broke the atmosphere first. He said seriously: "It's not impossible to give the martial arts in this piece of iron to you, but you have to exchange it for something."

Unexpectedly, Yin Yang Tai Sui waved his hand and refused: "Boy, if you want to learn from me and reverse the world, it's absolutely impossible. You'd better give up."

Tianyu didn't expect that this old boy was so smart.

Yes, he does have some thoughts about Tiandi Wuji turning things around.

Because he vaguely felt that that kind of martial arts should have broad prospects for expansion.

In other words, if that skill is practiced to the extreme, it is likely to produce all kinds of incredible changes. I don't know how this old guy mastered such a magical skill.

"Boy, I'll tell you the truth, this piece of iron is actually more than one piece."

Tianyu nodded. In fact, he had already had such a guess in his mind. Perhaps only by gathering all the iron pieces could he have a clear view of the true supreme ruthless technique.

Yin Yang Tai Sui continued: "Those who own the iron pieces must go to the Xianyu Heavenly Palace on the night of the full moon on August 15 this year, and then combine all the iron pieces into one in order to spy on the Supreme Unfeeling Skill."

"Xianyu Heavenly Palace, what place is that?" Tianyu asked doubtfully.

Yin Yang Tai Sui responded: "Xianyu Tiangong is a mysterious force that has disappeared for hundreds of years. Even the information from your Dragon Protection Villa may not be able to know its location, so you should give the iron piece to me to avoid wasting it. Good stuff.”

However, after hearing his words, Tianyu was even more unwilling to hand over the iron piece.

"So, it will be very lively on August 15th. I like liveliness the most, so I will definitely go and see it."

After saying that, Tianyu ignored the Yin Yang Tai Sui, because he knew that he had already obtained all the information that he could find out from this old guy, and it would be useless to talk about the rest. He turned around and continued walking towards Baiyu Villa.

"Stop boy!"

Yin Yang Tai Sui was anxious, and when he saw Tianyu ignoring him, he immediately chased after him.

However, Tianyu slowly turned around, with a hint of warning in his eyes.

Yin Yang Tai Sui was immediately startled and quickly backed away a dozen steps.

"Boy, you are smart, but I will follow you like a shadow and bother you day and night to see how you live your life!"

Yin Yang Tai Sui has completely turned into a rogue, giving Tianyu a headache.

"You can follow if you want."

Tianyu ignored him and accelerated towards Baiyu Villa.

Because he was delayed for a while with this old guy, it was getting dark soon, and he had to get to Baiyu Villa before dark.

In this world of martial arts, many inexplicable and strange things happen after dark.

Killers, poisoners, and many dark forces like to choose the moment when it is just dark when they act, so try to arrive during the day.

Finally, at the last moment when the light was about to disappear, Tianyu saw the Baiyu Villa in front of him, standing next to the official road.

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