Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 616 Yin Yang Tai Sui

"It seems that this martial art should be extremely advanced, at least not inferior to the Star Absorbing Technique. It would be great if I could learn it."

But Tianyu also has some doubts in his heart. What does the Taishang Jueqing in Taishang Jueqing Gong mean?

Is it necessary to make a person eliminate his emotions and desires and become a ruthless and unjust person?

If there really was such a technique in the world, I'm afraid it would be extremely evil!

But at this moment, Tianyu can't control so much. What he needs most now is to become stronger.

The most important way to become stronger is to continuously learn various high-strength martial arts.

Although he already possesses the Vajra Indestructible Magic Technique and the Star-Absorbing Technique, two peerless martial arts, who in this world would think that there are too many martial arts skills?

At this moment, an angry voice came from the distance of the official road behind him: "That boy, quickly hand over my iron piece, you little thief!"

Hearing the curse, Tianyu immediately turned his head and saw an old man in gray robe slowly flying over.

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"What a light kung fu!" Tianyu couldn't help but praise.

The old man was as light as a swallow. He spread out his robe and descended like a big bird.

However, when the old man in gray robe came to him, he kicked him without any courtesy.

The wind from the feet was strong, vaguely rolling up the surrounding leaves, forming a terrifying killing move, heading towards Tianyu.

Tianyu was very calm, raised his hand and struck out with a palm. The forces of both sides fought against each other in mid-air, destroying everything around him.

"What a good boy, it turns out you are a master at hiding things!"

At this time, the old man in gray robe was taken aback, with a sneer on his face.

But then his speed suddenly increased, and like a gray shadow, he rushed over instantly.

Bang bang bang.

Tianyu sneered, exchanged dozens of moves with the gray-robed old man, and then both backed away.

"Boy, who are you?"

At this time, the old man in gray robe was really shocked. He didn't expect that a junior who looked so young could actually compete with him without losing.

Tian Yu said coldly: "I am the Dragon Protection Agent of the Dragon Protection Villa, who are you, the little ghost of Fangxiao?"

"It turns out he was the one ignored by the Iron Courage God Hou Zhu." The old man in gray robe nodded, but there was still doubt in his eyes.

"That's not right. There should be no one like you among the four secret spies of Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang and Huang under that guy Zhu Yili. Moreover, if it is those four little ones, it is absolutely impossible for them to fight me without losing!"

"I've already said that I am the secret agent of Dragon Protection, not the four secret agents of Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang!" Tianyu said with an angry sneer.

The old man suddenly felt embarrassed and coughed twice to hide his embarrassment.

"Boy, I don't care whether you are Xuanhuang Tiandi or a secret agent protecting the dragon. In short, hand over the iron piece quickly, otherwise you will die."

Tianyu immediately understood that this guy was the mysterious man who handed out the iron pieces.

"Since you have given away the iron piece, there is no reason to take it back."

Tianyu smiled casually, showed his stance, then ignored the old man in gray robe, turned the horse's head and continued to leave.

"Okay, boy, you have the guts!"

Seeing that Tianyu dared to treat him with such an attitude, the old man in gray robe laughed angrily, jumped into the air, and struck out with a palm.

But this palm was not directed at Tianyu, but at the horse he was sitting on.

However, how could a horse be able to withstand the palm of the old man in gray robe?

Suddenly, the horse screamed and neighed, and fell to the ground dead.

And on this horse's body, there is a huge five-finger paw print, which is blue-purple and very conspicuous.

"You succeeded in irritating me." Tianyu said indifferently, swinging his hand and striking out at the gray-robed old man.

He has absorbed the internal strength of several powerful people, and now his internal strength has reached the level of being the best among the world's top masters.

The gray-robed old man knew how powerful Tianyu was, and he didn't dare to underestimate him, so he immediately used his magical power with all his strength.

The two sides started a battle on the official road. The two fought while walking towards the south of the official road.

But at this moment, the old man in gray robe was shocked.

"Oh my God, this guy is just a secret agent under Zhu Wuli. When did Zhu Wuli become so powerful?"

However, Tianyu was also very surprised at this time. Except for using two magical skills, he had tried his best, but he could not do anything to defeat the gray-robed old man.

From this alone, it can be judged that the old man in gray robe is definitely a first-class master, and he is also a relatively powerful existence among the first-class masters.

"Tell me your name, and my men will not kill unknown people." Tianyu said coldly.

The old man in gray robe laughed angrily: "Okay, okay, kid, listen carefully. My name is Yin Yang Tai Sui. If you go back and ask that old boy Zhu Zhu, maybe you will understand."

"What nonsense is Yin and Yang Tai Sui? Yin is not Yin and Yang is not Yang, why don't you hurry up and be reincarnated in the underworld!"

Tianyu's next words immediately made the Yin Yang Tai Sui's nose twist with anger.

"Boy, I want your life!"

The gray-robed old man suddenly disappeared from the spot and appeared above Tianyu the next moment.

He waved his palms downward and suddenly landed, attacking Tianyu's head.

However, facing this terrifying move, Tianyu just raised one palm upward.

"Haha, you are too arrogant, aren't you? You dare to take my double palms with one hand?" Yin Yang Tai Sui sneered, as if he could see Tianyu being beaten to death by him.

"Alas, it's a pity. Such a young genius, if Zhu Wusi trains him well, he may even break through the innate realm in the future. It's a pity that he will die under my palm today."

However, the next moment, when Yin Yang Tai Sui's double palms touched Tianyu's palm, a wonderful change occurred.

A huge suction force led all the powerful internal force in Yin Yang Tai Sui's palms into the ground.

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