The man said slowly: "We are from the Iron Fork Society. They are the Black Dragon Gang from Dongjun Mountain. We fought over a treasure."

"What treasure?"

Tianyu suddenly became interested. He had heard about it a long time ago. In this vast world, there are many magical treasures, which will make the entire world fight for them.

The man looked embarrassed. He didn't want to say anything at first, but under Tianyu's extremely cold eyes, he had no choice but to smile bitterly.

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Then he said: "Actually, it's not a precious treasure, it's just a piece of iron."

"You're going to have a life-and-death battle with a small piece of iron?"

Tianyu suddenly sneered, knowing that this guy was lying to him. Who knew that this man and the people from the Black Dragon Gang opposite him all nodded heavily.

"Yes, senior, it is indeed a piece of black iron. Without this piece of iron, we would all die."

After hearing this, Tianyu became even more confused. A piece of iron was actually related to the survival of two major gangs?

"Tell me carefully what the reason is." Tianyu asked directly.

"Senior, you don't know something. This iron piece was distributed by a mysterious man. If any gang in the area where he distributed the iron piece does not get it, it will be wiped out!"

After hearing this, Tianyu was a little surprised. How could this person be so cruel?

Distribute the iron pieces randomly, and then divide the entire martial arts force into areas.

If any gang in the area where he distributed the iron pieces did not get the iron pieces, he would personally come to the gang and kill them completely.

In this way, it is equivalent to saying that in an area, only one martial arts sect can survive, while all other sects will be destroyed!

Because this person has made it clear just now that only one piece of iron will appear at a time.

That's why this time the Tiecha Society and the Black Dragon Gang chose to fight here to compete for this piece of iron, because this piece of iron is indeed related to the life and death of their sect.

At this moment, Tianyu opened his hand directly and said, "Where is this iron piece? Give it to me, a senior."

"This is our wealth and life!" One of the men showed a very embarrassed expression.

From his appearance, Tianyu could easily tell that the iron piece was in his hand.

Then Tianyu said coldly: "Give me the iron piece, I don't want to stress any more."

Seeing that Tianyu was a little angry, the man immediately knew how powerful he was, so he had no choice but to hand over the iron piece honestly.

In the scene just now, Tianyu showed off his superb Qinggong, and everyone understood that it was futile to resist in front of such a strong man.

Tianyu looked at this small piece of iron, which even had some rust on it and looked very ordinary.

But after taking it, Tianyu felt a warm feeling in his palm.

"It's so strange, what on earth is going on?"

Tianyu suddenly realized that there might be a mystery hidden in this piece of iron.

"I will keep this piece of iron. If that mysterious man comes, just ask him to come to me." Tianyu said seriously, then turned and left.

"Senior, please stay!"

People from the two major gangs were anxious, especially the Black Dragon Guild.

They have all obtained this piece of iron and can survive the disaster. But at this moment, the iron piece is taken away by Tianyu. When the mysterious man comes in the future, he will never let them go. This is really an unforeseen disaster.

The people of the Black Dragon Society shook their heads, feeling very sad and regretful.

"Forget it, when the mysterious man arrives, we will tell him that he will definitely understand what happened today."

"Oh, that's all I can think of now." The Black Dragon Society people shook their heads and ended the fight between the two gangs.

On the other side, Tianyu continued on the road with the iron piece in hand, feeling the magic of the iron piece while riding his horse.

Suddenly, he was surprised to find that every time he poured internal energy into it, the iron piece would emit a fiery red light.

Then Tianyu seriously poured most of his internal energy into it.

At this moment, red light rose into the sky, appearing extremely dazzling.

"It's so secretive!"

This time, Tianyu was completely surprised.

There was a row of small characters on the iron piece. As the fiery red light appeared, five of the small characters were accurately captured by Tianyu.

The ultimate ruthless skill!

"It turns out that there is a martial arts called Taishang Jueqing Kung hidden in this piece of iron?"

Tianyu tried to continue to input internal energy and continue browsing, but at this time the light gradually dissipated and could not be maintained.

"It's such a pity." Tianyu shook his head.

There are rows of small characters within the fiery red light. It is obvious that this is a skill called Taishang Jueqing Gong. It would be great if I could write it all down.

Three hours later, an old man in gray robe quietly arrived.

He first came to the Iron Fork Club and asked them if they had obtained any iron pieces.

The president of the Iron Fork Society looked sad: "Senior, we had already obtained the iron piece, but we were suddenly snatched away by a young man on the way, and he also asked you to go find him."

The old man in gray robe had a very ugly face. Although he knew that what this man said was probably true, he still felt unhappy.

"The iron piece is an opportunity given to you trashes by me. You don't know how to cherish it. You should be killed!"

As soon as the words fell, the gray-robed old man immediately launched a massacre with his palm.

"Senior, how can you be so heartless?"

Everyone in the Tiecha Society was terrified, crying and screaming desperately, and ran away in all directions.

However, the gray-robed old man was too strong and eventually killed everyone.

After the old man in gray robe destroyed the Tiecha Society, he headed towards the direction of the Black Dragon Gang.

"You are saying that a young man took away the iron piece and asked me to find him, right?"

The old man in gray robe had a look of interest in his eyes.

"Interesting young man, how dare you touch my iron piece!"

He nodded, and just when everyone in the Black Dragon Gang thought they had escaped, a sudden change occurred.

The old man in gray robe waved his palms and flew up and down, killing everyone from the Black Dragon Gang one after another. The whole process only lasted for more than ten breaths, and the Black Dragon Gang ceased to exist.

In less than two hours, the gray-robed old man wiped out the Tiecha Society and the Black Dragon Gang, and then headed up the official road towards Tianyu.

At this time, on the road, Tianyu tried to input his inner power into the iron piece again to observe the secret of the Supreme Unfeeling Skill.

But this time, he didn't know why. No matter how he input his internal energy, the iron piece seemed to be sealed. The words in the fiery red light became blurred and could not be seen clearly. Tianyu felt a little regretful.

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