Tianyu frowned: "Miss Hongxing, what are you thinking about?"

Hongxing immediately knew that Tianyu could hear the feeling of uneasiness in her piano music. Then Hongxing concentrated all her thoughts and started playing seriously. Only then did the piano sound start to sound decent again.

Tianyu also squinted his eyes slightly and tasted it carefully.

However, without the effort of burning a stick of incense, a group of people walked over from Zuixiangju.

The leader of these people was a tall, middle-aged man wearing a brocade robe and walking like a dragon and a tiger. He did not speak, but led a group of men directly to the third floor.

Then Tianyu saw the official Long who came to look for trouble.

"Boy, was it you who beat up my beloved disciple?" Official Long among the dragons, tigers and leopards said coldly to Tianyu.

As his words fell, a group of people rushed into the room and surrounded Tianyu.

Tianyu didn't speak, but poured himself another glass of wine.

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When the wolf pioneer saw Tianyu's action of pouring wine, he immediately stepped back a few steps in fright. A group of thugs around him also knew how powerful Tianyu's drinking skills were, and their faces turned pale with fright.

"Master Long, be careful." One person couldn't help but said.

Of course, the official Long also knew that a person like this was definitely not as simple as he seemed, and he was secretly on guard.

Tianyu didn't answer but asked: "Are you the evil dragon?"

Hearing this, everyone around him took a breath, and even the wolf pioneer turned pale. He never expected that Tianyu would dare to directly say the word evil.

You must know that although these three people, Long, Hu and Bao, have a bad reputation in the world of martial arts. Everyone calls them the three evil people, but in fact, what these three people are most taboo about is that others call them evil people.

They like to be called daguanren the most, so everyone in the Valley of Evil will call them dragon daguanren, tiger daguanren and leopard daguanren.

If anyone dares to say that they are a wicked person, that person will definitely die without a burial place!

In an instant, everyone's eyes were cold, staring at Tianyu, as if they were looking at a dead person.

"No matter who you are, when you said those words just now, you were already a corpse." Official Long said slowly.

But Tianyu smiled. Everyone in the world can talk big words, but how many people can realize what they say?

Then Tianyu looked directly at Official Long, with a hint of terrifying murderous intent in his eyes.

The moment they saw this terrifying look, everyone couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

"What, how is this possible? What kind of martial arts training does this person have?"

At this moment, Long Daguan's whole body instinctively exuded a chill, and he even had the urge to run away.

But Mr. Long understood deeply that as one of the three villains in the Valley of Evil, if he just ran away without a fight and was seen by so many pairs of eyes in this situation, he would not continue to hang out in the Valley of the Evil in the future. .

Official Long waved his hand directly: "Come on!"

So the people he brought immediately shouted loudly and rushed towards Tianyu.

Tianyu can accurately judge from the movements of these people and their pace. These guys have indeed practiced martial arts, but their strength may only be third-rate masters.

Then Tianyu picked up the wine glass and poured it forward gently. When the wine fell into the air, an extremely strange scene happened.

I saw the drinks scattered into droplets one after another, and then continued to fly towards these guys.

Bang bang bang.

How powerful can a drop of alcohol be?

At this time, Tianyu actually used wine as a weapon, and a drop of wine knocked away a loser.

In an instant, more than ten losers were all beaten and flew backwards. The scene was extremely spectacular and strange.

"How can this be?"

Official Long was shocked and couldn't believe what he saw before his eyes.

It was just a glass of wine, and he beat away more than ten people so easily. Could it be that all the guys I have are just paper people?

At this moment, Long Daguan was very confused. He suddenly noticed Tianyu sitting motionless next to the wine table. This man seemed not to even look at him.

So Official Long didn't care much at this time and turned around to sneak away quietly.

But at this moment Tianyu's voice came from behind: "If you dare to walk like this before you leave Zuixiangju, I guarantee you will be killed!"

Although Tianyu's voice was very soft, his words were full of irresistibility.

Official Long smiled bitterly, turned around and walked back honestly: "Senior, I know I was wrong. Please show your respect, senior."

Long Daguan is also a smart man. He knows that people with such means have strong martial arts skills and are definitely not beings that he can fight against.

Therefore, he who knows the current affairs is a hero. He immediately begins to surrender and wants to save his own life.

"I'm not here to ask you to apologize, but to ask you to listen to the piano." Tianyu said slowly.

"Ah? Please let me listen to the piano?"

At this time, Long Daguan never expected that Tianyu would say this.

But then he thought that the reason why he was in this embarrassing situation today was also because of that bastard disciple Wolf Pioneer.

He was flirting with other women outside, competing with others for Miss Hong Xing, but who knew he would meet such a killer.

At this time, he felt that people like Miss Hong Xing were simply a disaster!

Listening to the piano, Long Daguanren was very helpless. What else could he do? He could only honestly move a stool and sit down next to it.

And the group of lackeys behind him were very embarrassed. After getting up, they didn't know whether to stay or run away.

Tianyu's voice sounded: "I left your boss here, why don't you hurry up and call someone to save him."

Hearing Tianyu's words, these lackeys immediately woke up, as if they had received an imperial edict, and turned around and fled from Zuixiangju one by one.

And Long Daguanren, who was sitting in the corner, was completely dizzy at this time.

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