Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 605 Listening to the Piano

"What does this person want? He wants to control me here and then send someone to rescue me?"

He couldn't figure out what Tianyu wanted to do, but the situation was stronger than the person, so he decided to comfort himself and stay here to listen to Miss Hongxing playing the piano.

Miss Hongxing encountered such things one after another, and her mood was completely messed up, but under Tianyu's comfort, she gradually recovered and continued to play the piano.

The sound of the piano was melodious and the melody was gentle, and every note floated into everyone's ears.

Listening to Miss Hongxing playing the piano was a great enjoyment, and Tianyu firmly believed it.

Even he, who didn't like to listen to the piano very much, couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly at this time, carefully enjoying the wonderful sound of the piano.

However, after an incense stick of time, a noisy sound came from outside Zuixiangju.

"It's not good, Mr. Hu is here, you should leave quickly, young master." The proprietress came into the room one step ahead, trying to persuade Tianyu to leave.

After hearing the words "Master Tiger is coming", Master Long beside him suddenly showed joy in his eyes.

It turned out that among the three evil men, Dragon, Tiger and Leopard, although Dragon came before Tiger in name, in fact, according to the ranking of strength, Master Long was the weakest, followed by Master Tiger, and Master Leopard was the strongest!

This is also a very strange phenomenon, and only the people in the Evil Valley understand this.

Master Tiger walked with a tiger-like wind, and brought a group of people behind him, all of whom were second-rate masters.

He glanced at everyone with cold eyes, exuding murderous aura: "Where is that guy?"

Master Tiger was very angry. He was just dealing with a big thing, but suddenly heard that his brother Master Long was left in Zui Xiang Ju. How could this be?

The three evil men have rarely taken action in recent years, but in the entire Evil Valley, no one dared to provoke them easily!

But Master Tiger never thought that someone would dare to blatantly control Master Long in the Evil Valley and then ask him to go and get him.

Then Tiger Evil gave an order and led a group of elites in the Evil Valley, that is, more than ten second-rate masters in front of him, and came directly to Zuixiangju with murderous intent.

Then they went all the way to the third floor, walked into the room, and saw the scene in front of them.

Tiger Evil was immediately furious: "Asshole boy, you dare to disrespect our people in the Evil Valley, you are really looking for death!"

As his voice fell, the others rushed directly towards Tianyu, without any nonsense, and a big battle started immediately.

Facing a group of second-rate masters, Tianyu did not use the handsome kung fu of pouring wine into the sky, but suddenly left the stool.

I saw his feet off the ground, like a phantom, shuttling back and forth in the air.

Bang bang bang.

Tianyu's hands casually slapped one second-rate master after another, and then the whole person twisted and turned back in the air at a very strange angle. The whole process took less than ten breaths.

Tianyu returned to his seat and sat down, then poured himself a glass of wine and tasted it slowly.

On the other hand, all the second-rate masters over there were charging forward.

Some raised their arms high, and the long swords in their hands emitted a fascinating light; while others smiled bitterly, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

In short, everyone's movements were different, but they all rushed towards Tianyu in unison.

Unfortunately, at this moment, they were completely unable to move.

Standing at the door and witnessing this scene with his own eyes, Tiger Evil felt cold all over from the top of his head to the soles of his feet.

"No, this is impossible!" Tiger Evil felt very absurd in his heart.

Just now, Tianyu did not leave the ground, and shuttled back and forth in the air, acupuncturing a group of second-rate masters, and then returned to this scene again, completing it in just a few breaths. How could this be possible?

Tiger Evil was not without experience. In fact, he had also seen the duel between first-rate masters, but it was never to such an exaggerated degree!

At this moment, Tiger Evil thought a lot in his heart, and he secretly guessed Tianyu's identity.

East Factory, Hulong Villa, the imperial court, or a martial arts sect?

With a thud, Tiger Evil knelt down directly.

This scene was beyond everyone's expectation. The great official Long beside him was stunned, the proprietress of Zuixiangju, and all the other second-rate masters, all had their eyes wide open, their mouths wide open, and an expression of disbelief.

Tiger Evil's reputation is much greater than that of Long, and he has always been arrogant and domineering in doing things, full of unquestionable majesty.

But his kneeling action at this time seemed so smooth and unhurried. Is this man really Tiger Evil?

People couldn't help but have such a doubt in their hearts.

However, facing Tiger Evil's tail shaking and begging for mercy, Tianyu showed a very puzzled expression.

"Why are you doing this? I invited you to come here to listen to the piano, why are you kneeling to me?"

Then Tianyu didn't wait for Tiger Evil to answer, and directly threw the wine in his hand into the air.

At this moment, in the eyes of a group of people, the wine turned into drops of water one after another, accurately hitting the key acupuncture points of this group of second-rate masters.

In an instant, the group of second-rate masters recovered, but they no longer dared to go against Tianyu.

After seeing his miraculous acupuncture and solution methods, everyone understood that there was a huge gap between the two sides.

"Senior, spare my life!"

A group of second-rate masters, each of whom would be a famous hero in the martial arts world.

But at this moment, all of them knelt in front of Tianyu without shame, kowtowed to him, and asked him to forgive their previous unreasonable troubles.

However, Tianyu waved his hand again and said with a smile: "I have said that I invited you here to listen to the piano. Find a place to sit."

"Ah, listen to the piano?"

A group of big and strong men, who had never tried such an elegant and vulgar behavior, stayed in place at this time.

"Why, don't you give me face?" Tianyu suddenly said fiercely.

This made a group of second-rate masters tremble, and then a group of men immediately nodded, like chickens pecking at rice, and then lowered their heads to look for stools everywhere.

At this point, there were about 20 to 30 people sitting in the room, including a group of second-rate masters, Mr. Long, Mr. Tiger, Miss Hongxing and the proprietress.

Miss Hongxing felt that her mentality was completely messed up at this time. When she played the piano, even the notes were distorted.

This was not her fault. As a weak woman, when had she ever seen such a scene?

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